Water Intake Help Please



  • VeggieKelli
    VeggieKelli Posts: 232 Member
    Lots of great advice, now I am reminded of my desire for a camelback (too bad the pocketbook will not allow...)

    Anyways, I struggled with this for a week or so, but I used to be crazy about water so it was fairly easy for me to fall back into. Like others, I carry water everywhere with me. I also love club soda (people around me think I'm crazy, but it's so good to me!), and try to drink a lot of decaf tea, sometimes a whole pot in a sitting!

    But ultimately, there are times where you just have to learn to chug in order to get your daily quota in. Like, if I forget to drink water and I know I have to work out, I will have about 4 glasses of water beforehand in a ten minute time frame. That's what works for me, might not be ideal but you do what you can.
  • cthoma70
    cthoma70 Posts: 228 Member
    I buy the 20oz bottles of water in bulk and I drink one with each meal and break, by 4pm I have had 10 cups of water. Just sit down and drink the whole thing, 2.5 cups per bottle.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member

    I used to have the same problem and get back to bad habits from time to time.

    1°) If you exercise regularly, you will notice your performance goes according to water intake..so if your muscles hurt or you are tired, drink a lot water...your body ask for it

    2°) A study showed that if you drink 1l before breakfast, you have 90% (!!!!) less chances to suffer from a cancer, stress, heart deseases, etc.. (drinking a lot of water when stomac is empty seems to be the best cure against many century deseases). You will notice that if you drink a lot of water in the morning, you will be more thirsty in the afternoon.

    3°) When fasting, you jump on water every time you are hungry...and it works. That is also maybe the reason why many suggest to drink water before the meal, simply because it helps to reduce the amount of food.

    4°) I use all of the above for a couple days/weeks and always come back to forget about water. The best one for me is to check the color of my urine: if it is not 100% transparent, I jump on water just afterward (I tend to drink water by 0,5l). That is it for me.

    Oh, I forgot 1: there are applications for water remider on smartphones...they are free and work great depending on your lifestyle (working environment, availability of water and toilets, etc.)
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    I always have a bottle of water near me. My oldest son bought me a Camelback and I agree that drinking with a straw is way more effective. I've gotten in a lot of water using that. For some reason it helps me to drink out of a pretty bottle, too. I fill my bottle with unfiltered water first thing in the morning and just keep refilling it throughout the day. Definitely helps! :smile:
  • Ruz456
    Ruz456 Posts: 99
    Wow these are all great tips ill have to give some of these a try I appreciate the responses, I was actually thinking of buying a camelback for when I go snowboarding, maybe that will be a treat to myself for drinking enough water for a week or so lol
  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    So here's the deal, I really need help with my water intake, I simply don't drink enough water at all. Its not that I don't like water I just don't seem to remember to keep drinking it throughout the day no matter how hard I try.

    So what do you all do to make sure your getting enough water through the day? If any of you have any tips for me to consistently drink water and not just during workouts that would be greatly appreciated

  • Olive32214
    Olive32214 Posts: 543 Member
    So here's the deal, I really need help with my water intake, I simply don't drink enough water at all. Its not that I don't like water I just don't seem to remember to keep drinking it throughout the day no matter how hard I try.

    So what do you all do to make sure your getting enough water through the day? If any of you have any tips for me to consistently drink water and not just during workouts that would be greatly appreciated

  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    I have a 65 oz bottle I fill when I get up in the morning and put it in a spot I will see it through out the day usually by my computer and just make sure I drink it through out the day. I had the same problem I had a doctor even tell me I was drinking to little today is my 4th day of drinking all 65 oz.
  • joyleick1
    I went to Walmart and bought a 1 gallon jug (from the kitchen section) and I fill it all the way up to the top in the morning and drink the whole thing by the end of the day. The longer I've done it, the more that I drink. I could easily drink two of them in a day now. The mind game is: you only have to fill it up once! Rather than having to drink, refill, drink, refill, drink, refill, etc. . . The bigger the container, the easier it is to just drink one time!!
  • ChelleReneeJoey
    I carry my jug o water everywhere :) I never have drank sodas so never crave it and I keep my camel pak full when I hike or run-you can set reminders on your mobile to remind you to drink water every hour if that would help!
  • jedibunny
    Straws. I know that sounds weird, but if I'm drinking water with a straw, I drink on average more!

    Along the same lines, I invested in a Camelback. Why? Because it's SUPER FUN TO DRINK OUT OF. I carry it with me everywhere and chew on the straw. A bit of an oral fixation... I feel like I'm always filling that thing up, because I inevitably drink when it's near my mouth.

    Spend the money. Get a kick *kitten* bottle. It makes a difference.

    My boyfriend just got a Camelback bottle and I kept stealing sips... well, gulps, really... out of it all night when I went downstairs and saw it sitting there. I also don't normally drink enough water (one whole glass today!), so I may be on the verge of buying one of these for myself. I have a reusable bottle which I just never use even when it's sitting near me, and I actually sit about 5 feet from the water cooler at work and just pass it by most of the day unless I'm getting water to microwave for tea. I know... it's ridiculous.

    I'm going to have to take the plunge (hah!) and I'll re-post after I've brought a Camelback bottle with me to work one day.