Laser Eye Surgery



  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I had it done last May, and it is honestly one of the best things I have ever done...and money well spent. I still wake up in the mornings and can't believe I can see! It's wonderful. :)
  • karley511
    karley511 Posts: 33 Member
    Best money I've ever spent! I had it done 5 years ago and it still amazes me each day.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I had it done last May, and it is honestly one of the best things I have ever done...and money well spent. I still wake up in the mornings and can't believe I can see! It's wonderful. :)

    HA! That was the first thing I noticed too afterwards. I'd wake up and think "Holy crap! I can see clearly!"
  • LoriBarefoot
    LoriBarefoot Posts: 218 Member
    I am also thinking about getting it. I work in an optometrist office and one of our Dr.'s had it years ago and it actually left him with worse vision in one of his eyes, which scare me to death! But I believe he is a rarity. My main concern is that I already have Dry Eye Syndrome and Lasik tends to only worsen it. That means my eyes would water even WORSE than they already do now..which is constantly! I'm sick of wearing contacts everyday though and I feel like a big dweeby man in my glasses. Something to think about.
  • lgerweck
    I had LASIK done on 11/11/11 (at 11:11 A.M.! I know because they announced it over the PA system...haha)
    I absolutely LOVE my results... I have 20/20 vision in both eyes and no longer have to worry about glasses or contacts. I had an astigmatism and my dr. worked very well with it.

    The procedure itself wasn't bad at all... I was much more nervous about it beforehand than I should have been. They gave me a valium and numbing eye drops and it was allll good. I also got Ambien and Vicodin for after, if I needed it. The procedure broke a lot of blood vessels in my eye so i had extremely bloodshot eyes for about two weeks after. I am also dealing with dry eyes but it's definitely manageable. I also had a pretty bad headache for about 5 days after the procedure, but I think that was just from my eyes adjusting.

    My insurance covered $2000 of it, so I only ended up paying $700 out of pocket.

    Highly recommend it!
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    Since everyone has already given you good advice I'll just add my lil two cents. I did it 5 yrs ago & I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love:
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I had it done almost a year ago (I'm a youngun') but there hasn't been a single moment in my life where I thought, shoot, I shouldn't have done that!

    To be able to wake up in the morning and be able to see right away is amazing!

    After the surgery, my vision is 20/15
    Before, it sounds like I was similar to you (-5.25, -5.75)

    I do have problems with halos at night, but I really don't drive at night anyways so it's not truly an issue. And it has actually gotten better over time.

    I also had astigmatism in one eye.
  • 1horsetown
    1horsetown Posts: 247 Member
    DO IT!! Smartest thing I've ever done.
  • kedgin
    kedgin Posts: 29 Member
    I had the Lasik eye surgery done about 4 years ago. I am very happy that I had gotten it done and wish I had done it sooner.

    I spent years wearing contact lenses until I started having an allergic reaction to the lenses. I was going to the optician every 6 weeks because I would get a reaction, get it cleared up, wear my contacts for a week and then suffer another bout of an allergic reaction. It came down to a lifestyle choice, either wear glasses everyday for the rest of my life, deal with the reactions every 6 weeks or get the surgery done.

    The day of the surgery, they gave me medication to relax me and then took me into the room. It was definitely a different experience seeing the laser in my eye.

    Within 24 hours, I was able to see my clock across the room clearly. My eyesight is actually better in my right eye and a little weak in the left eye. Now I only need to wear glasses at night when driving in the rain and snow.

    As one of the other posts had mentioned, dry eye is a common occurrence but with the eye drops and gel at night, it is bearable.

    I am very happy that I had it done and would recommend it to anyone. I did a lot of research and comparison shopping before selecting my surgeon, including getting a recommendation from my optician.

    Good luck with your decision!
  • viclee1
    viclee1 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm another believer! I had it done 2 years ago. It was the BEST DECISION EVER!!! I convinced my hubby to get it done and he agrees! HIs was a mild prescription, but he says it's nice being able to see all the little details, like every leaf on a tree! I would HIGHLY recommend it to any suitable candidate!!
  • emswope
    I had it done in Nov 2010. Best investment I have ever made! My prescription was -4.75 and I was still a great candidate for the surgery -- so hopefully you will be too! Best of luck!
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Glad you asked this.. been wanting to get lasik eye surgery for myself but kind of iffy... all you guys make me want to really get it now lol. My eye sight is pretty bad so I have to wear my glasses all the time which I'm tired of. Contacts dry out and irritate my eyes so I dont use them as much. Thanks for all the info!
  • BuffLoveWinning
    BuffLoveWinning Posts: 68 Member
    I what t
  • mjbrowne
    mjbrowne Posts: 172 Member
    I've worked for an ophthalmologist since 2004. Had LASIK in 2005. My contact rx was 1.75 (right eye ) and 4.75( left eye) prior to surgery. I was 20/15 in sunlight for about 2 years after surgery. Gradually regressed a little; I'm now about 20/30 with both eyes. (I am 35 years old.) This regression is normal as you age (most everybody will need reading glasses after age 40, no matter WHAT).
    I DID finally get a pair of glasses for night driving last year. I dont' need them normally, but if I'm in an unfamiliar area and looking for street signs, it helps me see clearly at a distance. Dry eyes is a typical post-surgery problem. It was worse the first few year, now I rarely need drops (OTC). The only thing no one warned me about was....YOU CAN"T SEE 3D MOVIES THE SAME! My Dr laughed at me when I complained..said he's NEVER had an ADULT complain. I can see the 3D now..but I couldn't at first..and ti's not as vivid as before.
    My sister is NOT a candidate because her vision is too bad (her contact rx is around a 8 or 10, I think).
    It is WELL worth the $ changed my life. It's so nice to jump in the pool with the kids or go camping and not pack my glasses AND contacts. Please inbox me if you want more info. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    It was the best thing I could have done for myself, I wish I had done it sooner. I had it done December 2010 at the age of 39, so I'm at a point where I my eye sight will change any moment. But I'm still glad I had it done, no more contacts or glasses.

    The Xanax helped relax my nerves it wasn't a bad experience everything went smoothly. I experienced some pain after stopping use of the antibiotic eye drops, but it lasted a few days. It really was money well spent.
  • McPenguin
    I'm guesing you've had your script done, so just check that you're within the limit for the surgery.

    Here in Aus they'll only do laser on up to -7, might be 7.something.

    My myopia is too strong to be corrected with laser so I'm stuck with contacts for another 10yrs+ until the permanent lens technique gains more understanding. :(

    I didn't realise there was a limit. My worst eye is -5.75 so hopefully OK. That's a shame you can't get yours corrected. Sounds like you would definitely go for it then?

    Each surgeon sets their own limit, and some countries may have their own guidelines. My aunt here in Canada had hers done a few years ago... she was a -8. something... and it has been an incredible blessing to her as she felt mostly blind beforehand.

    At -5.75... you'll be just fine pretty much no matter where you go.