Tales from the Work Toilet



  • bettyford4202
    bettyford4202 Posts: 43 Member
    Hahahahaha that's hilarious!
  • thedrummer1978
    thedrummer1978 Posts: 31 Member
    I work from home now. But when I did work in an office - we had a few weeks where they were doing construction in the building. Since there wasn't access to the bathrooms they built a bathroom trailer outside. It actually wasn't that bad. But there were only 3 stalls. Well there was always a line. One time I am in line and this woman comes out of the stall and heads to the sink. Naturally I go in to the stall next. She then bangs on the stall door. Almost gave me a freakin heart attack.. I notice she had left her briefcase in the stall. So I say 'one second Im still going'. She bangs again. Finally I button up and open the door. This psycho is standing with her hands on her hips and says 'I left my case in there on purpose while I washed my hands'.
    I said - well there were a lot of people waiting and you can't really occupy the stall with your personal items.
    She tells me...and I am dead serious " I can DO what I WANT'.
    Oh Ok. - So I smile and reach over a grab her case. (Unwashed hands and all)
    Here you go. Have a nice day.
    She just stood there in shock.
    Seriously shes lucky I didn't outright pee on it.

  • bettyford4202
    bettyford4202 Posts: 43 Member
    Hahahahahaha that's hilarious!
    Boy, I love where I work..... Especially when someone comes into the bathroom and announces on their way to the stall, "Oh, I'd better grab my 'wipies' in case I do a 'poopy!'" THEN, upon grabbing 'wipies' from cupboard and going into the stall, says with great joy, "My bowels are about to be so happy!!"

    What are some of your work bathroom horror stories??
    We have one guy that brings in his iPad to the stall. We have a janitor that talks to you while you are peeing.

    I use the short urinal so i can feel like a giant. When I am alone in there I say "HO HO HO".
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Judging from this I am really glad the bathrooms where I work are fairly clean... well the ones i use are.

    But I do have guys that stop by my office just to tell me they are going to poop... these are grown men, my office is about 10 feet from their bathroom - I do NOT need to know this.

    They have also broke their toilet 3 times since I started working here in june.. and by broke I mean broke. For some reason some of the guys stand on the toilet to go to the bathroom, I do not know who or why but they do.

    At my old job, we had guys that would deficate on the floor constantly, they peed in the drains.. the women would wipe nasty stuff on the walls and not clean it up, and we actually had to have signs put up that said "please wrap and dispose of feminine products."

    There are so many stories...
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    LOL I like how its like 90% women.

    I always thought men were the disgusting sex until I worked as a leasing agent during college at my apartment complex. We would have to clean out abandoned apartments or conduct checks - some of the women who lived there (and this was a really nice, expensive complex) lived in the foulest conditions you could imagine.

    In fact, we had a random roommate paired up with us our junior year that lived on the other side of the apartment. Her room was so foul that it stunk up our entire apartment. When she left one day, I snuck into her room to take pictures and report it to my manager because my other roommate and I were actually getting headaches from the stench. You couldn't see the floor, there was so much stuff everywhere. The bathroom floor was full of dirty kitty litter and cat poop. There were piles and piles of unwashed dishes and moldy food and rotting containers. It was disgusting. I couldn't believe a girl made that mess.
  • capaxinfiniti
    capaxinfiniti Posts: 367 Member
    LOL I like how its like 90% women.

    I always thought men were the disgusting sex until I worked as a leasing agent during college at my apartment complex. We would have to clean out abandoned apartments or conduct checks - some of the women who lived there (and this was a really nice, expensive complex) lived in the foulest conditions you could imagine.

    In fact, we had a random roommate paired up with us our junior year that lived on the other side of the apartment. Her room was so foul that it stunk up our entire apartment. When she left one day, I snuck into her room to take pictures and report it to my manager because my other roommate and I were actually getting headaches from the stench. You couldn't see the floor, there was so much stuff everywhere. The bathroom floor was full of dirty kitty litter and cat poop. There were piles and piles of unwashed dishes and moldy food and rotting containers. It was disgusting. I couldn't believe a girl made that mess.

    Girls are disgusting to live with (not all girls, but some girls live outright filthy). I had a roommate that would keep all her tampons and stuff like that all in a bag and keep it under her bed. UGH! I moved out as fast as I could!
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    Y'all make me LOL and now I know that I am not alone, and I have a story to match each one told!...We have 2 men and 38 women in the office I work at...OMG...the ladies only restroom is NASTY!! I actually had to send out an email to remind people to flush the toilet. The bathroom is next to my office so I get the impleasantries ALLLLLLL day. I keep a HUGE can of lysol so I can "defunk" my office space. Women's restrooms, in general, are always disgusting...it blows me away!
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    I have 2:

    When I was a teenager, I worked in a drug store with my Mom and Stepdad. Everyone now and then, a customer would have to use the toilet, which was in the office area. One elderly lady came in and asked in a very rushed tone if she could use the toilet, that it was an emergency, so the pharmacist let her go back. EXPLOSIVE is the only word for it. EVERYWHERE. Walls, floor, toilet, sink. Thank the LORD I didn't have to clean it up, but my stepdad did. He can still get ill from thinking of it, and that was 25 years ago.

    One of my current co-workers, whom I love, takes a lot of meds that give her "trouble" in the bathroom. Trouble as in, it's hard for her to go, and when she does, it is tough. She ALWAYS has to flush a few times. Anyway, one day I knew she was in the bathroom, and was in there forever. Finally, she comes out and says, "You're going to have to call the plumber. I have clogged the toilet. I've been in there with the plunger for 20 minutes, and it's not going anywhere!" Needless to say, we've had fun teasing her about it since!
  • mandygal13
    mandygal13 Posts: 219 Member
    Y'all make me LOL and now I know that I am not alone, and I have a story to match each one told!...We have 2 men and 38 women in the office I work at...OMG...the ladies only restroom is NASTY!! I actually had to send out an email to remind people to flush the toilet. The bathroom is next to my office so I get the impleasantries ALLLLLLL day. I keep a HUGE can of lysol so I can "defunk" my office space. Women's restrooms, in general, are always disgusting...it blows me away!

    Febreze is our friend here. It's really does cut the stench and leaves a more pleasant odor.
  • robinpickles
    robinpickles Posts: 78 Member
    Ask the company to install one of those water squirty toilets (bid-ay?<Sp>)
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    Boy, I love where I work..... Especially when someone comes into the bathroom and announces on their way to the stall, "Oh, I'd better grab my 'wipies' in case I do a 'poopy!'" THEN, upon grabbing 'wipies' from cupboard and going into the stall, says with great joy, "My bowels are about to be so happy!!"

    What are some of your work bathroom horror stories??
    We have one guy that brings in his iPad to the stall. We have a janitor that talks to you while you are peeing.

    I use the short urinal so i can feel like a giant. When I am alone in there I say "HO HO HO".

    that just made me laugh soooooo hard!!!!
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    Y'all make me LOL and now I know that I am not alone, and I have a story to match each one told!...We have 2 men and 38 women in the office I work at...OMG...the ladies only restroom is NASTY!! I actually had to send out an email to remind people to flush the toilet. The bathroom is next to my office so I get the impleasantries ALLLLLLL day. I keep a HUGE can of lysol so I can "defunk" my office space. Women's restrooms, in general, are always disgusting...it blows me away!

    Febreze is our friend here. It's really does cut the stench and leaves a more pleasant odor.

    LOL tried that, and plug-ins, and other room sprays...can't light candles, so I had to go with the big guns...lysol seems to completely wipe-out the stench.
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    At my old job someone had used the floor as their own toilet. The building had a lot of security and only employees could get in, which means that one of my co-workers did it.

    that happened at my old workplace too. I'm friends with one of the cleaning girls who was forced to clean it up. Literal Sh** EVERY WHERE!! All of the toilet, floor, walls (and not just in that stall either)..... made with their hands!!!! YUCK!!! I felt sooo bad for her!
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    My story is super-gross! We have a woman at our office who has some serious hygiene issues and apparently does not bathe on a regular basis or just has a problem reaching certain spots. Ewwww I know. We are talking nasty rotten stinky....... Well let's just say that the bathroom smells like dead fish after she's been in there, I mean it is super over powering gross!!! My co-workers and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with a way to deal with this delicate situation. Any suggestions would be welcome!!!!!

    Talk to your boss confidentially and ask him/her to deal with it. That's really unprofessional.
  • eacatterton
    eacatterton Posts: 145 Member
    I work in a warehouse office, and the only bathroom available is connected to my office, seperated by a cheap sheetrock wall. Needless to say, you can hear EVERYTHING in there. My horror story is my coworkers son. He comes in sometimes to help and he is one that seems to run to the bathroom every hour. OMG the stink, and not only that, but he does not flush his "paper". He puts it in the trash can. How do you correct something like that? Gross.
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I work from home now. But when I did work in an office - we had a few weeks where they were doing construction in the building. Since there wasn't access to the bathrooms they built a bathroom trailer outside. It actually wasn't that bad. But there were only 3 stalls. Well there was always a line. One time I am in line and this woman comes out of the stall and heads to the sink. Naturally I go in to the stall next. She then bangs on the stall door. Almost gave me a freakin heart attack.. I notice she had left her briefcase in the stall. So I say 'one second Im still going'. She bangs again. Finally I button up and open the door. This psycho is standing with her hands on her hips and says 'I left my case in there on purpose while I washed my hands'.
    I said - well there were a lot of people waiting and you can't really occupy the stall with your personal items.
    She tells me...and I am dead serious " I can DO what I WANT'.
    Oh Ok. - So I smile and reach over a grab her case. (Unwashed hands and all)
    Here you go. Have a nice day.
    She just stood there in shock.
    Seriously shes lucky I didn't outright pee on it.

  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I took a deuce on my Platoon Leader's Up Armor HMMWV's hood in Afghanistan when we had one of our vehicles break down on a patrol and we had to stop for a couple of hours. Does that count?

    Everyone on the truck, including the gunner, fell asleep because we had been out on mission for 9 days already. So I just jumped at the opportunity to get my lieutenant. He wasn't pleased at all, especially at his gunner for falling asleep and not watching his sector.

    Sounds like something some of guys in my husband unit would do. :/
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    At my old job someone had used the floor as their own toilet. The building had a lot of security and only employees could get in, which means that one of my co-workers did it.

    that happened at my old workplace too. I'm friends with one of the cleaning girls who was forced to clean it up. Literal Sh** EVERY WHERE!! All of the toilet, floor, walls (and not just in that stall either)..... made with their hands!!!! YUCK!!! I felt sooo bad for her!

    Do you work with apes or infants??!! Seriously, what adult person does that?
  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    At my old job someone had used the floor as their own toilet. The building had a lot of security and only employees could get in, which means that one of my co-workers did it.

    that happened at my old workplace too. I'm friends with one of the cleaning girls who was forced to clean it up. Literal Sh** EVERY WHERE!! All of the toilet, floor, walls (and not just in that stall either)..... made with their hands!!!! YUCK!!! I felt sooo bad for her!

    Do you work with apes or infants??!! Seriously, what adult person does that?

    ha! I wish it was one or the other!! No, full-grown adult men, who obviously feel the world is their toilet!
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Nothing spectacular here, but here's mine. The staff restrooms are single-seaters, about 4' x 4' or so. EVERY DAY someone who has just finished about 10 cigarettes and absolutely blows the toilet up. No mess left behind but the stench is terrible, and combined with plentiful stale cigarette smoke is just about too much to handle.
