

  • smackadoodle
    smackadoodle Posts: 121 Member
    I have been dieting and adding exercise since July 2011 and lost 7 pounds. After I gained one! But I now have muscle mass and am way less flabby so I look better overall. Keep it up particularly when you feel discouraged. That is the real test of keeping it off. Good luck!
  • andiimarie
    andiimarie Posts: 114 Member
    2 words.... measure and pics

    Definitely this!

    I am also losing very slowly... only 2 pounds for all of January... but I measured and I actually lost 2.5 inches off my waist and 2 inches off my hips. Despite the scale not moving, this is still success. Start measuring!
  • April1974coburn
    Not being rude but how old are you? As I've gotten older it is becoming a lot harder... I was running 15 - 20 km a week and gym training 3 times a week in 2011 and ended the year 3lbs heavier than I started it!

    I am 37!!!! I know that it will only get harder as I get older and that is so depressing lol!!! But I promised myeself I will not give up and i wont and It sounds like you are not giving up either. Congrats then to us both!
  • twistedge
    Weight training is also critical to replacing the muscle that you lose during weight loss. Fat is readily burned by the body, but lean muscle is always broken down as well. The more weight you have to lose, the higher the percentage of fat that is burned... but that equation starts to skew as you approach your goal weight.

    Anyone losing significant weight should be adding weight/resistance training to their weekly schedule... for lots of good reasons.
  • x9livesx
    Will stay positive mentally! I have a little story, today is my first day doing MyfitnessPal but before just with eating foods with protein and drinking water i was 270 and dropped to 248 in one month by lefting weight and riding a bike 30 mins a day. so depend on the people who stay positive in your life and maybe keep out a pair of pants that you can't fit and try them on every other day dont focus on the scale = depression check the scale once a month. Use other source to see weight lost like the pants good luck and see you at the top of the hill. :bigsmile:
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,439 Member
    Don't let yourself be discouraged. Pick yourself back up and just focus on being healthy and doing the right thing for your body. It sounds like other posters have given you some great advice to follow. Give it a try and remember how many of us care and are there for you! :flowerforyou:
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    It's hard to say, but 9 times out of 10 it's too few calories or the wrong kind of calories. Gotta fuel the fire, babe. If you go to settings under the food tab and make your diary public, we can really see what's going on and offer more specific help. If it's what we all think it is, you will find it's not as hard as you think. Hang in there, you will find find the right balance and be really happy with the lifestyle and results.

    This is a lifestyle and because we are all different, sometimes you have to customize your MFP calorie goals and percentages to find the right balance for you. Stick with it, but tweak it here and there to see what works for you. I'm sure I've got way more weight to lose than you do, but feel free to add me as a friend and see what I'm up to.
  • Lynda4aska
    I am completely on the same page !! started at 170 with MFP at the beginning of Jan in hopes to lose 20 by mid-March for a vacation. While I appreciate what it's taught me - healthier eating, more moderate eating, exercise - I am bummed at only having lost 5 little pounds. Ya, ya, better than none, but NO WHERE NEAR what I wanted to be at, so getting pretty discouraged. Everyone says, take it slow, keep on it, but I am ready to give up! and get bck to enjoying life.

    As a last result, I decided to take a break for a week from MfP, and try the sknny belly diet, and stick to it.

    So, I'll be back next week with results!

  • moniqueb39
    moniqueb39 Posts: 30 Member
    Don't give up! I had to start eating more in order to start losing weight. Sounds strange, I know, but the body stops burning the pounds if you operate at too low of a calorie deficit. And remember that the scale is not your friend! It lies!! I have only lost 5 ridiculous pounds since I started actively working out. My clothes tell the whole story, while the scale only tells one side. I am wearing pants that I haven't been able to zip in 3 years. I can wear a 34 bra instead of a 36. Those are the little things that help me stick my tongue out at the scale instead of letting it bring me down!

    I appreciate this!!
  • Wrigleymom
    I really believe it is more in what you eat than how much you work out. I would look at your food journal and see if you can cut back on carbs, processed food (usually high in sodium) and look for hidden sugars.
  • MaggiePuccini
    MaggiePuccini Posts: 248 Member
    I never seem to lose any weight, but my shape and my measurements and my muscle:fat ratio are constantly changing. Have you measured yourself as well? I tend to go by that now, as I could watch every morsel and work out 6 nights a week and my weight just NEVER changes...... (sorry that is not very motivational. but at the same time, i don't think that it is that discouraging either!).
  • mlc3409
    mlc3409 Posts: 45 Member
    Maybe I am being ridiculous but I am so discouraged this morning and could really use some inspiration. I started in the beginning of January 2012 at 171 and this morning 6 weeks later am 168.8. I go to Zumba 3 to 4 times a week, given up pop all together and been on track for my calories and still really not seeing movement. Should I be discouraged or is this all in my head?:sad:

    Double check all your settings. Go through your FOOD/EXERCISE diary settings. Check your weight, height, activity level (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT) if it is set wrong your calories will be off, Exercise goal and how much you want to lose a week.

    make sure these things are set correctly. Then you have to watch that you are not eating too much of what your body doesn't like. If you gain quickly on Carbs then Increase your Proteins and reduce carbs. Remember that the smaller you are the less you are going to drop quickly. Someone my size drops fast at first because it is mostly water weight that we are shedding. You are actually losing FAT and with Zumba you could be trading the FAT BURNED For LEANER MUSCLE ....Unfortunately you will not see much of a change at the Scale but you will see a change in your measurements. SO give those a check.

    Yea yea..i know people say muscle weights more then fat ...GRRRR I hate that saying >...NO IT DOESN'T The thing is that Muscle is Leaner then Fat so it shows less on your body. the WEIGHT on the scale will still show the same... so I wouldn't get too discouraged I would check your Measurements. Increase your Proteins and water intake. watch your Sodium.

    Best wishes on your journey to a healthier you!!
  • mrsbastone
    mrsbastone Posts: 83 Member
    I am in the same boat. After losing 50 pounds I am at a complete stop. I eat about 1500 calories (mostly healthy), cut out most sugar, and I am working out 6-8 hours a week. (two hours being strength training classes at the YMCA) . I am racking my brain what I need to do in order to get back on track. A lot of people are saying be sure to eat enough calories. Is 1500 to little???
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    have you been measuring your body? seriously, you should. often when you don't see any difference on the scale you'll see a difference in your measurements.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I agree with TASO42. It is hard to tell what is wrong without seeing your food/workouts.

    TASO42.....love the pic....respect my authority!!
  • sschmidt928
    sschmidt928 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't panic.

    If you're keeping good track of intake and exercise, and you're operating at a deficit as outlined by MFP, the weight will fall off.

    It just takes time.

    Ignore the scale for a few weeks. Don't be tempted by its shiny spinning dial. Get out a tape measure to keep track of your measurements instead. Look at your clothes to see how they're fitting.

    Take a minute to celebrate the fact that you can exercise longer and with greater intensity. You're doing great things for your heart, metabolism, strength and endurance. Exercise has dramatically lowered your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more.

    Good luck!

    This is one of the most positive bits of advice I've seen on this site in a long time. Thanks - you helped me out with this one too!
  • MummyOfSeven
    MummyOfSeven Posts: 314 Member
    Don't lose heart.

    I'm on day 216 (31wks tomorrow) and I've 'only' lost 20 lb. Many people here for that long have lost more than twice as much.

    It's slow, it's painful, but it's STAYING OFF.

    It's not a race, it's a lifestyle change. Don't beat yourself up. It WILL happen :flowerforyou:
  • KaiteeKarrot
    Don't panic.

    If you're keeping good track of intake and exercise, and you're operating at a deficit as outlined by MFP, the weight will fall off.

    It just takes time.

    Ignore the scale for a few weeks. Don't be tempted by its shiny spinning dial. Get out a tape measure to keep track of your measurements instead. Look at your clothes to see how they're fitting.

    Take a minute to celebrate the fact that you can exercise longer and with greater intensity. You're doing great things for your heart, metabolism, strength and endurance. Exercise has dramatically lowered your risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more.

    Good luck!

    ^^^^^^ I love this piece of advice, both for myself and for you! I'm so so sorry you've been working so hard and you feel like there's no change. I was feeling like this just a few days ago. I'm doing this intensive kick-boxing workout class, it's six days a week, and I've worked so hard. Well, we had a five week "fitness test" where we got measured and competed against our first week selves. There was not a lot of improvement for me and the scale said I was only 1 POUND lighter!!!!!! However, I reached this level of thinking thats made me feel so much better, I figured after five weeks of hard work its impossible that nothings changed, i just dont see the results on the outside right away, but the results on the inside must be tremendous! Just think if you hadn't started six long weeks ago, what your insides would be looking and feeling like, but with six weeks of hard work and good diet I bet they're looking pretty damn fine!! I'm sure it will start appearing on the outside soon. Best Wishes Hun.
  • fit4everyoung
  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    Pay no attention to which board you should or should not have posted in. And definately don't apologise. We're all in the same boat here, trying to change our lives so we feel and look better - some people acheive that quicker than others.

    Please don't be discouraged, you have made a momentous decision to change your lifestyle and do something for YOU, and I know the results can be frustrating sometimes, but you need to stick with it. When I first started Zumba, my scales didn't move AT ALL, but I went down a pant size! Your body does strange things sometimes, and it might not always play the numbers game, but you will have done some good for yourself somewhere along the way. Take photos - because you see yourself every day, you won't notice a difference, but the camera will....

    Don't give up!