exercise for big people

can you help me with a routine that I can do, besides walking cause i know that ;0) but at home.. for someone my size that will be affective and help me loose weight?


  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    Walking is great. Keep it up. If the weather makes it hard for you to walk outside, you can purchase a Leslie Sansome walking DVD for walking in the house. After you lose some weight you can up the speed of your walking. There are resistance bands you can use to build strength which will help. Have you thought about a personal trainer, if you can afford one. Your daily calories are supposed to be figured so that you can lose without exercise but you should talk to your Doctor to see how much he suggests you do. I have been fighting my weight for at least two years because of surgery on my knees and the weight made my hips hurt. Now that I've started walking again and lost 9 pounds the hips are not as quick to fire with pain. You just have to be patient and take it one day at a time.

    Keep on doing what you're doing. As you go along things will get better. I don't know if this helps. Someone else may have much better suggestions. You're young and it just takes time. :flowerforyou:
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    Don't be afraid to lift weights. Building some muscle will help you burn more calories. I have five and ten pound weights and they're helping tremendously. I already look thinner even though I haven't lost much.

    Back when I had a personal trainer one of the exercises he always had me do involved not sitting down. I would stand, pretend like I was sitting and hover over the bench or chair (in case I fell), stand up again, pick up a weight (when I didn't have weights I'd use household objects), squat, stand up, put it down, squat, stand up again. Repeat. Really simple, anybody can do it.

    You can do this!
  • marquesajen
    Dance! Sorry, I'm on a dance kick, that's my answer to everything today. But seriously, dancing is a great workout and it is fun. I dance with my doors locked so no one walks in on me (awkward!) and I work up a sweat pretty quickly. Even if you just dance for 5/10 minutes here and there that is something. Going up and down stairs is great as well, sometimes I go up and down the stairs in my building (and hope no other tenants come in!) because it winds me just going up once! Let's see, what else...walking, like you said, making sure to swing those arms, if there is a park near by with some hills that is a good way to get some variety and some good scenery. I hate walking the same way everyday, it gets boring, so we walk around Valley Forge or smaller local parks.

    good luck!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'm currently doing a rotation of Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds, lifting handweights (3-8 pounds depending on exercise), and stationary bike. When I first started out 20 pounds ago, I did Wii Fit that I got for Christmas. I quickly outgrew that though and decided to venture out on my own. I also do some easy floor exercises like pushups, leg lifts, lunges, crunches, ect. You can make your own routine depending on what you like to do. I learned simple weight lifting exercises from Power 90. My starting weight was 290. You can definitely do it, just start small and gradually work your way up. I started off doing 15 minutes a day, and now my workouts last anywhere between 40-60 minutes. Good luck.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    One thing I like is doing mini circuits at home - do jumping jacks, crunches, squats, push-ups, pretend jump rope, etc. Do each for a certain number of seconds (say 20) then move to the next and so on for a total of however many mins. It will get your heart rate up and burn some calroies. :smile: I also think boxing (and kicks low, not up high) are great when you are starting out.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
  • DanielleWatson83
    DanielleWatson83 Posts: 139 Member
    i feel like im to big for a bike.. wouldnt i look bad?
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    Go to your local library and look for low impact aerobic DVDs. I always "test before I buy" my workout DVDs at the library lol
  • melissa_e
    i feel like im to big for a bike.. wouldnt i look bad?

    You would look like a rad lady who won't let her weight hold her back from doing healthy fun things like cycling!

    In fact, because the bike helps support your weight and is so low-impact, it can be a very accessible way to get a good cardio workout for bodies of all sizes.
  • keenercam
    keenercam Posts: 321 Member
    I really enjoy the Biggest Loser walk DVD. There are 4 workouts on it, which helps it be interesting and not boring.

    Another suggestion is the Billy Blanks Jr. Dance With Me DVDs. Not only are the dance routines fun and interesting, but he is serious eye candy and seems like a total sweetheart, so I find myself inspired to do those workouts.

    Another idea is if you have On Demand (ours is at "0" on the remote), there are LOTS of fitness videos on there. There is a 10 minute standing ab workout that I think is terrific and works for any fitness level/size. Check out the menu and I'll bet you find lots you'd enjoy to bring some variety to your workouts, in the comfort of your home.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    Dance! Sorry, I'm on a dance kick, that's my answer to everything today. But seriously, dancing is a great workout and it is fun. I dance with my doors locked so no one walks in on me (awkward!) and I work up a sweat pretty quickly. Even if you just dance for 5/10 minutes here and there that is something. Going up and down stairs is great as well, sometimes I go up and down the stairs in my building (and hope no other tenants come in!) because it winds me just going up once! Let's see, what else...walking, like you said, making sure to swing those arms, if there is a park near by with some hills that is a good way to get some variety and some good scenery. I hate walking the same way everyday, it gets boring, so we walk around Valley Forge or smaller local parks.

    good luck!

    I second this! I like to dance. I've put my iPod on and dance in my living room. (I like loud music and I feel my neighbors would get annoyed with the level).

    I've been on a kick where I will space it up. I'll dance for 10 minutes or so and relax for a bit and then do it again and again. You can burn some good calories doing this.

    Though for my main exercise I do kickboxing and once a week the elliptical. Though for larger people, I would vote for walking. At my heaviest I started on the treadmill. I eventually got bored and tried the elliptical. I was only able to do it for like 5-10 minutes at first. I slowly worked my way up and for the last 5 months I've been doing an hour.
  • lisaisso
    lisaisso Posts: 337 Member
    stair stepping, walking, wall push ups, wall sits.. i know netflix and most cable companies have fitness programs u could check out. let's see what else... walking lunges, jump rope, jog in place, burpees, jumping jacks, yard work...
    good luck! this is as much mental as it is physical, so when you flip the switch in your head, u will stay locked on BEAST MODE.
  • tmfpartyof4
    tmfpartyof4 Posts: 125 Member
    swimming is also a good, low impact, way to lose weight (indoor pool in the winter, of course)

    you can do this. :)
  • notAfan
    notAfan Posts: 42 Member
    i feel like im to big for a bike.. wouldnt i look bad?

    You would look like a rad lady who won't let her weight hold her back from doing healthy fun things like cycling!

    In fact, because the bike helps support your weight and is so low-impact, it can be a very accessible way to get a good cardio workout for bodies of all sizes.

    I agree with Melissa...
  • angiemc2boys
    I have really enjoyed playing Wii games with my boys. They have a few games that really get my moving! In the privacy of your own home there is no way you should worry about being judged... don't be so hard on yourself!
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I agree with the posters who suggest trying Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. She's awesome and there are lots of videos to choose from.
  • onmyway31
    I started with walking, and then got into doing the elliptical. When I first started the elliptical I did it with no resistance, and as I got more comfortable I kept adding resistance, I get a good sweat doing the elliptical. I have also started to lift free weights at home. You can do it girl, go slow and little by little keep challenging yourself. Feel free to add me:happy:
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    I second the votes for Leslie Sansone workouts.. She is great.. And when I get tired of listening to her I put some music on my laptop that makes me want to workout harder... She has a ton to choose from.. And she does some great workouts. Also I have Wii & do alot of Tennis & bowling. I want to advance to Zumba & other fun stuff - but I am just a month in & have to build up my strength.. Just so your moving that counts alot more than you think. And don't worry about what other people think you look like.. Everybody has to start somewhere.. I know I have a long journey ahead of me with 100 plus to lose - but every long journey starts with one step.. And your moving in the right direction. Good luck.....
  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    i feel like we're similar weights.. don't let your size affect how you work out!
    walking is great, if you're feeling up to it you could add some jogging! bicycling is great too. do you have a gym membership? going to a gym has helped me tremendously, i don't know how to use weights but i go to a class with low weights- it's amazing!
  • magicsd77
    Leslie Sansone or debra Mazda shapely girl DVDS are both good. I do them both, but Debra Mazda gets it better, because even the girls in the video are big girls. It motivates me.