Pet Peeves!



  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    - people who dont understand the left lane on a highway is a "passing lane" it is not a driving lane, and being a rolling roadblock is dangerous for you and every other driver out there...

    - parents, you're kids are loud and obnoxious no matter how much you adore them, i think they're a nuisance and do not belong in adult establishments..

    - any person who is holier than thou, be it Christians, people who think they know everything about diet and excercise, and anyone who thinks they know mental disorders are fake... i seriously take issue with this one.. get educated before you speak dumb *kitten*..
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.

    i think that since all road cars and licensed and registered why not all road bikes... it makes sense, if you're on the road with me and you crash into my car, whats my recourse.. i should be able to write down a license number at least...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.

    i think that since all road cars and licensed and registered why not all road bikes... it makes sense, if you're on the road with me and you crash into my car, whats my recourse.. i should be able to write down a license number at least...

    I've always thought that should be the case. Even a small moped style square plate at the back should be necessary for road riding. Not like it'd be hard to fit a bracket for it on a bicycle.
  • ahinescapron
    ahinescapron Posts: 351 Member
    - Moms who act like they are in some kind of competition. I don't care if you had a home birth, homeschooled your children, breastfead them until they were three, or made your own babyfood out of your organic garden... that doesn't make you more of a mom than anyone else and that doesn't mean that everyone else has to do the same thing.
    - People who put down other body types. There is large range of what is healthy and you don't need to put someone else down to make you feel better.
    - Condescending people
    - People who speed up and pass everyone right before the road merges.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.

    i think that since all road cars and licensed and registered why not all road bikes... it makes sense, if you're on the road with me and you crash into my car, whats my recourse.. i should be able to write down a license number at least...

    I've always thought that should be the case. Even a small moped style square plate at the back should be necessary for road riding. Not like it'd be hard to fit a bracket for it on a bicycle.

    I have to add to this. By LAW in most states, bicycles are considered VEHICLES and they must be operated on the road. The sidewalk is for pedestrians only. That being said, bicyclists are REQUIRED to follow all the same laws and cars. I learned this one in girl scouts, and again in drivers' ed. Bicycles have the same rights and restrictions as cars!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.

    i think that since all road cars and licensed and registered why not all road bikes... it makes sense, if you're on the road with me and you crash into my car, whats my recourse.. i should be able to write down a license number at least...

    I've always thought that should be the case. Even a small moped style square plate at the back should be necessary for road riding. Not like it'd be hard to fit a bracket for it on a bicycle.

    I have to add to this. By LAW in most states, bicycles are considered VEHICLES and they must be operated on the road. The sidewalk is for pedestrians only. That being said, bicyclists are REQUIRED to follow all the same laws and cars. I learned this one in girl scouts, and again in drivers' ed. Bicycles have the same rights and restrictions as cars!

    my only problem with that is that they don't pay taxes or license fees or registration fees... if bikes paid for the privilege i would have no issue with them... and paying for your car doesn't include your bike, you don't get to use one fee for two vehicles..
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.

    i think that since all road cars and licensed and registered why not all road bikes... it makes sense, if you're on the road with me and you crash into my car, whats my recourse.. i should be able to write down a license number at least...

    I've always thought that should be the case. Even a small moped style square plate at the back should be necessary for road riding. Not like it'd be hard to fit a bracket for it on a bicycle.

    I have to add to this. By LAW in most states, bicycles are considered VEHICLES and they must be operated on the road. The sidewalk is for pedestrians only. That being said, bicyclists are REQUIRED to follow all the same laws and cars. I learned this one in girl scouts, and again in drivers' ed. Bicycles have the same rights and restrictions as cars!

    my only problem with that is that they don't pay taxes or license fees or registration fees... if bikes paid for the privilege i would have no issue with them... and paying for your car doesn't include your bike, you don't get to use one fee for two vehicles..

    I live in a rural area with no sidewalks so by this logic all pedestrians using the roads should pay road taxes and wear plates, lol. The point of fees and road taxes is to pay for the damage caused by the vehicles - that is why heavy trucks pay larger fees. Bikes cause no damage to road surfaces and therefore pay no fee just as a pedistrian pays no fee. It's not about the privilege to use a road, its all about repair cost! Face it, you guys aren't out for fairness, you just don't like cyclist. Just live with it, they are obeying the law and you should too.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    - Cyclists. You don't pay road tax. Get out of my road.

    sorry but its not your road.

    I am well aware of this :tongue: They still annoy me, though.

    i think that since all road cars and licensed and registered why not all road bikes... it makes sense, if you're on the road with me and you crash into my car, whats my recourse.. i should be able to write down a license number at least...

    I've always thought that should be the case. Even a small moped style square plate at the back should be necessary for road riding. Not like it'd be hard to fit a bracket for it on a bicycle.

    I have to add to this. By LAW in most states, bicycles are considered VEHICLES and they must be operated on the road. The sidewalk is for pedestrians only. That being said, bicyclists are REQUIRED to follow all the same laws and cars. I learned this one in girl scouts, and again in drivers' ed. Bicycles have the same rights and restrictions as cars!

    my only problem with that is that they don't pay taxes or license fees or registration fees... if bikes paid for the privilege i would have no issue with them... and paying for your car doesn't include your bike, you don't get to use one fee for two vehicles..

    I live in a rural area with no sidewalks so by this logic all pedestrians using the roads should pay road taxes and wear plates, lol. The point of fees and road taxes is to pay for the damage caused by the vehicles - that is why heavy trucks pay larger fees. Bikes cause no damage to road surfaces and therefore pay no fee just as a pedistrian pays no fee. It's not about the privelige to use a road, its all about repair cost! Face it, you guys aren't out for fairness, you just don't like cyclist. Just live with it, they are obeying the law and you should too.

    No matter how much people argue or disagree with me, no matter how much you challenge my beliefs, no matter if you accuse me of breaking the law (which I don't), one simple fact will remain;

    Cyclists annoy me.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Cyclists who pick and choose when it is convenient to be a "pedestrian" vs a "vehicle". Like today I was at a stop light. The cyclist's light turned red. Instead of STOPPING with traffic, he went through the stinking light when i had the ride of way! THose who ride like they are a car and follow laws I'm cool with.

    People who say "mute point" instead of "moot" point.
  • Hearing people chew gum or chew food. Drives me insane!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    my only problem with that is that they don't pay taxes or license fees or registration fees... if bikes paid for the privilege i would have no issue with them... and paying for your car doesn't include your bike, you don't get to use one fee for two vehicles..

    You are assuming that the cyclist only rides a bicycle. Everyone I know that rides a bike also owns a car or truck. I own two vehicles and am paying my share as well. Is it that we are getting more road use for our money that bothers you?
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    when people say kthanksbye.

    people who just let their kids scream and cry and dont even attempt to quiet them.

    people who post multiple pictures of themselves every single day on facebook - do you just sit there all day and do personal photo shoots of yourself? get over yourself.

    people who completely just cut me off midsentence when im talking - obviously their point was MUCH more important than mine.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    Poor Grammar
    Stupid drivers
    Bad parents
    I could go on and on
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    MFP related-people who are so concerned about being PC instead of Honest!
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    No matter how much people argue or disagree with me, no matter how much you challenge my beliefs, no matter if you accuse me of breaking the law (which I don't), one simple fact will remain;

    Cyclists annoy me.

    That is evident. I don't know who accused you of breaking the law, I did not. I did say that you should follow the law, meaning specifically understanding and accepting that the law requires cyclist to operate their bike as a vehicle and obey the rules of the road and for motorist to recognize the cyclist is right to do so. This is a hot issue for cyclists because if you follow the industry news you will see that cyclist are not infrequently intentionally run over and sometimes killed by motorist who do not like sharing the road.There have been several recent cases in the news of the intentional running down of cyclist. So for cyclists this is not a matter of you have your opinion and I have mine, this is literally life and death. I have had a car aim at me while running and force me from the road and I have had cars pass too close to me while cycling and run me off the road. I have a friend is is paralyzed from being run off the road. I don't at all mean to accuse you of promoting the running down of cyclist, but please consider that just railing against cyclist on the road may influence people in ways you cannot anticipate. This is a scary world and it is no small matter to stir up trouble for a law abiding community.
  • dvd1
    dvd1 Posts: 12 Member
  • * noisy eaters
    * people using my stuff without asking
    * over pronounciation of words and sounds and saying wordswrong.
    * excessive swearing. it's not always necessary.

    I'm super grumpy today and trying not to fix it with food. Venting like this helps. :)
  • - Completely agree with the spitting thing. Ugh, gives me the heebbie jeebies.
    - People saying "same difference". Gack. It cannot be the same if it is different!
    - People standing on a soap box declaring their OPINION is correct and not willing to discuss or debate.
    - People getting so worked up about their opinions that they are red in the face and screaming. What's that all about?
    - Slow drivers in the left lane. Are you kidding me? There are two other lanes. Move over.
    - People who assume their emergency is somehow my emergency.
  • Americans

    That's a shame that you lump all of us into one generality. However, that is off the topic of this thread. My biggest pet peeve is drivers not watching out for motorcycles. We have as much right to the road, we are not all riding at 100 mph, and we obey the laws of the road. Please do not generalize all of us as "bad-a** bikers".