Pooping - this is a serious question...



  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    1) Dont weigh in everday
    2) your second weigh in will always be higher because you have eaten.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    poop on the scale, and subtract from your 1st weigh in..............

    Hey - this would help convince the better half we need a new scale, too!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    1) Dont weigh in everday
    2) your second weigh in will always be higher because you have eaten.
    It wasn't the second weigh-in after she EATS - it is weighing herself, pooping, and then weighing herself again. Logic dictates that what was left in the toilet should be subtracted from her total weight, but she's experiencing the opposite.
  • billgiersberg
    If the only thing between the weight measurements is the potty break and you GAIN weight, then I will speculate that you are losing an abundance of methane gas which might have been holding you up like a hot-air balloon on the first weigh in. When you lost the gas, gravity pulled you down regardless of how much ballast you threw overboard.

  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    Are you eating anti-matter?

    Chuckled out loud. :laugh: Strange looks in the library. :noway:
  • DreamLittleDarling
    DreamLittleDarling Posts: 800 Member
    Same scale? Zeroed both times before weigh in?

    Yep - and yep!

    Maybe it needs new batteries.

    And there's really not a whole lot going on in between. No eating or drinking - there'd be no mystery if that was the case. It's become a minor obsession now, I'm trying to keep the variables as controlled as I can.

    No different clothes. Not holding the cat. It's weird. It's sometimes been only a half pound (which is the lowest increment the scale goes to) but this morning it was two.

    Really? I ALWAYS hold my cat when I weigh. I like her.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    If the only thing between the weight measurements is the potty break and you GAIN weight, then I will speculate that you are losing an abundance of methane gas which might have been holding you up like a hot-air balloon on the first weigh in. When you lost the gas, gravity pulled you down regardless of how much ballast you threw overboard.

    Best. Answer. Ever.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    For whatever reason, the scale and our bodies are effing weird... sometimes I'll weight before my bathroom trip, and my weight is the same after ... but if I wait half an hour and weigh again, it has gone down.

    I am a freak and enjoy seeing the fluctuations through the day. Like, "I just had a beer - I wonder if I weigh more!" "I'm going to weigh myself in my PJs, and then again without them to see how much my PJs weigh."

    Because science is cool.

    But I have no answer for you other than 'bodies are weird'. Just weigh once if it makes you too crazy.
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    It happens to me too the same way. I just chalk it up to my body yelling at me for what I just put it through!!!! My body has a weird sense of humor!!
  • kristimartiny
    LOL... I have been curious about that myself and weighed myself before and after and always weigh more after, HUH? Too funny and very perplexing ....
  • onedayillbamilf
    onedayillbamilf Posts: 662 Member
    Have you considered not weighing in after you poop "just for kicks"?
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Increased blood flow and water retention in muscles that wouldn't show up right after workout until muscles begin to relax and go into recovery mode?

    This.... I always weigh heavier an hour or so after a workout.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    For whatever reason, the scale and our bodies are effing weird... sometimes I'll weight before my bathroom trip, and my weight is the same after ... but if I wait half an hour and weigh again, it has gone down.

    I am a freak and enjoy seeing the fluctuations through the day. Like, "I just had a beer - I wonder if I weigh more!" "I'm going to weigh myself in my PJs, and then again without them to see how much my PJs weigh."

    Because science is cool.

    But I have no answer for you other than 'bodies are weird'. Just weigh once if it makes you too crazy.
    This. I only record my weight once a week, but I look at it several times a day for the same reasons - the "hey, I wonder what this does to it" factor.
  • WandaMM1
    WandaMM1 Posts: 132 Member
    Hilarious. Seriously, this made my day. I bet it is something to do with your scale, though. I would be interested in knowing if the following experiment produced the same result:

    1. Workout
    2. Weigh in
    3. *cough*Daily Constitutional*cough*
    4. Wait 10 minutes - don't eat, drink, or let anything touch the scale
    5. Weigh again just for kicks

    I totally agree, on all counts. Laughing out load at my desk.
  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    I never actually go down and I kept a similar schedule to you for quite some time. I have a feeling that someone else posted correctly, after you workout your blood flow increases and such to repair muscles. I was always told the worst time to weigh yourself is after you workout. The would seem to explain that.
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    Increased blood flow and water retention in muscles that wouldn't show up right after workout until muscles begin to relax and go into recovery mode?

    Ditto. This happens to me. I read on one of the forums that you shouldn't work out hard the day before weigh in because your muscles retain water and blood because they're healing themselves and recovering from the workout, therefore you will weigh more. And don't forget muscle weighs more than fat.
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    1) Dont weigh in everday
    2) your second weigh in will always be higher because you have eaten.
    It wasn't the second weigh-in after she EATS - it is weighing herself, pooping, and then weighing herself again. Logic dictates that what was left in the toilet should be subtracted from her total weight, but she's experiencing the opposite.

    Two points -

    1. Yes, no eating involved.
    2. You misspelled "he" and "himself" :drinker:
  • teresaj0315
    teresaj0315 Posts: 26 Member
    skip the workout ~ test that theory. Weigh in ~ do your poo ~ weigh in again ~ then go work out
  • divamsm
    divamsm Posts: 79 Member
    Increased blood flow and water retention in muscles that wouldn't show up right after workout until muscles begin to relax and go into recovery mode?

    Ditto. This happens to me. I read on one of the forums that you shouldn't work out hard the day before weigh in because your muscles retain water and blood because they're healing themselves and recovering from the workout, therefore you will weigh more. And don't forget muscle weighs more than fat.

    I'm thinking that's what's happening when you weigh again after working out. Simply, DON'T. The scale is really not your friend. Mine has caused me to go off diets, get depressed, etc. when it doesn't budge, but this time, I know I am losing something so I'm just not going to get on the scale unless I absolutely have to for a bi-weekly weigh-in or something.