weight watchers vs mfp

what are everyone's thoughts on Weight Watchers plus program? I have some friends @ work who are doing it & trying to get me to join as well. I understand it a bit...fruits & veggies free, counting points, etc...but it seems like the same things as MFP, but you have to pay...calories vs points, doesn't seem a big difference to me...am i missing something?? lol =)


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 834 Member
    My mom loves WW... I find this easier. Converting to points is an extra step that I found to be a pain and not something I would want to keep up in the long term.
  • LillysGranny
    I think if you are happy with you are making good progress on MFP there's no need to pay for WW. Personally, I think your friends are crazy for not giving this awesome free site a try before they shell out the bucks for WW!
  • amandaruiz2011
    I am someone who had done both. I really like the convenience of this program better than weight watchers.
  • kar74
    kar74 Posts: 49
    My mom loves WW... I find this easier. Converting to points is an extra step that I found to be a pain and not something I would want to keep up in the long term.

    My thoughts exactly. I did it before they switched up the points system. I did well, but MFP is pretty much the same (minus point counting) and is free. :-)
  • DrivenDiva
    DrivenDiva Posts: 233 Member
    I wondered the same thing... I would rather use this because you can't beat FREE!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    WW = calorie counting for dummies
  • jutymo
    jutymo Posts: 162 Member
    I was on weight watchers online when I started MFP. I was not doing very well, not sure why. But once I started on MFP, I've been focused and doing extremely well for me. I'm on week 5, no soda, no cheating, and have meals planned out for the next 10 days. You can do all of that on WW. I hated going to the meetings because they seem to be populated by either brand new people who don't know anything or big know-it-alls who just want to toot their own horn. It just didn't work for me.

    I did keep paying for WW online access for the first 2 weeks of MFP and put all my food in both of them. Virtually every day, I was hitting my points in WW and not needing to use the extra weekly points they provide. I think one day I had to use 1 weekly point (and it happened to be a very high calorie day). So it appeared to me that the calorie count I was using in MFP was virtually equal to points allowed in WW.

    So I think WW is a good solid program, it just wasn't the right fit for me.
  • TWrecks1968
    TWrecks1968 Posts: 138 Member
    I would not have been able to be as consistent with MFP, if the calorie counting was not so easy. I do not see a downside to MFP over WW except for the face to face networking. The "Friends" element was surprisingly effective for me. I like having a place to unload, share my success, my challenges. I have "Friends" who will say, "Good job, but kind of high on sodium". What is better than that? I don't really see much of a draw with WW.
  • kristikay52
    kristikay52 Posts: 56 Member
    Funny...I posted the same thread about 30 mins ago wondering the same thing. I actually started with WW back in May and that's where I've lost the majority of my weight. I love that fruits and veggies are free. It's helped me learn to make better choices and actually like fruit. I came back to MFP in January and have been doing both trying to figure out which one I like more. I just do online WW. I guess my thinking is...a banana is 100 calories...well so is that Reese's mini heart I've been eyeing in the candy jar at work. I know I would like the Reese's better...but because of WW I chose the banana and now I feel more satisfied.
  • lauristewart
    lauristewart Posts: 379 Member
    MFP all the way!!! WW is not as accurate.....losing weight is calories in/calories out! That is exactly what MFP counts....and it is free!! Why pay for WW when you will be guessing at points with exercise points, when MFP is free and is more accurate? Tell your friends they need to change over to MFP!! LOL!!
  • KemaVA
    KemaVA Posts: 81 Member
    They are the same... If you actually do the programs. WW adds that little extra layer of accountability by having someone weigh you each week. I like it here though
  • Cris725
    WW = calorie counting for dummies

    LOL. So true. Besides, when you're trying to live your life while working out and eating right, who has time to go to the stupid meetings? This is much more convenient and frankly I think it holds you more accountable for what you're doing.
  • janegalt37
    janegalt37 Posts: 270 Member
    I've heard a few people complain about the emphasis of super-over-processed "diet" food as a way to cut calories, instead of the general approach taken by most people on MFP - which also happens to be FREE! (sweet) I've seen a lot of the WW recipes, and they scare me. This coming from a cheeseburger and pizza junkie.
    So that's the first negative. The second is obviously the extra step of converting to points. What an unnecessary chore.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    WW = calorie counting for dummies

    This. Baby's first diet.

    Plus, fruits and veg are free? Always been very sceptical of things that say that....
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I wouldn't say WW is calorie counting for dummies (sorry but both my parents are on WW and they are not dummies). My mom loves WW because she needs to go in front of someone and weigh-in - she needs that kind of outside influence where she feels accountable to more than just herself. My dad loves WW because he hates computers and won't go near them. They both really like the meetings after the weigh-in and enjoy what they learn and enjoy the in-person support and motivation. I, on the other hand, hate it! I enjoy being accountable only to me. I don't like people asking me why I didn't lose weight - I know why I didn't lose weight - either its that TOM or I ate something(s) I shouldn't. I don't need to advertise it. Also, this is totally free. But even my mom mentioned that there were a lot of similarities between MFP and WW but I don't have to pay the $$ my parents do:bigsmile:
  • ginn_ca
    Weight watchers uses a program that teaches you points. Some people find it easier than counting calories (although I think the effort is similar). The benefit of Weight Watchers is that you do it with a group and that you have people who have been and continue to be successful to help you and help keep you motivated.

    If you read the peer reviewed and valid research, you'll find that all weight loss comes down to calories. What I hear all the time is that you find something that works for you.

    Honestly, i believe you have to come to a point where you choose that losing the weight is a priority and you do what you need to do. Different people find different programs that work for them but it does come down to calories in and calories out. This site is free and I find it really helpful, but nobody but my husband notices anything if I haven't been keeping it up. It comes down to my motivation to keep going everyday. Sometimes it's nice to have a group to keep you accountable - whether you pay Weight Watchers for it or just partner up with friends or maybe your mom . . .
  • Lona728
    Lona728 Posts: 105
    I have had success with both. I actually find I can eat more on WW though and still lose weight. For example, yesterday I put my calories in and was very close to my 1200 mark. I then figured out the points and I still had tons of points left for the day. A friend of mine has also done WW with me in the past and is now using MFP. She also finds she can eat more food on WW. Converting to points is an extra step that I get tired of doing over time though. I like that if I am at my allotted points for the day and still hungry, I can grab a bowl of green beans and eat those without having to add points. Whereas if I am counting calories and at my allotted calories for the day, those green beans will push me over. I don't have the new WW program, and every program I have done in the past never let you have fruit for 0 points, lots of veggies though were 0 points.
  • ginn_ca
    Actually, when I did weight watchers I did eat some of their low calorie options and my body didn't respond well to it. The type of fiber in their products didn't agree with me.
  • bjfrezell
    My husband and I did Weight Watchers and now we're doing MFP. We like this program better. And I already know that a piece of fruit is better for me than a 100 calorie snack pack, so even if it's not "free" like Weight Watchers, I will still pick the piece of fruit first. Plus the breakdown of carbs / protein / fiber / grams is on this program so it's not like I'm eating calories blindly. There are more foods listed in MFP's database than there were on Weight Watchers' database. And at MFP, it's free. My husband thinks this program is easier to figure out since we don't have to convert everything to points. And we're losing weight. So there's no reason for us to go back to Weight Watchers.
  • myak623
    myak623 Posts: 616 Member
    what are everyone's thoughts on Weight Watchers plus program? I have some friends @ work who are doing it & trying to get me to join as well. I understand it a bit...fruits & veggies free, counting points, etc...but it seems like the same things as MFP, but you have to pay...calories vs points, doesn't seem a big difference to me...am i missing something?? lol =)

    Medium Banana = 100+ Calories
    Medium Apple = 80 to 100 Calories
    Medium Orange = 80+ Calories

    How are these considered free? I'd go with MFP!