Creepy guys at the gym



  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    ^ how did guys cross the line?

    and its soooooooo true that if it was a hot guy, girls would be flattered.... if it was an ugly guy, you would treat him as if he were a Dateline episode!

    I have to agree with you on this because I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure if it was some hot guy it would feel differently.

    It would not. Staring at my *kitten* while I'm working out is creepy regardless of how hot that person may be.

    I disagree. If some smokin hot guy is checking you out, and it bothers you, it ain't because your creeped out, it's because you have image issues and it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry. I've had the feeling.
    I know it's the gym and it's not exactly the time and place for it, buts it still always secretly flattering.

    Would you rather no guys check you out? Cause I know a couple of women who don't get checked out and they notice. I wouldn't want to feel like them.

    I'd rather not be checked out when I'm sweaty and horrible. It's not a compliment. I don't ask for it when I'm in sweatpants and a loose t-shirt and no make up. I'm there to work out, not be stared at and followed around. That's creepy regardless of who's doing it.

    i could assure you that unless those are tight sweatpants, you wont be looked at... if its tight and you have an *kitten* like kim kardashian, you might...

    it sucks... and i know it bothers women but lets call a spade a spade... if you have these issues, it might be time to work out at home....

    Oh please. He's the one acting inappropriately and I'm the one that you're suggesting should leave.

    Some people are so shallow they judge any situation on what the people involved looked like (sad isnt it? ) Iagree with you you should be able to go to the gym and workout without feeling creeped out by someone elses behaviour lets face it its not about gender its creepy if any person does that. His behaviour is not appropriate in a gym it owuld better suit a bar or nightclub.
  • I use a women's gym and it's much worse if you find someone checking you out - I say be happy it's a guy LOL
  • memcd911
    memcd911 Posts: 230 Member
    I am so glad I am not female.
    I'd calmly walk over, grab his head and crush his face into my boobs.

    What a bad girl I would be!

    If the Enell didn't corral the girls so well, I might use this option. At least once. Just to see the reaction.
  • And that goes both ways too! If a man doesn't want to be oogled and bothered at the gym, it's his right.
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    I use a women's gym and it's much worse if you find someone checking you out - I say be happy it's a guy LOL

    Actually, I'm always more flattered if another chick is checking me out. Guys (and yes, I'm making a hugely sweeping generalization even though I know it doesn't apply to all of them, so please spare me the lecture) as a general stereotype will hit on anything they have a chance with, ladies tend to be pickier and only go after things they like. :D
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    So I today I made my first move into the free weights area, just to do deadlifts. I come out of there and am followed by this guy into the multi use area. He stands there and watches me (while he's exercising). He rushes over to help me when I put back 5 kg weights (lol really? they're not that heavy) and I see him when he's grabbing new weights checking out my *kitten*. You know one of those unmistakable 'checking you out' looks.

    I just ignored him though out. What would you have done?

    I don't think most girls do deadlifts. You're probably a temporary distraction to the guys who aren't used to seeing many women doing that kind of exercise. Not that being a distraction is your fault by any means, thats just what it is.

    I've noticed that most guys look at me when I go into the weight section. They seem to be surprised that a girl that's not super buff has gone into "their" area. But after I stake out a bench and a little spot to make my own I fall into my modest lifting routine and I start to be less of a distraction to the guys.

    I've never had anyone approach me or bother me like you are having, I'm an outspoken person but in those circumstances I wouldn't confront him about it. He probably does this to plenty of women and saying something is just giving him attention- which is obviously what he wants.

    If it bugs you a ton you could discreetly mention it to one of the trainers. Or try to grab a spot a crowded spot that makes it harder for him to pester you. Heh, maybe approach a different guy, ask if you can workout next to him, after telling him about the creepy guy (before creepster latches onto you). Might be able to find a "protector" :happy:
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    I have a guy in his 70s that thinks it's ok to come over to me while I'm on a cardio machine and give some comment " get on and run for a change", "you can go faster than that", " you can go longer than that". I'm not sure if he means to be helpful, but telling a 360 lb woman with mobility problems to run seems like an insult to me. I didn't say anything the time he said that, mostly for fear I'd turn around and punch him in the face. If he says it again, he is getting a big warning, and if that doesn't work i'm gonna have to go to the staff... but I wish it wouldn't come to that. He's a regular with friends at the gym, and I don't want to piss *everyone* off.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I don't normally mind guys talking to me at the gym, you already know you have something in common right, and I'm a pretty friendly person, I talk to people every where. Lots of the guys I now consider friends (say hey to, catch up about how their week is going etc) all started with a smile and saying Hi in the first place. A stranger is just a friend you haven't met yet right BUT there are ways to go about these things......

    I had a guy yesterday who definitely fell into the creepy category. He asked me if I was finished in the rack and I said no I had 2 more sets. He said ok, then rather than going off and doing something else while he waited he sat on a machine, not using it, directly behind me and just watched me do my last two sets. So uncomfortable. And then when I finished I turned around and he winked at me (who does that!) as he sauntered into the rack. Dub Tee Eff.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    I am so glad I am not female.
    I'd calmly walk over, grab his head and crush his face into my boobs.

    What a bad girl I would be!

    Ha Ha Ha !!!!! Too funny !!!!

    I would of just " smiled and waved " .... and in passing mumbled these words " DREAM ON " !!!! :wink:
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I don't attempt to talk to women at the gym anymore. The last time I did I was told to f**k off. You're all mean =P
  • Men will be men. If hes a real nasty creeper I have no problem putting him in his place, but I'm kind of a ***** like that. I don't let people make me uncomfortable, but it is pretty hard to make me uncomfortable.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    There is a guy that comes into my work that also goes to my gym. He apparently told our dock guys he could stare at me all day long. I literally see him everyday at the gym and he always makes a point to say hi to me or when doing cardio get a machine next to me... creee--eeepppyy! Luckily my boyfriend and I go to the gym at the same time =) He is clueless tho hehe.

    Yup... in today's world... actually being interested in someone or attracted to them is creee--eeepppyy.... IF... you are not interested in them... if it's on your terms... it's sooooooo sweet, cute, or any other number of words that applies. I'm not delusional, though. This is the world we live in... and we must deal accordingly. :)
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 376 Member
    Intuition is a powerful thing - if someone is making you that uncomfortable, feel free to tell someone about it.

    One night there was a fellow hanging around one part of the fitness club where a man typically doesn't stand still - between the ladies locker room door and the child center. He was there when I went in to change, and still there when I came out... and still there several minutes later. He didn't appear to be waiting for a family member to come out - he looked ... I dunno, he just gave off a weird vibe.

    It's good to be a little wary.
  • ^ how did guys cross the line?

    and its soooooooo true that if it was a hot guy, girls would be flattered.... if it was an ugly guy, you would treat him as if he were a Dateline episode!

    I have to agree with you on this because I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure if it was some hot guy it would feel differently.

    It would not. Staring at my *kitten* while I'm working out is creepy regardless of how hot that person may be.

    I disagree. If some smokin hot guy is checking you out, and it bothers you, it ain't because your creeped out, it's because you have image issues and it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry. I've had the feeling.
    I know it's the gym and it's not exactly the time and place for it, buts it still always secretly flattering.

    Would you rather no guys check you out? Cause I know a couple of women who don't get checked out and they notice. I wouldn't want to feel like them.

    This whole mindset bothers me to no end. Why is it so wrong to be creeped out by UNSOLICITED attention? I go to the gym to work out. I don't wear anything provocative, and even if I did I am still not "asking for it". Why am I not allowed to be creeped out by someone's lack of self control and inability to keep his glances to himself? Why is it ok to just say "He's a man, he can't help it?". And why should I be flattered?

    I deal with this situation at my gym every day and it makes me so uncomfortable. He works there. He is ALWAYS wherever I am in the gym. Whether it be the pool, the weights, or the cardio area. The guy is not bad looking, but it still creeps me out and I am not interested. His looks do not matter. It is the manner in which he conducts himself that makes him creepy.

    And yes, I would rather not be checked out than made uncomfortable. I do not need male attention that badly.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    If the guy was a creep thats one thing and its UNACCEPTABLE ! HOWEVER!!!!! Many women dress up in skimpy shorts or skirts and flaunt their *kitten* and boobs all over. This is ESPECIALLY true here in Miami ( South Beach) Then they have the audacity to ***** about being checked out. This is not cool and it happens all the time. I dont know you and I am not saying this is what you did, but keep in mind we're only human and if you dress provocatively then expect to be noticed by guys who like it.

  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    I am so glad I am not female.
    I'd calmly walk over, grab his head and crush his face into my boobs.

    What a bad girl I would be!

    Um.. I did that once... or twice :wink:
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    So I today I made my first move into the free weights area, just to do deadlifts. I come out of there and am followed by this guy into the multi use area. He stands there and watches me (while he's exercising). He rushes over to help me when I put back 5 kg weights (lol really? they're not that heavy) and I see him when he's grabbing new weights checking out my *kitten*. You know one of those unmistakable 'checking you out' looks.

    I just ignored him though out. What would you have done?


    Are you a guy or a girl?
  • Flattery. All flattery - and I appreciate it. I'm glad someone out there appreciates my fat *kitten* when I'm too insecure to appreciate myself. Thank you creepy gym guys!!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    theres always creepys at the gym when i go there! i just cannot avoid them :laugh: i think they can read my mind and know when im comeing to the gym!

    when im on the elliptical, i have men on machines that are behind the ellipticals and i swear they stare at my *kitten* whilst there lifting weights. also when im on the treadmill. i like to pick up my speed a litttle.. and my sports bra isnt really that supportitive (i have to wear normal bra underneath) and the men are there stareing at me! take a picture it will last longer! and you can play with yourself whilst looking at it! :mad:
  • rocketmouse
    rocketmouse Posts: 143 Member
    ^ how did guys cross the line?

    and its soooooooo true that if it was a hot guy, girls would be flattered.... if it was an ugly guy, you would treat him as if he were a Dateline episode!

    I have to agree with you on this because I was thinking the same thing. I'm sure if it was some hot guy it would feel differently.

    It would not. Staring at my *kitten* while I'm working out is creepy regardless of how hot that person may be.

    I disagree. If some smokin hot guy is checking you out, and it bothers you, it ain't because your creeped out, it's because you have image issues and it makes you uncomfortable. Sorry. I've had the feeling.
    I know it's the gym and it's not exactly the time and place for it, buts it still always secretly flattering.

    Would you rather no guys check you out? Cause I know a couple of women who don't get checked out and they notice. I wouldn't want to feel like them.

    This whole mindset bothers me to no end. Why is it so wrong to be creeped out by UNSOLICITED attention? I go to the gym to work out. I don't wear anything provocative, and even if I did I am still not "asking for it". Why am I not allowed to be creeped out by someone's lack of self control and inability to keep his glances to himself? Why is it ok to just say "He's a man, he can't help it?". And why should I be flattered?

    I deal with this situation at my gym every day and it makes me so uncomfortable. He works there. He is ALWAYS wherever I am in the gym. Whether it be the pool, the weights, or the cardio area. The guy is not bad looking, but it still creeps me out and I am not interested. His looks do not matter. It is the manner in which he conducts himself that makes him creepy.

    And yes, I would rather not be checked out than made uncomfortable. I do not need male attention that badly.

    Preach sister-friend. I feel exactly the same as you. Reading threads like these always drive me up a wall with the pages of "boys will be boys" apologists and the "you must have been asking for it by being a woman" people.