Transition clothes: are they worth it?



  • BlueStar1989
    BlueStar1989 Posts: 130 Member
    I have bought some pants because I needed them, but mostly dug out old clothes from storage or got some hand me downs from skinner friends who wanted new outfits
  • Ilisidi
    Ilisidi Posts: 43 Member

    I'm just glad I work biz-casual because if I had to go out and buy slacks and suits every 20-30lbs, that would get expensive.

    As a wearer of suits I guess that is/was part of the driver behind my query - but I am hearing enough to think that the upside of wearing better fitting clothes will help to make it worth it...
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I sew, so have taken some shirts and vests in. Pants you can use belts.

    Shop clearance racks or thrift shops.
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I would definitely recommend getting a new pair of jeans and a new pair of casual pants. Goodwill is an option, or find some on sale at Penney's or Kohl's. Shirts can be a bit more forgiving for awhile, but after losing as much as you did, you might want to invest in a few of those too. I think you will feel must better about yourself in your new clothes that fit.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    Do you usually buy new clothes at the start of a new season? If so, go ahead and do the same as you always do. The sizes will just be smaller.

    Now that spring is coming, I'm having to buy a few new pieces because I have 0 pairs of shorts or capri pants that fit. Some of my tops will still work. Take a couple of hours, go through your closet, try on some stuff and see what you can still tolerate and what makes you look like you're wearing a trash bag. Replace the trash bags.
  • Ilisidi
    Ilisidi Posts: 43 Member
    I totally think that it's worth is to buy new (or new to you) clothes during your weight will feel great in your new size and it will help keep you motivated to continue on to your goal. I was 194lbs when I started and got some new clothes at about 170lbs. Once you get into a new pair of pants (or whatever it may be for you) you will really notice what a change you've made..and you might be suprised at the new size you are :) If you don't want to spend a load of $$ on clothes that you hope will be too big in the future just go by goodwill or some thirft shops, heck even walmart has stuff for cheap.

    I love the idea of new to me clothes...thank you very much :-)
  • rachaelhoffman
    rachaelhoffman Posts: 19 Member
    YES! Get new clothes- it's fun to try clothes on in your newer size. I just got: 3 pairs of pants, 2 tops, a skirt, dress, and bathing suit at a local thrift store for $45!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    You need to get new clothes. Your self esteem will be effected by having to wear old baggy clothes. You need to remember this is an all encompassing transformation. When I lost my weight I didn't just let my body shrink... I also bought super nice jeans, shirts, jackets, and shoes. I started to allow myself to get my hair done at the salon. I also wear make up now. My confidence has sky rocketed so much that sometimes I have to remind myself that I was just as important back in the day as I am now, I just treat myself better.

    You do not have to go out and spend hundreds on new clothes. There is sales going on all the time and if you shop anywhere really there is a clearance rack that has awesome stuff on sale. You can also go online to stores that you like and see what they have. Don't go to thrift stores and buy used clothes. You don't deserve 2nd hand if you can afford to do better then that. You plan on being healthy for life and your clothes are an investment into your image, well being, and should be nice enough to last.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    When I was losing I definitely bought transition clothes- not a whole new wardrobe, but a couple of solid basics (neutral pants, couple of mix and match tops). Not only does it keep things from falling off your butt, it also adds to your overall self confidence and feeling of progress!
  • Ilisidi
    Ilisidi Posts: 43 Member
    Buy them...find them on sale. Even if it's two new items. It's important to help you experience your "new self."

    I just went shopping this a.m. I probably should save the money for something else, but I found several things on sale and I'm really excited. I've kept off 31 lbs but am still walking around in clothes that are too baggy. It's not flattering.

    My plans are to lose even more weight (between 80-100), so I'm going to be doing this a few more times. But if I don't I'll be wearing my "fat" clothes.

    Thank you, whilst "the need to experience my self has been mentioned by some of the ladies at work, I was a little dubious - in part because of a fear that it would lead to loss of momentum - but reading it here and in the responses of some others is making me re-evaluate my doubt - ie the upside could be greater than than the downside I fear.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    check out a group on yahoo called Freecycle... there will be one that is in your particular area. You give away unneeded items and you can receive wanted items. So, give away your big clothes and ask for smaller ones. Also, I buy alot from Goodwill. You can go get a few pants and some shirts for like 20 dollars that will get you through. This is what I do!
  • kristidem
    kristidem Posts: 160 Member
    I agree with what many said - way on sale and thrift/consignment stores. I wish I had done that, I waited until the last possible moment to get new clothes and was really really excited (the first time). When I continued to lose, I had to buy all new clothes again. While I was still excited to be at a healthier weight, it was irrataing to buy a new wardrobe a second time. Ah well. I also had some of my nicer clothes altered to fit - even dress shirts / blouses. It was cheaper to alter then buy them again. Good Luck with whatever you choose.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    Call me nostalgic, but I saved my favorite shirts and jeans from when they still fit me - so they are my motivation...
    Other than that, I enjoy thrift shops, not just for the clothes, but also the knick knacks :D only downside is if you like something that isn't your size, there's nothing you can do about it...
  • determined2lose89
    determined2lose89 Posts: 342 Member
    I'm going to buy a few things from a thrift store to tide me over.
  • krystinaarlene
    krystinaarlene Posts: 54 Member
    In the last year I've gone from a 16/17 to a 13 and Id be dirt broke if I kept buying new clothes. Luckily my mother sews. Everytime I visit home (every few months or so) I take some pants and she takes them in. I have size 18s that have been modified to fit my new size 13 waist. I did buy a new pair of size 13s at Marshals for only $13! If you have a marshals or tj max nearby you can stuff for pretty cheap too. But knowing someone with sewing capabilities is priceless!!
  • Ilisidi
    Ilisidi Posts: 43 Member
    I say buy a few things that make you feel fabulous to wear right now. It will show off how far you've come and encourage you to keep going! And awesome job on the 79 lbs gone,btw!

    Thank you, you'd probably be surprised at how much that means and how much it has helped :-)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Here's why you should thrift shop"

    1. It's cheap.
    2. It's eco friendly.
    3. It helps you embrace your current size. (I'm less afraid to alter thrifted clothes than I am new clothes because of the cost factor. If I mess up a $4 pair of pants, I don't really care.)
    4. The proceeds help provide jobs and job training to those who might not otherwise be able to get hired.
    5. It is a one stop shop for getting rid of the stuff that doesn't fit anymore.
    6. When you do step 5, be sure to ask for a receipt. In the US, you can usually get a tax break for donations.
  • Ilisidi
    Ilisidi Posts: 43 Member
    Wearing properly fitting clothes will help you see the changes you have made! 2 pairs of pants, 5-7 different shirts, maybe a jacket or cardigan. It is soooooo worth it! It feels so good to wear well fitting clothing.

    I feel inspired...hopefully I won't get carried away!!
  • Ilisidi
    Ilisidi Posts: 43 Member
    I have the same problem. Everyone tells me my clothes are too baggy but I hate to spend money on new clothes till I lose more,
    Daughter suggests I go to Good Will a second hand store :o)

    Thank you, hope your weekend is going well :-)
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Don't go to thrift stores and buy used clothes. You don't deserve 2nd hand if you can afford to do better then that. You plan on being healthy for life and your clothes are an investment into your image, well being, and should be nice enough to last.

    Just because you're buying at a thrift store doesn't mean you're getting 'used' clothes, lots of folks buy clothes just because they're on sale or they like the look and then never get around to wearing them because they have so much. I can't count the number of times I've found a designer label still with tags on it for under $5 new condition.... and way cheaper than the tag prices where I've seen $100+ on the tags... sometimes there's not much there (hey much like a 'real' store for new clothes) other times you can score huge... families will often donate unneeded clothes after losing a loved one too so there can be really good new clothes available at them, and lots of them probably last longer than the $5 new shirts from Walmart etc :P