Seriously craving sweet stuff right now........


Sorry, that feels so much better. I really want to eat loads of things and am trying to resist walking over to the shop to buy something sweet and naughty. Must stay in, must stay in, must stay in!

How long do cravings last for before they subside anyway?


  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    DON'T DO IT!! Seriously, if you have sugar, you are stoking the fires of addiction to sugar... If you think you could have a bit and stop, do it. If not, have a piece of fruit, a diet soda, some gum or keep yourself busy.

    Drink some water (I know, snoooooze!). But in order to kill the cravings, you have to kick the habit. Putting it in your body just makes you crave more. Fight it for a couple of weeks and you'll be amazed at how virtuous you suddenly feel!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I feel for you... Hang tight!!
  • I agree dont do it. got to get past the craving. need to be focused. :smile:
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Working out helps with my cravings. I feel so good to have completed a good workout, I dont want to blow it by eating something bad. Think about how bad you will feel once that bad snack is gone. Is it really worth it?
  • talk about torture
  • What about a banana? Apple and a little peanut butter? Diet fudgesicle? Idk is it bad to have that?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    hummm... I feel differently about this...

    enter what you want to eat into your diary..... see what your day looks like, if it's going to completely blow your day then either don't do it or go to the gym first, if it works into your day with a conservative supper.... than do it.

    I have had many days lately that I have eaten horrible at lunch time, today included, I just make sure I am at the gym burning at least as much as my meal was in calories..... otherwise I don't eat it....

    I am a firm believer in eating everything you want in moderation.... work out for your junk food if you want it. Sometimes the best lesson is to see how much darn work it takes to get rid of what you just ate in calories. Makes you look at things like chocolate differently..... haha
  • apparently it takes a few days. then you start to develop willpower. its a case of breaking a habit it takes a few days or more to form new ones. its to do with the brain.
  • Mershon88
    Mershon88 Posts: 46 Member
    I've been tryin to shoosh my brain all day. My hubby bought some ice cream bars and there they sit in the freezer yellin for me. LOL. Been chugging water with a "ho-hum" all day and so far I haven't touched one! :) I may have to go eat a special k protein bar right now.. chocolate... ya.. chocolate... that will do it!! :)
  • I agree with this well said
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    You could always make a nice healthy fruit smoothie. Loads of nutritional benefits and it will fill you up. I'm about to make a chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie right now.
  • Or go read some success stories!
  • I find a very low carb and low fat high protein supplement helps curb things. and not letting yourself go past the 3 hour mark of food. keeps the metabolism going.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    I feel for you... I am sitting here about 18 feet from a cabinet full of nutter butters, oreos, other cookies and snacks and a fridge full of soda and klondike bars....

    I am doing the water, and black coffee thing. Hang tight!!

    I would just eat one of each and then go do enough cardio to burn those calories off.... life it too short to not have what you want... just make sure you work it off.

    What I find is now that I do that, I look at Oreo's and think... ok they sure look yummy, but do I have time to do another 20 min on the treadmill tonight ???
  • Chew a piece of sugar free gum! That always helps me! :smile:
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    I feel for you... I am sitting here about 18 feet from a cabinet full of nutter butters, oreos, other cookies and snacks and a fridge full of soda and klondike bars....

    I am doing the water, and black coffee thing. Hang tight!!

    I would just eat one of each and then go do enough cardio to burn those calories off.... life it too short to not have what you want... just make sure you work it off.

    What I find is now that I do that, I look at Oreo's and think... ok they sure look yummy, but do I have time to do another 20 min on the treadmill tonight ???

    The thing I have learned is sugar, like sodium attracts water. So, if I eat sweets it messes with my water levels.... PS, I removed most of my post. I felt like I hi-jacked the poor womans thread.
  • If you don't have it you can't eat don't let yourself go buy it. This is how I quit smoking. I refused to let myself go buy cigarettes and therefore I could not smoke them. Find something else to do. My other suggestion if you really want something sweet and delicious is try one of those Fiber One 90 calorie brownies, they are delish! :)
  • Julesh964
    Julesh964 Posts: 51 Member
    If I crave something I usually go clean my teeth, firstly I don't want to eat after they are clean and secondly, eating something after cleaning usually tastes awful xxx
  • I am REALLY REALLY having this problem too! Its killing me! sucks!
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    When i went to Weight Watchers they said if you REALLY want something to go ahead and eat it. Because if you try to satisfy your craving with something else, you will still have that craving and end up eating it anyway. Just have a little and figure it into your daily calories. Good Luck