7383 calories



  • sschofield11
    It's ok. We all lose control sometimes. I myself, had a bit of a "binge" day this week. All we can do is try again tomorrow. What keeps me going is to have someone that keeps me accountable. I have been trying to lose this weight for over a year now and have only gained. I have lost in the last month and honestly, it is only because I have someone that reminds me to track and is a listening ear when I to vent, or a kick in the behind. YOU CAN DO THIS. It will be hard and it will seem like you can't possible do it at times. I don't believe that one ever conquers an eating disorder. I believe (for me at least) that it is always something in the back of your mind. It's how you use that voice that matters. For me, if my mind (or stomach) tells me that I want a cookie, for example, I should eat that cookie. Otherwise, I eat everything that I can get my hands on until I feel satisfied. This never happens. I never find that satisfaction, I get to the point where it sounds like you did, feeling so sick that you can't move. Have you taken "before" pictures of yourself? Sometimes when I need a little bit of motivation, I look at my before pictures and then compare them to a picture of a "skinnier" me. Maybe it could help you too? I hope that my words will let you know that you are not alone and that you are strong enough to do this. Make tomorrow a day you can smile about :-).
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I eat that much on my weekly free day, and I love every minute of it.
    The difficult part is turning it off.

    The hard, cruel truth is you just have to want it. You have to see more value in your goals than the fleeting pleasures of bad eating.

    It's just that simple.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I would say that you shouldn't be seeing your primary doctor for this... it is psychological and I would consider consulting a therapist or psychologist on the matter. Something is triggering these episodes, and your regular doctor is not going to be the best source of help in this instance.

    There is ZERO shame in getting help for our mental health. It's part of our overall wellness. *hugs* :flowerforyou:
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    One day at a time. Keep moving forward no matter what.

  • lindabinda
    lindabinda Posts: 2 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day, so is today as a matter of fact!!!
    You got over the anorexia and I am sure that was difficult.
    You are doing an excellent job in diarising your eating behaviours, maybe there is a trigger as you said you have not been able to go more than 5 days without bingeing.
    Check back and see if there is a pattern. Maybe you aren't eating enough or are going without the odd meal at times and your body is actually hungry.
    I understand how easy it is once you start to just keep eating but you have identified the problem and that is the first step to overcoming it!\ Good luck,
    Linda :-)
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    7383 calories in 1 day?! are you for real?! that is mahoooosive! welll all's i can say is, tomorrow is a new start, so start a fresh as soon as you wake up. get a nice healthy breakfast down ya, and off you go :) hope you feel better soon
  • Singsince2
    That must be pretty hard. I don't really know a lot about binge eating. I do it about once a month, but can't eat as much as you did, so I will just speak from my own experience. Usually when I binge I am on my period, or it is getting ready to start. Some of it is a need for extra nutrition, some emotional and some boredom. What has worked for me is to begin the next day like it never happened. Just pick up where you left off. One of the things you did RIGHT was keeping track of your calories and coming here to talk it out.

    Here's a list of things you can do...

    1) Start with your diet again tomorrow.
    2) Drink lots of water today to flush your system as much as you can.
    3) Don't beat yourself up. You are worth all the goodness that the world has to offer!!!! AND... you are just the person to give the goodness of the world... to yourself!
    4) Maybe go to the mall and walk a little bit of this off. You will feel better if you burn some of the calories you ate.

    I wish you the best of luck and know in my heart that you can do this!
  • MrsZMartin
    MrsZMartin Posts: 165 Member

    I'm proud of you for keeping track of it. I wouldn't.
    Start over tomorrow. That's why God made tomorrows.

    I agree. The fact that you continued to log means that you care about yourself enough to realize what you ate during your binge. Save this log entry along with another day that you are truly proud of the food decisions you made. Start fresh, and when the desire to binge returns, come back to your diary from this binge, and from a proud day, and decide which way you want to feel. In fact, go back through your other logs now, and find the days where you made awesome food decisions, and pump yourself up for more days like that!!! Good luck!!! :heart:
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    Ate 7383 calories today. Biggest binge in a while. I seriously feel so sick and hopeless. I don't know how I can recover all of the hard work I put in this week. I can barley even move with out feeling like I'm going to be sick. I don't think I could feel any worse than what I am feeling right now :'(

    Also, knowing what my doctor will say to me when I go back in a few weeks. I've been fighting this eating disorder for so long and I haven't made it over 5 days without binging. I feel so miserable and upset. I have no idea what to do with this anymore...

    Sorry for the rant, I just don't know who else to turn too. Can anyone please give me some advice. I've had binge eating disorder for almost a year now. I recovered from anorexia and with that mind set still I feel horrible because what I do to my body.

    I'm proud of you for keeping track of it. I wouldn't.
    Start over tomorrow. That's why God made tomorrows.

  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    how'd you even manage that? you just eat nuts all day?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    No matter what happened today... tomorrow is always a brand new chance to get it right for yourself. You have acknowledge how sick you feel <--- that alone is an accomplishment. We all fall from time to time, what will make us all winner is to stand up and continue the race. One second, minute, hour, day at a time that is all any of us can do (I love saying that to myself).

    Keep your head up and make a choice to not let one "bad day" take away your longing to become a healthy person. YOU GOT THIS!!! We are all here to encourage you (well most of us at least, lol)
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.
  • mcylady
    mcylady Posts: 1 Member
    Best advice I have ever gotten for a binge...and I have had many...I can relate to how you feel but you have to forgive yourself for the binge..put it in the past and leave it there!! Get right back on track tomorrow and don't beat yourself up...we all binge or overeat at some point and just don't let it win!!!! You can pat yourself on the back by realizing you did it and just move on in a positive way!! This weight thing is a tough battle and I hope you have a support system like family members or friends that you can turn to..they can be very helpful and sometimes we just need to let them in to help!!! Good luck and hang in there!!!!!
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    For those curious how it is possible to eat that many calories in a day: try fast food in supersized portions for all three meals. Totally possible and you shouldn't be crticizing or commenting about that when the OP was trying to convey something entirely different. You obviously missed the point.

    For the OP, I quit, tried again, quit, and tried again for 20 years now. Every time I failed, I binged harder and harder in my shame. I honestly stopped paying attention to what I was doing to myself because I considered myself unably to lose weight.

    My family isn't very wealthy. We haven't given each other gifts in a really long time. This year for Christmas my brother asked me what I wanted and he refused to give me something practical (I'd usually just say gas money, grocery money, diapers for my son). After a few times of him asking I started thinking, "What do I really want?" so I told him I wanted to lose weight. He bought me a Wii. I got a bonus at work and bought Zumba and Just Dance.

    I can't dance but I have fun and my son likes to "dance" too. I don't know why it is sticking now and hasn't before but it is. Basically, as long as you keep trying you are in the right direction. Don't give up! And don't shame youself over a moment of weakness. We are imperfect and learning.

    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Advice - don't eat so much.

    Advice - don't comment in threads you obviously know nothing about
  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. We all have our stumbles and we must not fall. That is what MFP's are for. Start new tomorrow.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    People who don't have an eating disorder can easily say "forget about today, move on tomorrow." For most people, they are able to actually forget about today and focus their energy on doing better the next day. For people who have an ED, though, it's not typically that way. We beat ourselves up about it and can't forget about it - we replay over and over how much we ate, and how mad we are about it.

    When it comes down to it, shame is what keeps me from moving forward. But, though seeing a counselor and talking it out, I've learned better ways to deal with it. I RARELY ever binge anymore, and if I do, it's in the 500 calorie range and not 5,000 calorie range. It took me a year to get to this point, though.

    If you aren't already seeing a counselor from your anorexia days, I would suggest you see someone now to talk this out. You CAN fix this - I promise you can, but you have to work really hard. You already know how to work hard from overcoming anorexia. Now you need to focus that same energy into beating this.

    Edited to say the following: for those who said "how the hell did you do that?" or "is that even possible" - you just made her feel more shameful with every comment, and that may affect her tomorrow when she's trying to get back on track. Just keep that in mind please before you comment on another post.
  • sarah307
    sarah307 Posts: 1,363 Member
    I've been there and currently struggling with the same thing - you aren't alone! hope you are finding something that helps you through it.
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i wrote this on another message board about eating...i think you can deff benefit from my storyy!! <3

    i binge. YES I BINGE A LOT actually. i remember eating half a jar of peanut butter in one sitting, an entire family sized bag of trail mix (well over 5000 cals), several pecan pie crusts, etc. sometimes i hoard cups of food (usually full of sunflower seeds, craisins, red kidney beans and peanut butter) from the dining halls and then eat it in the bathroom because its too embarrassing to eat in front of everyone. binge eating is both terrifying and exhilarating, i know i binge because high fat food puts me on an emotional high.

    then afterward is the bad part. as im binge eating, my insides are screaming at me telling me that i am not hungry but then another part of me says ~you dont deserve to be at your goals because you are worthless~. its actually quite terrifying. then after my binges i feel so blown up that i can hardly move and i HATE myself, i mean, i REALLY just LOATHE myself for it.

    instead of hating myself, i decided to think, ~okay, look. i binged but now its over~. i started to exercise (its hard to binge when you know you cant run a mile straight), i took it easy on myself, and i told my inner critic to SHUT UP. writing things out helped too, ive done so many ~pseudo binges~ where i write explicitly what i eat, how it tastes, and how im feeling after and during it. that helped because i got to visualize it. and i just hated when my inner critic scolded me for eating too much, i decided that it was just NOT WORTH IT.

    my advice? love yourself. you binge, but you love yourself enough to stop carrying on unhealthy behavior. you cant take care of something that you dont love, and it has to start with yourself. i still binge occasionally, but NEVER do i binge like i used to, to the point where ive lost all hope for myself. you can do it!!
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    you just being on this site shows how very hard you are working... you can do this... take it one day at time..one HOUR at a time... let your body reset from that food you binged on today... and just keep working hard as you have... the one day does NOT negate the hard work....without the hard work... you would be FURTHER behind...in all likely hood..you broke even....if you are not already... maybe try to find a councelor you feel comfortable talking to? There are emotional issues behind these things...for most of us...many of us here have turned to food to self soothe...to comfort..even to punish ourselves... getting ahold of the reasons and tackling that really helps. And no matter WHAT you are human..and WILL stumble!!!! Stay strong... you will get ahold of this and move forward!