fitbit....recommend or No???



  • teach8pipa
    teach8pipa Posts: 3 Member
    LOVE my fitbit! Easy to use and it really helps to put the reality of how active or "inactive" one really is. Great for setting goals and staying on track.
  • I got mine set up last night and so far I LOVE it! It's pretty darn near accurate too with the steps which is what impressed me the most. I looked to see how many steps I had taken, and started counting from there. When I finished counting I checked it - and it was right in line with what I counted.

    It definitely does encourage you to be more active. I wasn't running around at work like normal today, but I will be tomorrow though! I can't wait.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    you guys are making me want one. Do they strap on your arm or what? At work, can't google.
  • I've had a fitbit ultra for a couple of weeks.

    I love it and the way it interacts with MFP. It's been a real motivator on those slow days to go for a walk to get the steps up. It's much better than a regular pedometer - it talks with my PC to update my data without me having to remember to manually enter it and the inbuilt altometer is also great - I've been finding stairs and hills to walk up and down just to get to my daily floor target.

    I'm very happy with my purchase :happy:
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    they have a clip which i would throw away first thing - i've known a couple people to lose thiers with the clip - i keep mine in my pocket all the time. no chance it will fall out or losing it from there.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I love my Fitbit. It encourages me to walk more. Be more active. Jump once in a while. it keeps me in check with what I eat too. I like seeing my flower grow. It's a little pricey but the positive outcome that you get is worth it

    I just got mine yesterday. Great fun and great information. So far i love it. The on-line interface is telling me i can earn a floor badge if i just walk up one flight of stairs. I live on the 18th floor and am now thinking either i'll walk up after going to the gym today, or at least take the elevator to 16 or 17 and walk up one or two flights to earn my badge. That's got to be a good thing, right?

  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    my husband is mean and won't let me have one. :sad:

    Luckily, I love him and will continue to try. Look at ebay. There are a bunch on there.
  • Those who own do the calories the fitbit shows you burn during exercise compare to what you had been calculating in mfp? I am curious if mfp over or underestimates calories burned. I would like a fitbit so that I can get a more accurate calculation, especially since mfp encourages you to eat those calories back. I am always worried that I am eating back calories that I didn't actually burn!
  • MrsLeibas
    MrsLeibas Posts: 43 Member
    I love my fitbit! My fiance and I got our for Christmas and have starting using them religiously since January 1st. I can honestly say that I think it's an absolutely fabulous device. I would have to say I think the step counter is pretty accurate. The stair counter is questionable as we living a hilly area and at times it counts the hills as you drive over them if you wear it all the time and have it on while in the car. Either way I definitely think it has made us both more active. I have lost 3 lbs since Jan 1st and he has lost about 9 lbs. I have mine linked to MFP and love the interface between the two. He doesn't have his fibit and MFP linked however uses them both. Since we've both seen progress I would definitely say it's worth it. Just a bit of an FYI though, I ordered his for him for Christmas through the website because I didn't realize you could get them any other way so mine was $99, and the fitbit website membership is free, unless you want the premium membership and I'm not sure how much that costs. He however got mine for $99 at Best Buy and also was able to pay for a warrenty for it in case I would manage to break it. Someone also posted about where to wear it, well the fitbit website tells you the best locations for them, but one of the suggestions for women is on their bra and I find that the best place for me. My fiance puts his in his pocket while he's at work and usually has it in a pocket or cliped to his waist band otherwise. It also comes with a wrist band to wear at night to track your sleep effiency with. Hope this helps!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    I've never really looked into one and just spent some time at the website and reading their blog. I have a question or two. It seems like it's made to be a somewhat glorified pedometer and just tracks steps and stairs, right? Can it tell the difference between running and walking? The steps would be the same but the calorie burn would be different. Also, I do grinders at least once a week, i.e. running up/down stairs at a stadium. I would be burning more calories running those stairs then I would walking. Does it give an accurate calorie burn for that? I also mainly do other exercises like spin classes, outdoor cycling, cardio-kickboxing, yoga and weight-lifting, for example. Does it track the calories burned doing that? I have the impression it doesn't. Am I mistaken?
  • adriana_hackney
    adriana_hackney Posts: 232 Member
    OK...y'all have talked me into it :) I'm getting one!!!
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    Those who own do the calories the fitbit shows you burn during exercise compare to what you had been calculating in mfp? I am curious if mfp over or underestimates calories burned. I would like a fitbit so that I can get a more accurate calculation, especially since mfp encourages you to eat those calories back. I am always worried that I am eating back calories that I didn't actually burn!

    I don't have a fitbit, but I recently got a HRM and it gives me a much lower calorie burn for my exericise than MFP. It was a little disheartening at first, but I'm glad to have the more accurate info. My burns seem like a lot less than what I see among friends, so I guess it's true, everyone's different. I can't decide if a fitbit would be good to have as well.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    I've never really looked into one and just spent some time at the website and reading their blog. I have a question or two. It seems like it's made to be a somewhat glorified pedometer and just tracks steps and stairs, right? Can it tell the difference between running and walking? The steps would be the same but the calorie burn would be different. Also, I do grinders at least once a week, i.e. running up/down stairs at a stadium. I would be burning more calories running those stairs then I would walking. Does it give an accurate calorie burn for that? I also mainly do other exercises like spin classes, outdoor cycling, cardio-kickboxing, yoga and weight-lifting, for example. Does it track the calories burned doing that? I have the impression it doesn't. Am I mistaken?
    Yes, it is a fancy pedometer. It tracks stairs (each 10' elevation gain/loss is counted as a flight), and it offers "encouragement"... if you need extra incentive to move more, it is great. I would not count on the calories burned to be all that accurate, since it is NOT an HRM.

    DH and I both have one, and it IS a handy little device for our friendly competition... Like the evening he had 9 flights of stairs, and needed just one more to get his "stair badge" on the site... so, he ran upstairs quick! It has motivated me to start using the stairs at work, too.

    I am getting more steps in per day now, now that I know how few I did before!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Thanks for the info, Raevynn!
  • Those who own do the calories the fitbit shows you burn during exercise compare to what you had been calculating in mfp? I am curious if mfp over or underestimates calories burned. I would like a fitbit so that I can get a more accurate calculation, especially since mfp encourages you to eat those calories back. I am always worried that I am eating back calories that I didn't actually burn!

    I don't have a fitbit, but I recently got a HRM and it gives me a much lower calorie burn for my exericise than MFP. It was a little disheartening at first, but I'm glad to have the more accurate info. My burns seem like a lot less than what I see among friends, so I guess it's true, everyone's different. I can't decide if a fitbit would be good to have as well.

    Thank you! I am thinking I need a HRM rather than a fitbit because I would like to get a more accurate reading of my gym activities (Zumba, Kickboxing, Hip Hop) rather than just my steps. I'm afraid to find out what you've found out...that I burn fewer calories than mfp has been estimating,,,,,eeek! Thanks again!
  • I'd love to get one because everyone's so positive about them but they are quite expensive! :(
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    My husband, mother and I have all been using fitbit ultras for 1-2 months (my husband the longest). It is not a perfect tool but for the price and size I think it does a very good job (vs. HRM). I can wear it with a business suit without any mysterious lumps under my clothing. Benefit is primarily awareness and motivation.

    Hubby has lost about 15 lbs, my mom and I both in the 5-7lb range since we started wearing them. fitbit website allows you to link to others so we have some friendly competition on steps takes, stairs climbed, etc.
  • poundsgalore
    poundsgalore Posts: 99 Member
    I have had my Fitbit Ultra for a few days and just learning all of the neat things it will do. I absolutely love it!!! I love gadgets, not a necessity but I love it!!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I've been looking in to getting a fitbit. I was wondering what you guys think. Should I or shouldn't I???

    Had mine a year in December. (Well...had three in that time. Be careful if, like me, you come home and put your dirty clothes right in the washer! They don't do well in the washer...) Love it!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    LOVE mine. Got one for Christmas 2010, then it died on Christmas Day 2011 (I never ever went without it, except in the shower). I promptly got another, of course! It clips to whatever works for you...waistband, pocket, bra strap, and there is an included wristband to slide it into for sleep tracking.