Diet pills



  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Pretty much no one is going to encourage you to take diet pills. Make your diary public so people can see what you're doing and tell you what you can change. Go from there.

    This ^ and I'm sending a friend request.
  • Bookers23
    Bookers23 Posts: 187 Member
    Nothing wrong with a little boost. Might help with the initial 10 pounds or so, giving you continued motivation. Just understand that you can't take these for life. I cannot recommend CLA enough, I see great results with myself and all of my friends whom I recommended it to.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    at least your numbers move! i've been here almost a month and i've lost only lost 6.5 lbs....4 of which were in the first week and a 1/2. i've lost 1 lb in the last 2 weeks...
  • This is what I was on when I got Bell's palsy. :(
  • I have taken Adipex (generic is phentermine) an appetite suppressant along w/Lasix (generic Furosemide) which is a diuretic, both are only available w/a prescription. I ate right, did not exercise & lost a lot of weight, the downside is once I Stopped taking the Adipex my appetite came back double, it's as if my body was in starvation mode for 3 months. Needless to say I put back on all of the weight plus an extra 15 lbs w/in 6 months. My advise don't take them, the results are short lived at best (from my own personal experience as well as several of my friends that have taken them in the past). Don't watch the scale, it can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Good Luck
  • avriel before you resort to diet pills (remember you have been there/done that and it did NOT work in the long run) may i make an alternate suggestion? *some* of us simply do not lose weight on the traditional low fat/calorie restriction type of eating no matter how hard we try. for *some* (NOT everyone) the path to success has to do w/ changing not only how much one eats but what one eats- in other words changing the macros around to a higher protein and fats and a lower carb style of eating.
    i implore you to research and try that first before succumbing to the temptation of diet pills. just try it for a month or so- what have you got to lose? commit to that and perhaps you will see the scale move down and clothes getting loose...wouldn't it be lovely to find a way to accomplish your weight loss goals from inside you rater than replying on a crutch that is just going to stab you in the back in the long run? you cannot take diet pills forever but you can change your style of eating forever, be healthy, and keep the weight off. what do you think~ you want to try this instead of the pills? it could be the answer for you....
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    I don't really see the point in taking something that you'll eventually have to stop taking. If you don't make a lifestyle change, you'll put any weight lost back on. My weight loss was slow. 60 lbs over a year is pound every 6 days or so. I had some slow weeks, some fast weeks and some weeks where I actually went up. If you're really committed to changing the way you look at exercise & nutrition, do it right & make it last.
  • shanlynt
    shanlynt Posts: 718 Member
    I know it can be frustrating. Try switching up your exercise routine. For me running is the most difficulty activity for me but I get a really good workout doing it.
  • davinci21
    davinci21 Posts: 60 Member
    it can be very frustrating, but keep eating clean, try lowering your calories for a few days, change your exercise routine and don't be too hard on yourself, life's too short:wink:
  • myopus
    myopus Posts: 321 Member
    at least your numbers move! i've been here almost a month and i've lost only lost 6.5 lbs....4 of which were in the first week and a 1/2. i've lost 1 lb in the last 2 weeks...

    Lilac, 6.5 in less than a month! Look at the bigger picture; both you and original poster are losing. You should feel proud of that. :smile: If my standards were that strict my spirit would be shot.
  • Fit_2013
    Fit_2013 Posts: 326 Member
    Someone wrote:

    "I have found success in using the supplement CLA..."

    I second that, by the way, and there are clinical studies that back up this supplement as something that aids in weight loss, if you can afford it. It's not a "diet pill." It has no stimulants or anything like that.

    Recently I read that this supplement CLA causes Diabetes and chronic pancreatitis. Dr Oz recommends Raspberry ketones , donot know what long term sideeffects are there.
    Dr. Oz also recommends 7 keto for energy are there not enough harmone related cancers around the world. Before using any supplement long term effects need to be evaluated.
    The best even if it is at a snail pace is good old fashioned diet and exercise.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I bought zantrex 3 at wal mart and the only thing I notice is being thirsty and get bad headaches I don't take them too often because they don't even work its all mental!! you can do it you just gotta keep a positive mindset
  • ReginaM49
    ReginaM49 Posts: 65 Member
    I took phentermine for a boost at the beginning. It definitely helped ME get started. But I didn't want to depend on a pill when I know that Lifestyle changes are the only thing that work. Healthy eating and more exercising. Along with this is also understanding why you eat. If you are an emotional eater, you need to deal with those emotions a different way. Every person is different. Learn who you are... what your eating issues are... and work on ALL of them. Above all else.. be patient with yourself and KIND. You're never going to be perfect. You will have great weeks where you eat well and exercise. Then you may be sick or under much stress, etc. Life happens. Forgiving yourself when you fall and picking yourself back up will eventually lead to success.
  • curious376
    curious376 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks to all the support you guys are all giving me. Some of the responses made me tear up, but all of you made me resist the temptation today. Tomorrow will be a new day, going to the gym to work off the temptation. Thanks again to all of you for helping me thru this tough day. I love you!!
  • Ironyb
    Ironyb Posts: 30
    I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago, and started with taking Oxy Elite pro for about a year and lost 40lbs, I don' t have any health issues, and for a year I have not taking it since. I will lose weight on my own (maybe about 5lbs-10lbs) and then gain it back. On Oxy, even after I stopped taking I never gained that weight back. I joined MFP to help do this with out the aid of supplements. So I believe I need to find the psychological trigger that's causing me not to get the results I want.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I'm so sorry that you are feeling this low:( I don't really have any advice on this, but I just want you to know you are not alone. I'm recovering from anorexia and while I may be underweight, I can relate to the feeling of needing those pills. I used to take all kinds of diet pills, yes everyone used to comment on how bony I was but in my mind, and when I looked in the mirror all I could see was a great big whale. I was massively addicted to diet pills and laxatives but I recently threw out my last pot and it felt good.
    Personally I don't believe they help anything. I think they could harm your body, your organs. Do you really know what's in them? How do you know the companies aren't lying to you about the ingredients being used?
    I have I guess a weird view on weight loss, I believe weight loss should be about making your insides healthy. I feel the same about gaining weight too. I have never believed in dieting because I believe this should all be about changing your life for the better PERMANENTLY. Whereas diets are just short term it seems. You lose the weight fairly quickly but gain it twice as fast when you 'give up.'
    I know I may sound like a hyprocrite because I never believed in this for myself and my body, but I believe it is important to eat everything in moderation, chocolate too lol. I feel the same way about exercise. I understand there may be some people who believe it is important to exercise, exercise, exercise, and while I think it is important to exercise for at least thirty minutes a day, I don't believe in overexercising your body. Just like eating or drinking too much, too much exercise could be harmful to your body I think. You have to find that balance.
    Remind yourself of why you started this journey, was it not to adapt a healthy lifestyle?
    I know you won't feel it but you are strong and beautiful. I'm really sorry if I have mumbled on far too much, I do do this when I'm exhausted lol sorry.

  • cortreinhardt
    cortreinhardt Posts: 43 Member
    I took/ take phentermine I took it For two months after my son was born and went from 160 down to 144 was off of it from may till this month never gained any of the weight back and didn't have to try hard to keep it off.
    I've been on it again for a week and I've lost some weight but unlike last time I've been exercising my butt off because the number can be low but if you don't tone you still won't be happy

    I've had no issues with it, neither has my mother,
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I have taken Adipex (generic is phentermine) an appetite suppressant along w/Lasix (generic Furosemide) which is a diuretic, both are only available w/a prescription. I ate right, did not exercise & lost a lot of weight, the downside is once I Stopped taking the Adipex my appetite came back double, it's as if my body was in starvation mode for 3 months. Needless to say I put back on all of the weight plus an extra 15 lbs w/in 6 months. My advise don't take them, the results are short lived at best (from my own personal experience as well as several of my friends that have taken them in the past). Don't watch the scale, it can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Good Luck

    My exact experience as well. I gained all of the weight back. Yes you will be happy initially, but it is not maintainable and you will be back where you started.

    Try vitamin supplements instead. Sometimes it is hormones as well. I am having a hormone screen done pretty soon because I feel like something is off balance.
  • hollyeverhart
    hollyeverhart Posts: 397 Member
    I take adderall for ADD & that is the closet I get to diet pills these days. I started taking adderall and lost 15 pounds in 2 months. Not exercising, nothing. Just no appetite. Now that my appetite has kinda return due to my body being used to the medication, I eat way less and healthier. I used to take ephedrine and it made me want to have a heart attack...I think thats why its illegal now in my area, people buy it to make meth! Scary. I think weight loss pills are a quick fix that is unrealistic and lazy. Just eat right & exercise, I think thats the only healthy solution!
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    Quick Trim works really good. I'm in a wheelchair and can't do much. So I take them to help.