June Starters - Monday Weigh In



  • Sparklene
    Sparklene Posts: 38 Member
    I was pumped this morning to note I was down to 154, a one-pound loss. Alas, when I looked on my reports, I realized I was 154 the last two weeks, albeit not on Mondays. I just logged it when I thought I had lost something, I guess. But I've wobbled from155 up to 156 all week which is why I thought 154 was a new low. Was all psyched to say I'd lost a pound this week, but I do feel skinny, my clothes are beginning to really fall off, and several, not one but several, people have commented that I look skinny. So I'll take that and try for 153 this week.
  • sibetsimo
    sibetsimo Posts: 39
    Starting weight: 121
    Weight last week: 118
    Current weight: 116.5 !!!!!

    Goal: 110

    Let's see how this goes!
  • jeanns
    jeanns Posts: 58
    OOPS! I had a "bad" weekend :blushing: actually, I had a GREAT weekend, I just ate a lot! lol!

    I usually weigh in on wednesday mornings to give myself a buffer from the weekend so I think I'll recheck on wednesday, just to see. Luckily, I didn't gain any weight! phew! BTW, alcohol has SO MANY CALORIES! I'm sure we all already knew that, but when you have to log it, it really opens the eyes!

    SW: 164
    CW: 161...still
    GW: 144-ish, I haven't seen the 40s since highschool, so I'll be ecstatic to be 149!
    mini-goal: 154 by my bday, August 1st.

    QUESTION: I keep seeing people talk about losing 5 lbs, 4lbs, sometimes even 7lbs in the first couple weeks! HOw come that didn't happen to me! :sad:
    Also- do you guys think my mini goal is do-able?!?? I just kind made it up, but that's another 7 pounds to lose in basically five weeks and at the rate I'm going...I don't know if I'm gonna make it!!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Woo hoo!

    SW: 214
    Last week: 210
    Today: 207

    Down 3 lbs since last week. YAY! :bigsmile:
  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    QUESTION: I keep seeing people talk about losing 5 lbs, 4lbs, sometimes even 7lbs in the first couple weeks!

    Becasue we have SOOOO much more then you to lose! I lost like 8 lbs my first week but I need to lose 44lbs to even get where you are at the moment! The more to lose the quicker it goes in teh begining.
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi gals!:flowerforyou:

    have lost this 3 times so I am making it short

    SW 200
    CW 200
    GW 169
    mini goal 195 by 7/1

    Starting the Curves weight management plan today so am anxious to see what happens as it is a totally new approach!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Everyone is doing great. Even those who didn't lose but don't usually weigh in on Mondays feel proud. It is one thing to compare a Monday to Monday weigh in from now on, since it is a true week, but don't compare if you normally weigh in Wed (or for me Fridays) it isn't a full week, and you made it through the weekend. last Monday I was 3 lbs heavier than the Friday previous. Now Monday to Monday is easier on my ego in the long run I think.

    Did that make sense to anyone but me?

    Oh well, keep on truckin' . I think we are all doing great. the sustainable weight loss takes longer. :wink:
  • jenaranda
    jenaranda Posts: 32

    SW: 182.4
    weight today 181 (not much :embarassed: )
    GW: 150

    Goal this week: drink my 8 glasses of water

    Have a great week everyone
  • Meags23
    Meags23 Posts: 98
    Hi everyone, I was seriously bored at work today so I've started a chart, kind of like the blue team, with % lost and change etc on excel. I should have it finished by tomorrow and then I'll figure out a way to post it.
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    Hi everyone, I was seriously bored at work today so I've started a chart, kind of like the blue team, with % lost and change etc on excel. I should have it finished by tomorrow and then I'll figure out a way to post it.

    Wow Meags, that's awesome! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • GetFitBy2010
    I lose 4 lbs last week but for 2 weeks I did not get the scale to move down so I'm very happy.
    SW 180
    CW 171
    GW 130 or size 10P
    Mini goal 1 : 160lbs or size 14P by aug 5th
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Way to go everyone!!!! So glad that so many of you weighed in!!! BUT I also noticed that that a WHOLE BUNCH of June starters didn't...:smile:
    Its all good, but weighing in really holds us accountable...and I don't know about you, but I can use all of the accountability I can get!!
    Ok, guys!! Good luck with this next week. THis is my third week, as I know it is for many of you!! Good luck guys! Lets do this thing!!! :happy: :happy: :heart:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Everyone is doing great. Even those who didn't lose but don't usually weigh in on Mondays feel proud. It is one thing to compare a Monday to Monday weigh in from now on, since it is a true week, but don't compare if you normally weigh in Wed (or for me Fridays) it isn't a full week, and you made it through the weekend. last Monday I was 3 lbs heavier than the Friday previous. Now Monday to Monday is easier on my ego in the long run I think.

    Did that make sense to anyone but me?

    Oh well, keep on truckin' . I think we are all doing great. the sustainable weight loss takes longer. :wink:

    I'm totally on the same page with you!!! Made perfect sense!! :smile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Hi everyone, I was seriously bored at work today so I've started a chart, kind of like the blue team, with % lost and change etc on excel. I should have it finished by tomorrow and then I'll figure out a way to post it.

  • jess_h_2
    jess_h_2 Posts: 49
    I haven't been at it quite a week yet so I wasn't expecting anything major but here's where i'm at....

    SW 260
    CW 258.9
  • sassycat
    sassycat Posts: 108
    OOPS! I had a "bad" weekend :blushing: actually, I had a GREAT weekend, I just ate a lot! lol!

    I usually weigh in on wednesday mornings to give myself a buffer from the weekend so I think I'll recheck on wednesday, just to see. Luckily, I didn't gain any weight! phew! BTW, alcohol has SO MANY CALORIES! I'm sure we all already knew that, but when you have to log it, it really opens the eyes!

    SW: 164
    CW: 161...still
    GW: 144-ish, I haven't seen the 40s since highschool, so I'll be ecstatic to be 149!
    mini-goal: 154 by my bday, August 1st.

    QUESTION: I keep seeing people talk about losing 5 lbs, 4lbs, sometimes even 7lbs in the first couple weeks! HOw come that didn't happen to me! :sad:
    Also- do you guys think my mini goal is do-able?!?? I just kind made it up, but that's another 7 pounds to lose in basically five weeks and at the rate I'm going...I don't know if I'm gonna make it!!!

    I know all about the weekends. I was bad :devil: this past weekend! Maybe that is out of my system now and I can move forward! That is my goal this week. I gained a few pounds back. :cry:
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    Sorry I posted in the wrong thread!
    My weight last week was 257.2 I weighed yesterday morning at 254.2.
  • sassycat
    sassycat Posts: 108
    OMG!!!! We had a free dinner catered to us here at work. Help! No will power--smell so goood!!! BBQ chicken, cheesy scallop potatoes, bake beans, cole slaw, rolls..........UGGGHHHH!!!!
  • glandis
    glandis Posts: 89
    We had catered lunches today at work too. I managed to have to will power to avoid it and I could smell it ... ughhhhh. Keep trying to fight those temptations . We can do it!
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    Sorry I posted on the wrong thread yesterday. I had only lost one pound yesterday but when I got on the scale this morning I had gained one pound and I ate well yesterday... Not sure what the deal is but it is really getting me down. I am trying to keep it positive and not give up but it's hard.:grumble:
    So here goes:
    SW: 178.5
    6/22/09: 175.5

    Hope everyone has a great afternoon!