Any breakfast cereal recommendations?



  • amybrauch
    amybrauch Posts: 250 Member
    Cheerios are my favorite.
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    Krave double chocolate it is new but I LOVE it! It has 160 calories in 1 cup.
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    Looking for easy and quick ??? Hard boil some eggs on Sunday and enjoy one each morning with a cup of steel oats and fresh berries ! Quick, easy and SUPER healthy ! Just sayin'
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I typically have greek yogurt or a Subway turkey/egg white english muffin for breakfast. But my favorite sweet cereal option is Kashi Go Lean Truly Vanilla oatmeal. It has more fiber and protein than any other oatmeals w/ lower calories and sugar. I would def recommend it. :happy:
  • FULTZ10
    FULTZ10 Posts: 41 Member
    Kellogs Krave double chocolate. If your a chocolate lover and want to keep the calories down then this is it. It is only 120 calorie 3/4 of a cup
  • Porridge oats is probably the best cereal you can have. Very low in fat and slow release energy it'll keep you going until dinner time. Made with semi skimmed milk it's about 200 cals. I got a 1 kilo bag from Aldi's for about a £1. That's a months supply!
    I love it with fresh blueberries or a dash of honey.
  • scoyne999
    scoyne999 Posts: 59 Member
    Steel cut oatmeal made in the slow cooker, enough for week, 2 minutes in micro in morning, a little milk & fruit.......Done

    Ditto above - soooooo good with a little brown sugar and berries and it's VERY good for you, too!

    Here's a link to some health benefits of steel cut oats and on page 2 of the post is the recipe (I do 1 cup oats to 4 cups water and place it all in a bowl in a bath of water in the slow cooker).
  • scoyne999
    scoyne999 Posts: 59 Member
    One other - FAGE yogurt with honey is delish and appx 210 calories. Doesn't fill me up as much as the steel cut oatmeals but it's definitely a treat.
  • CourteneyLove
    CourteneyLove Posts: 246 Member
    Not sure if it's been mentioned already, but I LOVEEE Kashi Go Lean Crunch! Honey Almond with Flax. So nom!
  • Plain cheerios with a little bit of honey, chex mix, or kashi. I try to buy cereal that has a tiny list of ingredients, not a gigantic wall of text on the side of my cereal box. I would avoid Special K, just because I think everything they make is a huge joke for anyone trying to eat healthier.

    You can always cook your eggs in the oven in a muffin tin the night before and then keep them in the fridge. Then pop them in the microwave and you have hot eggs for breakfast in 30 seconds.
  • I love the Special K chocolate delight...Very Yummy!!!!
  • I put 1/2 cup of whole grain oatmeal covered in water in the microwave for about 4 minutes. I sprinkle cinnamon and flax over it and 1/2 cup almond milk. Sometimes I also add fruit such as blueberries or banana. It's pretty quick and really good. Breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day. It keeps you from getting hungry the rest of the day.
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    Don't eat breakfast cereals, they are no good. Just cook up some eggs.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    multigrain cheerios!!

    These are great.
  • lisadlocks
    lisadlocks Posts: 212 Member
    All Natural F-Factor. High Fiber Skinnys Cereal. 70 calories, 5 mg sodium, 27g of carbs, 18grams of FIBER, 4 grams of sugar, protein 4 grams. That is a 1/2 cup serving. I add 1/2 cup of silk almond milk and that is my breakfast most days around 8:00. I am ready for a snack by 10:00am but I eat every two- three hours most days.
  • I like to get special K and Chex honey nut. They are low in calories compared to other cereals. (about 110-120 dry) I like the Chex honey nut best and if you eat it with almond milk unsweetened, which is only 35 calories, it has less calories than eating it with 2% or 1'% milk.:wink:

    Love Chex Honeynut - I was eating Honeynut Cheerios and then read the label!
  • Honey Bunches and Oats is real good
  • runningoncinshine
    runningoncinshine Posts: 21 Member
    I enjoy the Kashi line ---- it's found in most health food sections at the grocery store!
  • liveyourlifex
    liveyourlifex Posts: 149 Member
  • i eat kellogs fruit and fibre...was never a breakfast person, but i have to admit it is nice... weetabix is nice with warm milk...maybe start the day with a piece of fruit and a multi vit drink........ so so many different ways to start the day ...... all the best stormy