Are there any fitness dvds that are suitable for kids???????



  • littlebean24
    Maybe enroll her in a sport? Swimming, soccer, softball, karate, ballet..she'll be playing, making new friends, and exercising all at the same time.
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    My boys (8 and 10) enjoy Wii Sports boxing, Wii fit, Just dance, and periodically a Jillian or Yoga with me. These boys are highly active and currently training for a karate tournament. I enjoy when we can share a workout while helping them condition for the upcoming event. We also get out for a walk or hike, weather permitting.
  • Awebby5
    In know there is a Billy Blanks Tae Bo Kids video that is a lot of fun! I did it with them and if I made myself go hard, it was quite a workout for me too!
  • Prek2005
    hiya just wanted to know whether there are any exercise workouts that children can do, my 9 yr old needs a bit of a workout but i dont know whats suitable for her age, I also have a 4yr old and 6yr old who want to exercise with me to, all suggestions welcome...........

    If I was you I would just Google children exercise DVD online. I'm sure there are tons of them. I've read where someone mention Elmocise it is a good DVD for children, and also Teabo Junior is another great DVD.
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    If you have a games console such as the Wii, Just Dance games are great fun for kids and quite a work out. I do them myself when I am not in the mood for exercise DVDs but really need to do something. As for DVD's I'm sorry I don't know of any in particular but I would imagine that something like the Davina DVDs should be ok and relatively fun. If this is something your daughter wants to do then I think it is great that you are encouraging her, but keep it fun :happy:
  • vakaranshah786
    vakaranshah786 Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks for all the replys, basically the weathers too bad at the mo in the uk for walks and she wants to workout with me because she saw me doing my jm workout dvd bfbm but it was too hard for her and i was looking for something aimed at kids... We have a Wii and have all the sports game but i might get the dance one i want her to like working out and not see it as a chore like i do... she says she wants to do 30ds with me everyday but i just think for a child it might be too much, she is a bit big but thats down to me not making healthy choices and i am trying to change all that slowly but surely...Thanks again
  • jessashcher
    I think it is awesome that you want to find work out videos for your kids, and to those that assume your kids sit in front of the television, they don't know you or what your kids do, shame on you. And to the other lady that posted don't make them do exercise workouts cause it will give them some kind of complex, are you for real? Cause I think it's fantastic to start getting an exercise routine when your young so you don't have to come on mfp when you're older because you didn't have a good sense of what you need to do in life to stay healthy. I am all for kids doing these work outs, my 6 year old grandson loved it so much when his mommy was doing it that he asked her if he could make his own work out video, so she recorded him doing some stuff, he is a little pro, was telling his audience exactly what they needed to do and how many times and he would count it down also. He had alot of fun doing that. More power to you.
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 747 Member
    If you have a Wii, the Just Dance for Kids games are fun and a great workout you can do with them, plus Wii Sports Resort and Wii Fit. Our family has so much fun playing the Wii games together!

    Zumba as well.
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Leslie Sansone has a walk at home with kids in it, it was on att on demand, could probably find it on youtube
  • sarahness
    sarahness Posts: 80 Member
    i used to do barbies workout when i was little!!

    I used to do that too! My aunt bought be a barbie exercise tape when I was younger because I too needed more exercise lol. I should have done it more often maybe I wouldnt be where I am today!
  • momuv3princesses
    momuv3princesses Posts: 154 Member
    My kids ask to do one of their exercise videos when I am doing mine. We have 2 yoga for kids ones (forget the titles but I just searched yoga for kids on amazon). They have some other ones I got off of amazon too but they love the yoga ones best. They do like to do walk away the pounds with me or jillian's 30 day shred. Although they lose interest more quickly with me. I do wii dance ones with them which is fun for everyone.

    I agree that people are missing the boat here. Today I went out for a walk. It is FREEZING cold and windy. Not a day I want to send my kids out to jump on the trampoline or take a walk. We have had tons of nice days this winter where they have been out jumping, playing, and exercising. This weekend it has been snowy, rainy, and gross. We don't know this lady. Her kids may NEVER watch tv for all we know. It is not nice to make assumptions based on one well intentioned post.

    Good luck. Hope you find some your kids enjoy as much as mine enjoy theirs.

    Oh and one more thing.... I got my kids theirs for Valentine's Day and talked about how exercise is good for the heart! :)
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I have two children. Only one of which is at the age where she can "be active". Since it is too cold to go outside and play... we do a lot of indoors dancing! She loves to dance and it's good for her to be up and moving. I think it teaches a positive mindset. I do not force her to do anything, but she sees that I am active (thinks its fun), and wants to do fun stuff as well.

    The kids Zumba class is really cool!
    Any childrens movie that has a song and dance aspect will get the child moving- of you show them to dance when the music is on
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