exercising with little results



  • I think just exercise is not enough for you.You should change your food menu.Control your diet,I am not saying to eat less but saying to eat more vegetable and fresh green fruits.Please try to avoid animal fat and fast food.

    Joseph Rettig
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    This is my last contribution as my wife says 2 of you are absolutely rediculous. My wife and son do my measurements every week for bodybuilding.com. I know it is hard to see but if you look at my pictures you can see I have 36" pants, I can wear 34" pants but I like baggy clothes. My son and wife are confused as to how you can debate me over these facts but they said my neck makes me look deceiving as I have a 21" neck. I have always done cable lifts with my neck. Even when I was a skinny high school kid my neck was 18".So, I am done , as I have shown I have documentation for everything I say from doctors because I had to for the Max Muscle transformation contest. I just had Jason Young do my measurements and they were 21" neck, 48" chest, 57" shoulders, 18" biceps and 15" forearms, and they checked my body fat %. Dinosnopro, I don't doubt you have 13 % bodyfat, that is really good , you should be proud and I wouldn't debate you over your bodyfat. You can't debate though , I am a lot bigger man than you and it is much more of a challenge to keep my bodyfat low. Especially when I am coming off of a bulking cycle and eating a lot of calories a couple of months ago. You all have a wonderful day and I think it is a shame that I was trying to help this girl and a couple of you turned this post into about me , that is pretty immature. You all have a wonderful day!

    You are only bigger in weight I also am 6' tall, scroll back and look at the pics I posted, put them and your picture side by side.Either you are the worlds biggest troll or completely dilutional. You can P.M me that video of you getting your mesurments done if you don't want to put it up here. Good luck on your not being a troll goals for 2012.

    to the op sorry to get into an e-spat in your thread I hope you have gotten some good tips in here that will help you out.
  • lorri68
    lorri68 Posts: 53 Member
    when i was at the gym i was told that as to do 5 mins warm up and 20 mins full power hrate and 5 cool down. you dont have to spend hours in there as long as you heart is the max. i did not lose much but my shape changed and the inches want down. so chk inches once a month you will be surprised .
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 567 Member
    No worries, just keep up the good work! One day you will realize that..WOW!!! I am loosing weight!!
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    This is why I'm so skeptical of personal trainers. "HIIT is bad for fat loss." :laugh:
    Actually it is, especially on cutting cycle. Using cardio to create a calorie deficit is absurd. I am not even going to get on the effects of HIIT on the central nervous system. When you're in a calorie deficit (ie cutting) you're goal is recovery. Weight workouts coupled with MULTIPLE HIIT sessions will lead to a wrecked CNS.

    No wonder many don't lose any weight.
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Well other than watching the diet and the food choices to fuel the body this forum has left me confused. Seems as if everyone has an opinion on how the best way to burn calories/fat is. I feel like the more I read in here and elsewhere the more confused I become on how to go about this weight loss journey -other than how to eat which I know is the majority of the battle.

    I lift a few times a week but am not sure how I should be going about my cardios. Do more? Do Less? High Intensity? Not? It is all so very confusing!
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    This is why I'm so skeptical of personal trainers. "HIIT is bad for fat loss." :laugh:
    Actually it is, especially on cutting cycle. Using cardio to create a calorie deficit is absurd. I am not even going to get on the effects of HIIT on the central nervous system. When you're in a calorie deficit (ie cutting) you're goal is recovery. Weight workouts coupled with MULTIPLE HIIT sessions will lead to a wrecked CNS.

    No wonder many don't lose any weight.

    How much of a cut are you talking? My wife and I did the lyle mcdonald RFL diet, with that he advises no cardio because it is such an extreme cut. If you are a couple hundred cals under maintenace wheres the problem? please do get started with the effects. I will be starting hiit again soon and dont want be doing it wrong. :indifferent:
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    Well other than watching the diet and the food choices to fuel the body this forum has left me confused. Seems as if everyone has an opinion on how the best way to burn calories/fat is. I feel like the more I read in here and elsewhere the more confused I become on how to go about this weight loss journey -other than how to eat which I know is the majority of the battle.

    I lift a few times a week but am not sure how I should be going about my cardios. Do more? Do Less? High Intensity? Not? It is all so very confusing!

    go to bodybuilding.com forums and there is alot of good info over there. Read the stickies in the fat loss section.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I doubt that it's the exercise doing it. The "fat burning" cardio zone has largely been dispelled as a myth.

    Your problem is much more likely to lie in the kitchen... open your food diary and we'll be able to help.

    ^ this

    weight loss is 80% diet, 10% exercise, 10% genetics, so most likely any issue in weight loss will fall in the diet area. You can lose weight and fat with no exercise, it is all about caloric deficit.

    Make sure you are weighing solid foods, measuring liquids and you may want to track exercise with a HRM, using these 3 things you will be able to track cals in and out better than pretty much any other way (HRM's are just an estimate, but are much more accurate than other estimators)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I see a number of issues with your diet. 1- many days your fat intake is higher than mine and I am 6' 267 lbs with 8.8% body fat. 2- some days you only eat twice a day, you need to eat 5-6 times a day. 3- your protein intake should always be higher than your carb intake. 4 I didn't see what your size was but your carbs should be around .6-.8 grams per lb of body weight. Your protein should be 1 gram per pound of body weight. As far as eating 5-6 times per day , a protein shake can be considered a meal. You have to get your metabolism up. It is probably like molasses right now. I hope this helps. If you have any questions just message me. Have a good day.

    My carbs are double what my protein is on a daily basis. Also, not everyone should be consuming that much protein. It is actually supposed to be 1g of protein per 1lb of lean body mass - NOT weight. I've found that consuming too much protein makes me have intense kidney pain. Everything I've heard and read says our bodies can only breakdown so much protein in a day and the extra gets dumped to our kidneys. So, be cautious. I've seen excess protein intake lead to kidney stones in some people.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I don't know who leangains is, I can make a webpage too. Last year I increased my eating from 2 /day to 6/day and went with the numbers that I gave her and I lost 65 lbs of fat. I didn't even do cardio or any other exercise as I am disabled in my legs. I am on 240 mg of morphine everyday just so I can walk. I just recently started upper body weight training and I have put on 72 lbs of muscle and I still do no cardio. I lost the weight in about 8 months and I put the muscle on since Sept. 2011. I have the pictures to prove it. My body fat is at 8.8 % . That is no myth, I proved it in real life!!!

    There is no way you at 8.8% BF based on your profile pic. I would venture to guesstimate you would be in the 18-22% range if your picture is current. I am in the 10-12% range and look a lot leaner than your pic.

    How long did it take you to put on 72lbs of muscle, unless you are on 'roids those gains would normally take 2-4 years while eating in a caloric surplus?
  • about 4 years ago, i was faitfully attending a gym for weight loss...i could not afford a trainer so i read a lot about how to lose weight more effectively...(can't remember any of it now), but i went to the gym 6 days a week for 6 months straight...i only lost 14 lbs...but i did lose a lot of inches...now i have had my 4th child and am in far worse shape than before...i can tell you that cardio does do a lot more than anything because it does burn the fat...as you lose the weight, (in my opinion), you add more strengthening exercises...but don't be discouraged you may not be losign the lbs. but you are still making your body a lot healthier...the pounds will come off....
  • Idabud
    Idabud Posts: 12 Member
    Just keep up the good work. It really does take time to see results. It took 5 weeks of eating good and working out for me to notice any weight loss. I'm still only down 4 pounds but I can definitely tell my clothes are fitting better. :smile:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I could go into a laudry list of advice based on anecdotal evidence as well, but instead I'll refer to the people on here that linked to actual scientific advice and articles, not opinion pieces and headlines created by on or off line magazines or "news" articles designed to boost readership.
    The body is created in the kitchen and shaped in the gym. You need to fuel your workouts, and embrace them. When you are new to weight lifting the scale is your enemy and the tape measure your friend. I honestly believe that the scale is never your friend, but that's a personal opinion. I think the scale takes away from what the goal really should be and focuses on a measurement system that has proven itself to be highly unreliable to me.
    You’ve already gotten some feedback on your diet, I’d like to know however why you aim to only eat back about 75% of your calories? That would have you netting way under 1200 per day.
    Also, why would you use a food diary but not use a food diary? Are you afraid of what you’d see if you were honest? Saying “but I know the calories I’m eating” doesn’t give anyone a clear picture of what your nutrition really looks like, including yourself. Without keeping an honest diary you can’t truly analyze your food diary because you don’t honestly know what it is going back a few days, a week, a month. You may want to take another look at your approach.
    Finally, it’s important to remember that the more you listen to your body and lose weight in line with the needs it communicates to you, the more successful you will be. Some people it comes off quickly, others slow and steady wins the race.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Jaguar10170 --- errr, mate all i have to do is look at your pic and can instantly tell you do not have 8.8% body fat. Perhaps you posted the comment using an iphone and the touch screen wasnt working...did you mean 88%??

    I know we arent here to judge or bully but come on man, dont try and force your beleifs on others especailly when they seem to be complete and utter crap!

    This is not a place for BS its for support so lets all start supporting. And you my friend need to try harder!!
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Jaguar10170 --- errr, mate all i have to do is look at your pic and can instantly tell you do not have 8.8% body fat. Perhaps you posted the comment using an iphone and the touch screen wasnt working...did you mean 88%??

    I know we arent here to judge or bully but come on man, dont try and force your beleifs on others especailly when they seem to be complete and utter crap!

    This is not a place for BS its for support so lets all start supporting. And you my friend need to try harder!!

    While I don't believe him and think he's full of crap and touting some really seriously poor advice in some regards, this is wholly unnecessary and hypocritical. You can't say to someone that they appear to be 88% bf and then start singing kumbya and chastise them for being unsupportive. It's also important to recognize the fact that anyone can buy a set of calipers, even ones that claim to be fool proof, but that many trainers don't even know how to properly use them if not trained. He's having his family pinch him, so I'm assuming that they're just not getting accurate measurements. I'm sure that he fully believes that he has 8.8% bf.
  • I don't know who leangains is, I can make a webpage too. Last year I increased my eating from 2 /day to 6/day and went with the numbers that I gave her and I lost 65 lbs of fat. I didn't even do cardio or any other exercise as I am disabled in my legs. I am on 240 mg of morphine everyday just so I can walk. I just recently started upper body weight training and I have put on 72 lbs of muscle and I still do no cardio. I lost the weight in about 8 months and I put the muscle on since Sept. 2011. I have the pictures to prove it. My body fat is at 8.8 % . That is no myth, I proved it in real life!!!

    It is quite impossible outside of using performance enhancing drugs to gain 72 pounds of muscle in 5 months. Also, I think you need to learn up on what body fat percentage is.
  • Leamac83
    Leamac83 Posts: 99 Member
    Allabtlm - no offence but im hardly going to take advice from someone who lables there snacks as 'snacksies'
  • hungryPHATbunny
    hungryPHATbunny Posts: 84 Member
    I've been told the same and looked into it and seems to be true...fat burning occurs on lower intensity...
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I've been told the same and looked into it and seems to be true...fat burning occurs on lower intensity...
    Fat burning occurs at a higher percentage on lower intensity. This is true. But fat burning also occurs at a higher intensity, but a lower percentage. So now it becomes a numbers game. And here is a fact of the numbers game:

    If you spend the same amount of time doing either a high intensity or low intensity workout, the high intensity workout is going to burn more fat simply because more overall calories are being burned. It is this reality that has made the low intensity "fat burning" routines a thing of the past.