30 day shed



  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    I'm on day 7 of level 1 and have really noticed a difference from day 1! You're definitely gonna be sore, but it's a good sore because it let's you know you kicked butt that day!! I log it as circuit training too.
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 154 Member
    Are you supposed to rest any of the days or just go 30 days with no rest?

    I had to take breaks in between mine to let my body rest. I usually workout 2-3 days in a row and then take 1 day off.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    I use my body media fit Link...kinda like a body bugg and burn about 150-200 cals each time. Its not much but the muscle building burns differently than the cardio.

    I love the Shred!

    I have a blog on my profile if you want to see how my round 1 went. Im on round 2 now.

    The first round I did it everyday no stopping! Lost inches and minimal pounds. Second time around im doing it 3 times a week incorporated with other workouts and have lost 8 pounds!
  • raqufern
    raqufern Posts: 794 Member
    I'm on day 14. You'll love level one, so enjoy it while it lasts! I hate level two.. good luck!

    I hated level 2 as well! I am on Level 3 and that one is so much better! Still hard but better!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Are you supposed to rest any of the days or just go 30 days with no rest?
    I believe you should rest, especially when your muscles are really sore from the weights. And I have seen people post here that Jillian has since been quoted as saying it wasn't meant to be done for 30 days straight, and she was surprised that people were doing that. But I haven't read or heard that directly from her, so it's second hand info. :) But at least one day of rest is good.
  • TheAliCrock
    TheAliCrock Posts: 18 Member
    I started it and with my HRM I burn about 185-205 calories per session. Get a HRM that is the best way to calculate. Best of luck!
    That's about what I get with mine too.

    I don't do it every day, but I try to do it every other day! It's a great way to get up in the morning if I wake up early enough!
  • helcb
    helcb Posts: 13
    i live in ireland and its not available here so i have to order it online just wondering is it worth it ???
  • I just ordered it yesterday and it should be here tomorrow! Can't wait to start! I plan to do it every other day and on my off days I plan to walk/jog.
  • Are you supposed to rest any of the days or just go 30 days with no rest?
    I believe you should rest, especially when your muscles are really sore from the weights. And I have seen people post here that Jillian has since been quoted as saying it wasn't meant to be done for 30 days straight, and she was surprised that people were doing that. But I haven't read or heard that directly from her, so it's second hand info. :) But at least one day of rest is good.

    Thanks Amy!!
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    its so worth it and i love it the first time i ever did it i love 5lbs and lots of inches . this is my 2nd time doing it i have already lost some weight i have lost 2lbs not sure of measurments and im only on day 9 today will be day 10 and im going to move to level two , i hate level two though i dont like the moves ..
  • I'm starting today as well. I took many pictures so I can see my transformation clearly. I will be doing it everyday, 10 days per level! Also following a strict diet and logging everything!
  • leanneakaliz
    leanneakaliz Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks for all your experiences and help will definitely try stick to it but after doing workout 1 for the first day i did feel a bit sick. I guess im more unfit than i thought :P
  • i'm starting it today i'm really excited!!!!!
  • ctsmith
    ctsmith Posts: 79 Member
    I am starting today too!!
  • I am starting again today too! I hope I can keep on track this time!
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I've just ordered a copy of the DVD - I'm going to try and do it at least once or twice a week (Is there a, not a limit as such, but as long as you do it over 30 days?) - as I'll be doing spin classes twice a week as well, and possibly (if I can fit it in) using my Kinect with Fitness Evolved maybe once a week, I'll carry on logging my food as normal though.

    Also, can any recomend a weight limit, as I see you can use weights with this programme, I do have a set, but they're only 2.5kg each, do you think that'd be ok to start with?

    I know I've been trying to lose weight for some time, but I havent taken any "before" pictures, so maybe, when I get this DVD I may actually take some, and see if I can notice any difference!
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    I'm on day 5 of level 1. I hate Jillian while I'm doing it LOL & especially after watching it so many times, I'm tired of hearing her say the same crap over & over so I've taken to yelling at her to shut the F* up when my legs or arms are burning & I'm trying to push through LOL. It does suck while you're doing it, but when you feel the burn you know it's working & you feel good about that. Plus, it's only 20 minutes so it does tend to go by pretty quickly. I know this has already been answered, but I log it as 20 mins circuit training.
  • Level one is really hard on the knees. So just be careful. I averaged about 220-250 every 27 minutes workout (including streching).
  • ashleynicol3
    ashleynicol3 Posts: 187 Member
    Are you supposed to rest any of the days or just go 30 days with no rest?
    I believe you should rest, especially when your muscles are really sore from the weights. And I have seen people post here that Jillian has since been quoted as saying it wasn't meant to be done for 30 days straight, and she was surprised that people were doing that. But I haven't read or heard that directly from her, so it's second hand info. :) But at least one day of rest is good.

    Thanks Amy!!

    I wanted to take the day off the 3rd day because my legs were so sore, but someone told me I should push through it, so I did & I actually started to feel better after that. I think if it's just soreness, work through it, but if it's pain, stop!!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am doing Ripped in 30. I am on week 2 day 3 today. I cant wait to do it. I feel great!