I am going to PIG OUT tomorrow!



  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I think a break like that is good for you! Enjoy! You probably won't be able to eat as much as you think, since your stomach has probably shrunk!:bigsmile:
  • kittyneutron
    kittyneutron Posts: 160 Member
    I will say I log everything, even when I have treat meals. It's hard and even when I feel no guilt it still sucks seeing the red numbers, but I really believe in the logging system no matter what.

    That said, yes, I am having a treat tomorrow...Cherry Chip cake with cherry buttercream frosting for dessert after dinner...I can't wait! I have a friend who makes cakes :) It's in the fridge now, I almost died smelling it when I picked it up from her earlier! Mmmmm :)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    enjoy yourself....but just a warning, I have done this a couple of times, but now that I'm not used to eating like I used to, it makes me almost sick....

    I'll second that. Enjoy yourself. But keep the pepto handy.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    Nope. Found other ways to reward myself. Pressing on ... but have a nice Valentine's Day!
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but I never plan cheat days like this. I do believe in moderation. Any of my MFP friends can see my diary and how I have whatever I want - but I have a very small amount of it. It works better for me that way. Last year I would have indulged in something and ended up eating too much of a good thing. As long as it fits in my calorie count for the day, I have a small bit.

    Enjoy your feast !!!
    :heart: Happy Valentines Day :heart:

    Nope....it's me too. I really don't cut anything OUT of my diet. It would drive me crazy if I couldn't eat something I really wanted. It works for me. Moderation and more exercise have worked for me.

    But....to each his/her own. To the OP and everyone else.....Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy your day!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I agree!!! :smile:
  • Innae
    Innae Posts: 8 Member
    "You should be ashamed of yourself" button that would automatically add in 5,000 calories for the day. ;)

    Love this idea!! have been times i have just added 2000 calories and put in food notes "no idea how much I ate, just way too much" :-)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    I will have one of those days next Tuesday (literally Fat Tuesday) when my friends are in for Mardi Gras. I plan on eating gumbo, rice, home brew, vodka, beer, lattes, etc. I behaved throughout the holiday season because I know I would much rather indulge for Mardi Gras :D
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I think I got lost somewhere or maybe I am in the wrong place. I have never condoned cheating as we only cheat ourselves. I am worth more then that. You gotta do what is right for you. Have fun!
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    I'm also a logger, good or bad. Sure I may go back and feel guilty but I at least I'll KNOW what I've done so I know what I need to DO. I think a stress free day is good, but maybe log it all on Wednesday so there are no surprises next time you weigh. To me, logging is the best way to track what I'm doing and how my body is responding. But I'm also only 7 lbs in (on MFP) so maybe you've got yours figured out a little better and can "afford" a no-log day.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Hell yeah! I am all over that.

    Planned spike day! Re-feed day! Cheat day!

    Call it what you will. Regardless, it will be glorious.

    I'll probably log it, but not care about the number I end up with. I just like to log it.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I asked my fiance to cook me dinner, so we will be having steak w/ a baked potato & asparagus. He told me if he does get me chocolates they will be the skinny cow candy I like. :heart:

    I'm sure I'll be over my daily calories and thats okay. It's definitely a better choice than going out to eat and getting who knows what!

    I'm making him a cheese basket, which I'm sure I'll help him eat at least a little bit of it :wink:
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    enjoy yourself....but just a warning, I have done this a couple of times, but now that I'm not used to eating like I used to, it makes me almost sick....

    That is the one thing I'm worried about... I got fried mozzarella sticks a couple weeks back and felt awful (nauseated) for hours afterwards. I guess my body is used to eating healthy now, which is great, but could present a problem for my plan to feast, haha.

    Good points but let me add a bit of advice. I wouldn't look at the scale for the next 7 days because you might not like what you see. I have done this before and found how quick it takes add 4 pounds pack like over night!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Nah, my day off from tracking was yesterday. =) Then again, I don't have any Valentine's plans other than watching hockey by myself, hahaha.

    Having an occaisional splurge is not horrible for you. Even if you aren't tracking (I don't on my day off) I would still try to get in a good workout and make sure to drink lots of water to offset some of it. Enjoy your date! =)
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    enjoy yourself....but just a warning, I have done this a couple of times, but now that I'm not used to eating like I used to, it makes me almost sick....

    That is the one thing I'm worried about... I got fried mozzarella sticks a couple weeks back and felt awful (nauseated) for hours afterwards. I guess my body is used to eating healthy now, which is great, but could present a problem for my plan to feast, haha.
    Good points but let me add a bit of advice. I wouldn't look at the scale for the next 7 days because you might not like what you see. I have done this before and found how quick it takes add 4 pounds pack like over night!

    All water weight! You don't gain 4lbs of fat in a week unless you've eaten 14000 cals over maintenance. That number is irritating (it happens to me too), but lots of water and green tea and a few days later and it will be gone again.
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but I never plan cheat days like this. I do believe in moderation. Any of my MFP friends can see my diary and how I have whatever I want - but I have a very small amount of it. It works better for me that way. Last year I would have indulged in something and ended up eating too much of a good thing. As long as it fits in my calorie count for the day, I have a small bit.

    Enjoy your feast !!!
    :heart: Happy Valentines Day :heart:

    Nope. It's me too. I don't CUT anything out of my diet. I would go crazy if I couldn't eat something I REALLY wanted. Moderation and exercise are the key for me. It's working, so I'll keep doing it this way.

    But to each his/her own. Whatever works for you and makes you happy. Happy Valentine's Day! Enjoy your dinner!
  • small4me
    small4me Posts: 46 Member
    Oh - I so want to get some gooey chocolates, but - they don't have the 'good' store in the town I live. Hubby and I have both been changing our eating habits so He is making dinner and I am in charge of dessert. That and a bottle of wine and hoping a quiet evening together.

    Have fun and enjoy your planned 'pigout' day. You probably won't eat near as much as you think, if you haven't been eating that way recently, your tummy will yell at you!!!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I asked my fiance to cook me dinner, so we will be having steak w/ a baked potato & asparagus. He told me if he does get me chocolates they will be the skinny cow candy I like. :heart:

    I'm sure I'll be over my daily calories and thats okay. It's definitely a better choice than going out to eat and getting who knows what!

    I'm making him a cheese basket, which I'm sure I'll help him eat at least a little bit of it :wink:

    Cheese basket? That's sounds amazing. When I began reading this thread I was saying no I'm being good, then my friend who makes divine cakes messaged and said I'm baking tomorrow will drop you a treat off for you and the partner for valentines... Couldn't say no really could I? X
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    No I have no intentions on doing that tomorrow.. It's okay to have a day off, it's okay to splurge but remember you are on a journey. We're not here because we "like" food, we're here because we "love" it! Everything can be enjoyed ~ in moderation. Okay eat Italian, but maybe order something with a little less carbs, calories side salad to help you get full quicker. A cupcake okay but not cupcake(s).

    FYI my valentine's dinner is grilled salmon, organic corn, with a salad. I asked my hubby to fix that instead of us going out and eating unhealthy....

    Enjoy your dinner!
  • Julem22
    Julem22 Posts: 107 Member
    It is good to take a day off...keeps me motivated have fun!