Hi I am about to be up front and honest...

Time for me to get REAL...I am a 41 year old Mama of 3 and I am sooooo very unhappy on the inside..here it goes...DEEEPPP BREATH
It's past time...okay I am about to be brutally honest and please FP friends of mine be brutally honest back...I have flip flopped about what plan I need to follow to get this 50 + lbs I have gained that is litterally RUINING MY LIFE!!! Honestly 1 day I will say I am going to eat low carb and that will last until lunch and then i will convince myself that NAH that's not doable nor convient just count calories...then the next day I will fail at that by dinner and convince myself i need to low carb and I will just wait until Monday to start since I have already screwed up 3 days this week :( I AM SICK OF THIS!!!! I am getting nowhere and still living in pure misery...on the outside I am happy and outgoing but on the inside I am dying inside and sooo very unhappy sometimes crying in my car..surely I can beat this!! Counting calories seems right for me because honestly I don't want to cut out things I love! I LOVE pizza and sweets..mmmm chocolate anything...I am DONE DONE DONE and SICK SICK SICK of living this way..I have gotten to now where I don't even want to go to church because I am sick of wearing the same thing every Sunday :(..time to do this once and for all


  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I feel your pain. I loooooove carbs, so cutting them out wasn't an option. This site it helpful for the reason that you don't necessarily have to cut things out, but have smaller portions. Good luck! You're welcome to add me in case you need any food ideas.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    You can do it! Stop saying I'll do better tomorrow. Stop saying I'll start again Monday. You're never going to be happy with yourself!

    A few things that helped me get going in the past include drinking more water. Whenever you're hungry, drink a glass. If you're still hungry then try to eat something nutritious!
    Just do it. Don't feel like exercising? Just do it! Blown a meal, and calories are shot? Don't wait for tomorrow, do it now!
    Eat more lean protein early in the day. It does an amazing job at curbing carb and sweet cravings. It has really worked for me!

    Now that you've claimed your place in this world. Time to do it! No more excuses, no more waiting for tomorrow. Start here and now, and never give up!
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I feel your pain 100% I finally lost some weight a few months ago, convinced myself I didnt need to count calories anymore and gained it all back + 20lbs.... I do the same thing as you, talk myself out of helping myself... I think staying on this site everyday and keep in the colorie goals everyday will be the only way I can do this... I am also to the point that I am ruining my own weight loss. This is going to be extrememly difficult but I think this site is the best way to do it!

    My immediate goal is to drop 39lbs (to get under 200lbs.., my overall goal is to get down to at LEAST 180lb) Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Counting calories is what has worked for me. I yoyo dieted for years and what I learned was that if I cut something I really like out completely is that at some point I will go nuts on it. My hubby is an amazing cook and he makes a lot of homemade breads, there is no way that I could go with out that so I just have to make sure that I watch my portions....... and exercise. I know that is hard to fit in some times with work, kids, life in general. But I feel so much better physically and mentally when I do. Good luck in finding what works for you and sticking with it. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to. :)
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    I love to eat. Love high sugar candies! Pizza ... I'd eat it every day if I could!

    The secret to weight loss really isn't a secret at all. You need to burn more calories than you take in. Simple, huh? IF only!

    To decide you are going to cut out all the crap, and never touch it again is unrealistic for most of us. There are options though. Below are some of the things I do to keep myself sane:

    1) Exercise - this gives more calories to eat! The health benefits aren't bad either. :)
    2) Allow yourself a "cheat" ever now and then. If you are working on a 500 calorie deficit, try to stick to it but if you slip, it's not the end of the world ... or your diet. You get right back on the next day (not next week).
    3) Plan for 1 day a month (some do it weekly) where you allow yourself whatever you want. I suggest for a single meal, not for all day. If you go over by 500 or 700 or 1000 calories for the day, you are still down for the week (assuming a 1 pound be week goal at 3500 calorie deficit).

    A few weeks back I broke down and ate a candy bar. I felt guilty but was right back on the plan the next day. At the end of the week, I'd lost a hair over 1 pound. Making a mistake now and again isn't going to end your diet. Doing it every day likely will.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    We obviously need to be friends :)

    I started and stopped and started and stopped until I found MFP. It's only been a month, but it helps. A LOT.

    I am also a mom of 3 with 50 pounds go lose. I guess it is 43 ( ish ) now?
  • You asked for brutal honesty, so I will give it to you with no sugar coating. You will HAVE to give up many of the things you love to lose the weight You will HAVE to exercise on a regular basis. You may allow a cheat day once a week or every other week, but you can't eat junk every day and expect to lose. Won't happen, dear. You'll being wearing that same outfit forever. UNLESS you get disciplined Decide what plan you want to follow and just DO IT. Crying and whining won't do it for you. MFP friends won't do it for you. Only YOU can do it. And I know you can. .
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    You asked for brutal honesty, so I will give it to you with no sugar coating. You will HAVE to give up many of the things you love to lose the weight You will HAVE to exercise on a regular basis. You may allow a cheat day once a week or every other week, but you can't eat junk every day and expect to lose. Won't happen, dear. You'll being wearing that same outfit forever. UNLESS you get disciplined Decide what plan you want to follow and just DO IT. Crying and whining won't do it for you. MFP friends won't do it for you. Only YOU can do it. And I know you can. .
    Well said! Honest and encouraging!
  • ff1diver
    ff1diver Posts: 30 Member
    Let me just say....losing weight has to be a priority for YOU and NO one else!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exercising has to be for YOU and NO one else!!!!! Cutting calories has to be for YOU and NO one else!!!!!!!!! Once YOU make YOU a PRIORITY and start seeing results..the drive to lose weight becomes easier!!!! Trust me!!!! For years I did exactly what you have done...start...stop....start....stop....I have stopped so many times it was pathetic....I got on the scale at the beginning of January and topped out at 246 pounds!!!! I finally put ME FIRST!!! When I lost the first 6 pounds...this was counting calories alone. During week 4 I incorporated excercise...I joined MFP...I don't worry too much about the scale because starting my 7th week...those around me are starting to notice...a great motivator to keep me going. YOU have to find what works for YOU. And just to give one more piece of advice....don't look at it as having to lose 50 pounds...look at it has "This week I will lose1 pound for ME!!!!" I have this statement posted on the mirror in my bedroom.....Sorry for the rambling....I hope this helps...
  • Let me just say....losing weight has to be a priority for YOU and NO one else!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exercising has to be for YOU and NO one else!!!!! Cutting calories has to be for YOU and NO one else!!!!!!!!! Once YOU make YOU a PRIORITY and start seeing results..the drive to lose weight becomes easier!!!! Trust me!!!! For years I did exactly what you have done...start...stop....start....stop....I have stopped so many times it was pathetic....I got on the scale at the beginning of January and topped out at 246 pounds!!!! I finally put ME FIRST!!! When I lost the first 6 pounds...this was counting calories alone. During week 4 I incorporated excercise...I joined MFP...I don't worry too much about the scale because starting my 7th week...those around me are starting to notice...a great motivator to keep me going. YOU have to find what works for YOU. And just to give one more piece of advice....don't look at it as having to lose 50 pounds...look at it has "This week I will lose1 pound for ME!!!!" I have this statement posted on the mirror in my bedroom.....Sorry for the rambling....I hope this helps...

    OMG I love your kitty! What do you have on it? Anyway, very well said.
  • dhencel
    dhencel Posts: 244 Member
    You need to find a motivation--like wearing a certain size, or weighing a certain weight for an event. My motivation when I was a teen was wearing a bikini...I put it on every day and if I didn't like how it looked, then I really watched my diet. It took me 6 months but I lost 25 lbs. Now that I am older, I am using the 2 piece bathing suit--too old for the little bikini!!!---as my motivation....I hate how I look in the bathing suit, and I am determined to look much better in it by summer.......

    So find something to motivate you....And you don't have to tell anyone what it is....Do it for you!!!!
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    You can do this! I'm a mom of 2 and have 26 lbs to go....feel free to add me as a friend.
  • addisondisease2
    addisondisease2 Posts: 348 Member
    I eat McDonallds and still lose weight. It doesn't matter what you eat, just how much. Sure you will be better of eating healthy, but make baby steps not huge changes. Start with just cutting sodas, then eating out, then sweets.
  • check out skinnykitchen.com I am a super picky eater and don't really care for veg but I have found a few things on here that sound pretty good. The skinny chicken parmigiana is actually really good
  • If you are not ready to make the committment to eating healthy and exercising, it's going to be terribly easy to come up with the excuses that get you out of a promise to yourself. So, what this all comes down to is : are you ready or not? Because if you are not ready - you will not succeed. Every s i n g l e time. I did the same thing to myself for years now, and when I finally decided that I couldn't make any more excuses, it was like a switch got flipped in my brain. I finally understood after 40 years that healthy eating + exercise = weight loss. It seems so simple, but until you're brain is truly ready to 'understand', it just won't click.
    Good Luck!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    The lifestyle thing as far as diet is a huge help, getting in some type of workout is good too. bla bla bla... you've got this. it's not worth it being on a miserable diet. calorie counting helps you see what good foods are good to eat and lets you plan pizza and chocolate days :happy:
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I found that everything I hated about my life revolved around my weight gain. So I decided that getting it off was going to be my #1 priority. Everything else is secondary. You can't go on like this. I love carbs. The first week was the hardest. I began eating healthier, and 6 small meals a day. I felt terrible the first week. I had headaches, I was exhausted, I felt sick. I think it was my body's way of adjusting to the change. So don't allow yourself to quit the first week. It is hard, but it gets much easier. Planning has been my saviour. I plan all my meals for the week and have healthy items on hand so I don't turn to other less desirable options. Don't bring junk food into your house-it just makes it harder on you knowing they're in there. And when I started working out, I could barely do 10 minutes of zumba. Now I'm to the point where I can't use zumba as a workout because I can't get my heart rate up high enough with it. It's amazing. You will be so suprised what you can do :) You can eat what you want but try to make calorie cuts where you can. I eat takeout pizza maybe twice a month (none of that trying to make diet pizza crap ;) ). You CAN do this.
  • rodneysmom98
    rodneysmom98 Posts: 167 Member
    I love to eat. Love high sugar candies! Pizza ... I'd eat it every day if I could!

    The secret to weight loss really isn't a secret at all. You need to burn more calories than you take in. Simple, huh? IF only!

    To decide you are going to cut out all the crap, and never touch it again is unrealistic for most of us. There are options though. Below are some of the things I do to keep myself sane:

    1) Exercise - this gives more calories to eat! The health benefits aren't bad either. :)
    2) Allow yourself a "cheat" ever now and then. If you are working on a 500 calorie deficit, try to stick to it but if you slip, it's not the end of the world ... or your diet. You get right back on the next day (not next week).
    3) Plan for 1 day a month (some do it weekly) where you allow yourself whatever you want. I suggest for a single meal, not for all day. If you go over by 500 or 700 or 1000 calories for the day, you are still down for the week (assuming a 1 pound be week goal at 3500 calorie deficit).

    A few weeks back I broke down and ate a candy bar. I felt guilty but was right back on the plan the next day. At the end of the week, I'd lost a hair over 1 pound. Making a mistake now and again isn't going to end your diet. Doing it every day likely will.

    Great advice! - Actually, all are giving great advice, but the above is working for me. Some people believe in %100 clean eating - more power to 'em, but I couldn't do without some "less than optimal" food in my life :wink:
  • Buy an outfit you would love to wear to church once you have lost some weight, hang it somewhere you can see it everyday!
    Clip positive photos of the body you'd like to purse and some inspirational quotes and put them on your fridge and cupboard. That way every time you find yourself reaching for a snack or sweet you'll think twice and be reminded that you are making a small sacrifice on the road to being happy. You will gain more comfort and satisfaction from sticking to a healthy diet and loosing weight then pizza and bread could ever give you.
    Always stay positive!! :)
  • ceecee04073
    ceecee04073 Posts: 1 Member
    I've counted calories AND cut down on carbs. I found that cutting down on the carbs gave me way more energy during the day, and fewer carb cravings resulting in fewer diet fails. I have about 50 lbs to lose myself, don't care how slow it goes as long as it is consistent :). I loved doing my low carb plan, but it proved to be too much buying groceries for myself, and other stuff for the rest of the family who don't need to lose weight. What I did learn though is how to look for lower carb options (like having a Mission brand low carb wrap which is JUST as good as the high carb ones- instead of a bread sandwich). During the week, I get my breakfast and lunch ready the night before, so if i am in a hurry the next morning, I'm not grabbing quick high calorie convenience items. I plan it all out with FP's calorie counter and stay within my limits. I still have my snack at night, with what i have leftover. And I try not to drink my calories. I hate that! Nothing more annoying than filling up on high calorie juices and soda realizing then you can't eat anything!! :)