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Hi I am about to be up front and honest...



  • THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ALL!!! So pumped to be on this journey with you all!! Such motivation and awesome people on this place! WHOOP WHOOP!!!
  • I have been doing okay with MFP. I recieved a wake up call about a week or so ago when I received the results of my physical from my doctor. My sugar and sodium were to high. I am 51 and about 30 more pounds overweight. My dad has high blood pressure and has had a heart attack. I had already started trying to lose weight. I lost 4 pounds and decided to celebrate by getting a toffee nut cookie from Panera (wrong, but it was so good). I plan on hanging around for a while to meet my grand babies (whenever my son or daughter get married). I have to read labels before I buy any food. This does not come easy for me. I told my twin sister to join so we can track each other. This has helped. Don't look at the past. It's done and over with. The future hasn't gotten here yet. If you want to be around to see that future you need to focus on one day at a time. I hope I am not offending you with this, but my sister sent me this scripture and prayer: Deuteronomy 30:19 (Prayer Starter: God, You have given me a choice, and I choose life! I know change is hard, but I ask You to help me. With Your help and my willingness to change, I know I can overcome any obstacle.) You can do it!!!
  • tererob
    tererob Posts: 64 Member
    Been there.. done that too. I tried the low carb diet but that only worked for a while for me because like you I also like to eat carbs. Pizza in particular. I now only eat one or two slices and a huge salad instead of 4 or 5 slices. I decided to stick with eating within my calories on MFP and have lost 14 pounds. It is hard every day but it does get easier. Exercise is a big MUST. Once you get past the making excuses and actually do it you will feel so much better. Good luck and you can do this! Friend me if you'd like .. we can all use the support.
  • toffee322
    toffee322 Posts: 186 Member
    i love food and i still eat chocolate and carb (my fav!).. just need to learn to eat better and in moderation.. i think it's hard.. i like to eat a lot... till my stomach is swollen! it takes time and patient! take it easy on yourself and start slow!! i'm still learning too..
  • I found this site and the message board to be very helpful... but something that I have added to my daily plan that has helped a great deal was walking 10,000 steps every day which is about 5 miles... I sit most of my day behind a desk so to get 10,000 steps was hard... I started off by seeing how many I did in a normal day. I did that for a complete week. The next week I added 100 more steps to my aver. until I worked my way up to 10,000 steps.... I find myself standing in line at walkmart stepping or while in the bank line... or instead of sitting ont he phone talking I walk around and talk... It has help me... TRY IT.... Keep in touch add as a friend... Do beat yourself up... It's about a healthy lifestyle one step at a time!
  • Hi, I just want to tell you that Nutrisystem taught me how to eat and it really works. I lost 25 lbs in about two months. That includes going to the gym and hiking outside. I just got off Nutrisystem and am using what I learned along with this sight to keep it going. I will say that the food is not great but it is bearable for two months. The program itself is very educational. Don't EVER give up. I wish you the best of luck!
    SOFTBALLMOM11 Posts: 19 Member
    I know exactly how you feel...I do good then something comes up where food is like "eat me eat me" and I think well tomorrow is another day to start...I have lost 62 pounds before and I cheated here and there and still ate normal food but I agre with others you have to workout....I just started this journey for th emillionth time myself last week so it's all new to me as well...i know I can do but keeping myself on the right track is my problem i like food that I sabotage myself....I feel everyone in here are friends and will motivate ya and be honest and that what we want someone to give it to us with no sugar coating!! Sending you a friend request...Good luck!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Choose something you can live with. TODAY. I find I fail if I decide to make a ton of changes all at once. Make a list of what you want to do and then prioritize it. Choose ONE THING from that list you want to change THIS WEEK and DO IT. Like drink 8 glasses or more of water a day. Don't beat yourself up if you don't do it one day, just get back on the wagon and do it the next. Then next week keep up with that and choose another thing to change. Low carb is not for everyone. I pretty much HAVE to do it due to my illness. That said, it didn't happen overnight. I started cutting things out little by little to get to where I'm at. If I add up my changes the last 3 years it's A LOT and I would NEVER have been able to do them all at once. Maybe this week you just track your food. Sometimes that is all it will take for you to realize how much crap/extra calories you are eating to open your eyes and get that motivational monkey on your back. Best of luck!

    Edit: Don't deprive yourself of something you love. Whatever it is, pizza, chocolate, whatever plan to have it within your calories and the dieting will go much smoother.
  • paulaparrish
    paulaparrish Posts: 15 Member
    For me, I had to hit my "rock bottom". Once and for all, I'm serious this time. Something in my head clicked and said.."You don't have to be this uncomfortable." So, I'm really doing something about it this time. Like others said, you'll know when you are ready to make that committment. BTW, I'm a mom of 5, 43 yrs. old and need to lose 50 lbs.
  • Added =)
    And if anyone is willing to help me with my goals as well it would be super appreciated!
  • I know precisely how you feel. Carbs in particular were the "hub" around which the rest of my meals revolved. Pasta, bread, potatoes, you name it. Now, I didn't cut these things entirely out of my new lifestyle. I approached it with common sense. Replaced the "whatever is on sale" bread with nutritious "thin" wheat and oatmeal breads. Started using brown instead of white rice. Whole wheat pastas. And everything in moderation.

    Where I know I have "problem" areas, I don't keep them in the house. I can't have an open bag of chips in my house...once it is opened, I can and will devour the contents. Doesn't mean I can't have chips at all... part of what I did was get the small "snack size" bags, and will keep the extras at my mother's house. If I get a craving, I have to discern what's more important: satisfying an immediate and transitory urge or facing the scrutiny of my mother (who herself has lost a ton of weight since she had a heart attack around Easter of last year.) She's a living reminder of why I'm doing what I'm doing...because I don't want to be carved up like a turkey someday because I couldn't control my appetite now.

    As far as exercise, you're not going to be able to start right out doing hour-long high impact aerobics. You may want to just start by getting a good pair of walking/running shoes, and start walking a bit every day. Get a reliable pedometer (they're not that expensive!) I invested in a quality set of resistance bands. A little bit of motion every day puts you further ahead than a day with none at all. If you can only do 2 minutes today, that's okay. Do the two minutes today, and try for two and a half tomorrow. Eventually, you'll build up your stamina, start developing muscle mass (which burns fat more effectively) and just start feeling better.

    You'll hear a couple of "mantras" here on MFP that start to sound almost cliche', but they're so true. First off, don't think of this as a diet. You're adopting a lifestyle, developing a new skill-set which you'll rely on for the rest of your days. Second, don't beat yourself up when you stumble or fall. It happens to us all, believe me. Just accept it, don't dwell on it or feel guilty about it, and move forward. And finally, determine that this is your new #1 priority and you're doing it for YOU! Sure your family and friends can provide motivation, but ultimately, you need to do this for yourself!

    Best of luck, my friend! :flowerforyou:
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    DH's (and mine, by extension) BIGGEST problem with getting started was the "I'll start on Monday" mentality. And then something comes up on Monday, so it's "I'll start next week." Or you do well for a day or two, then blow it, then it's "I'll start over next week", and continue to blow it. It's awful! Tell yourself you're starting right now, this minute, and if you blow it, then you blew it, but it starts over immediately after that. Stick to it and it gets easier.

    And YES count calories! Moderate your intake and your choices, but don't flat out deny yourself things that you enjoy. Get a bag of hershey's kisses or dove promises, or whatever you like, and swear yourself to one a day, or one every other day, or one on days when you've done a bang up job of it. Make your own pizza! My regular diet improved drastically when I stopped eating stuff out of the freezer aisles and started finding recipes to make my own versions of the exact same food. Just remember, you CAN do it!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
  • tammy434
    tammy434 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do it!! It won't happen over night. So you fall, you get back up and keep on trying. We all weren't born walking we had to keep trying and we all did it. You can do it!! I am a carbaholic I love bread, buy weight watchers, I love cookies, there are lots of recipes for low cal and fat cookies. Popcorn is my newest friend, no butter but shake on the spice. Keep going with your head up and feel good about yourself!
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,821 Member
    If you are not a natural for exercise set yourself a goal or challenge. Last year mine was a 5K race, this year I'm climbing snowdon(highest mountain in Wales, UK) and running a half marathon. They don't need to be big, keep it small and managable (I like the extra 100 steps from a previous post). If it wasn't for these goals there is no way I would have been out in the snow last week running! More like wrapped up with a hot chocolate and half a packet of biscuits in front of a good film.
    When I have worked hard exercising I then don't want to eat all the junk (and boy, can I eat chocolate) because I will be undoing all that hard work.

    I also agree with the non-food rewards - new clothes, shoes or whatever will be an incentitive. Hope it works out for you.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    There's some good stuff here....but if you want honest...brutally honest....stop listening to ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!

    Your greatest challenge, as is the majority of people, is MENTAL. 90% of what you need to get right is in your head and not on your plate.

    I live by 3 words....CHOOSE. ACT. SUCCEED.

    You already know what you WANT. But that want is NOTHING until YOU DECIDE and TAKE ACTION to get it. Until you do, you will achieve nothing.

    I was in the deepest of denial of depression and going through the "cycles" for 2 years after the abrupt passing of my late wife. All I focused on was my kids. I saw myself in the mirror one day and was simply shocked at what I saw. It was right there I KNEW what I had to do, not only for myself, but my 2 kids (3 & 13 at the time). The made the Choice and began to act upon improving myself in all areas - Mind & Body. I quit smoking cold turkey (after 30 years), got rid of EVERYTHING (yes, this was extreme) in the pantry and changed my diet.
    I did NO cleanse that you hear everyone talking about. I did no Fad diet change. (HINT: A diet is the REGULAR intake of nutrition). After 8 months, I knew I was doing better, but when I stepped on the scale....HOLY *kitten*! 299 pounds at 6"!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew then I needed to do more. I changed my overall health for the good, but I did not change the amount of food I was eating. I found MFP. as an Ap originally. Then delved into the sight. 4 months later after understand better that I need to control how much I eat, I have lost 30 pounds with VERY little exercise.

    What I am pointing out is MY experience, showing you where I was in the deepest of my Hell. I Chose. I am Acting. I am SUCCEEDING.

    IF YOU WANT IT, GET IT!!!!!!!!

    If you want someone to help motivate you, add me. Either way, know this. YOU CAN DO THIS. STAY STRONG, HONEST, DEDICATED, FOCUSED AND AWARE!!!


    EDIT: Know this as well. Its not always what you eat. It is a combination of what and how much. Be Honest with your tracking. Hold to your goals, and you will get where you want. There is no secret or magic bullet. there is no "fast and easy" miracle. Drinking a prego's pee isn't getting you there healthy. Get your head healthy, and the rest follows suit.
  • Been there and done that! I know exactley how you feel. I convinced myself all of the time to and always said ok "starting Monday" it does get old! I done the low carb low sugar diet.. didnt work for me to well! SO I invested in a Gym Membership I choose a Gym where I would feel Comfortable and I asked my husband to join and he did. That was my first step! Let me tell you when I started the first day at the gym I about died.. my legs were like jello. after the second day I was like WOW Im sore.. but I kept going I go Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and take off Wednesday and Sunday. I go in I make it simple..I go straight to the elipticle I do 10 Min at a level 6 I move my arms and legs at a decent pace... then I do 15 min on the bike at a decent pace, and then I hit the treadmill and the higher the incline the more calories you burn I go 10 min on the treadmill at an incline of 10 at a 3.0 speed... yeah im usually dying 5 miniutes into it but I keep telling myself you can do it you want to drop weight dont stop! I talk my self through it.. Then I go and do 24 crunches and then Im done I use FP to watch my calories try not to eat more than 1,200 unless you are working out then you can bump it up to 1,300 I am noticing inches.. I feel great! I do not cheat my self if I eat something bad I put it on my FP because that shows me what I just did to myself holds me accountable you have to start somewhere and dont start on Monday :) ha ha... you can do it just dive in and you will see results.. going to a gym you are there you have to do it just do so many miniutes on different machines we stay no more than 45 min a night I owe that to myself.. I used to say I cant I got to go home and cook supper I got to wash laundry or Im tired.. you know what I did I went home ate supper and sat on the couch and watched shows... I owe 45 min for ME time to feel better! So I do it I go into my zone and do me for 45 min and it feels great.. YOU CAN DO IT TO!
  • SaketoKim
    SaketoKim Posts: 254 Member
    There's some good stuff here....but if you want honest...brutally honest....stop listening to ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!

    Your greatest challenge, as is the majority of people, is MENTAL. 90% of what you need to get right is in your head and not on your plate.

    I live by 3 words....CHOOSE. ACT. SUCCEED.

    You already know what you WANT. But that want is NOTHING until YOU DECIDE and TAKE ACTION to get it. Until you do, you will achieve nothing.

    I was in the deepest of denial of depression and going through the "cycles" for 2 years after the abrupt passing of my late wife. All I focused on was my kids. I saw myself in the mirror one day and was simply shocked at what I saw. It was right there I KNEW what I had to do, not only for myself, but my 2 kids (3 & 13 at the time). The made the Choice and began to act upon improving myself in all areas - Mind & Body. I quit smoking cold turkey (after 30 years), got rid of EVERYTHING (yes, this was extreme) in the pantry and changed my diet.
    I did NO cleanse that you hear everyone talking about. I did no Fad diet change. (HINT: A diet is the REGULAR intake of nutrition). After 8 months, I knew I was doing better, but when I stepped on the scale....HOLY *kitten*! 299 pounds at 6"!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew then I needed to do more. I changed my overall health for the good, but I did not change the amount of food I was eating. I found MFP. as an Ap originally. Then delved into the sight. 4 months later after understand better that I need to control how much I eat, I have lost 30 pounds with VERY little exercise.

    What I am pointing out is MY experience, showing you where I was in the deepest of my Hell. I Chose. I am Acting. I am SUCCEEDING.

    IF YOU WANT IT, GET IT!!!!!!!!

    If you want someone to help motivate you, add me. Either way, know this. YOU CAN DO THIS. STAY STRONG, HONEST, DEDICATED, FOCUSED AND AWARE!!!


    EDIT: Know this as well. Its not always what you eat. It is a combination of what and how much. Be Honest with your tracking. Hold to your goals, and you will get where you want. There is no secret or magic bullet. there is no "fast and easy" miracle. Drinking a prego's pee isn't getting you there healthy. Get your head healthy, and the rest follows suit.
    So proud he is my friend, in life and mfp. =) Great response.
  • Hey Mom2...

    I totally understand your struggle... I am older than you (will be 58 in April) and I have 80lbs to lose.

    I was size 7-9 my whole life, until i was about 45. For many reasons , one being i quit smoking, i started gaining weight. I can remember when I weighted 180lbs and I was shocked!! And now, with the death of my mom in 2007 and my baby sister (51) in 2010..... I now weight 231.!!!! yikes ...Well a week ago i did , little less now (228)..

    I have been down to size 9 ..2 or 3 times in the last 13 years. And I have used everything under the sun... the atkins diet, the power 90, cabbage soup diet. you name it.. The problem wasn't losing the weight, it was keeping it off. One thing i learned from all that ? * YOU CAN'T DIET, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE WAY YOU EAT". If you diet , lose the weight ,and then go back to eating the way you were... you will gain it back + more and it will be the ugly fat (cellulite) ewwwww the other thing i learned "YOU HAVE TO BURN MORE CALORIES THAN YOU TAKE IN" (exercise )
    And obviously even though i know these things , i still struggle or i wouldnt be writing this. :-)

    Honestly the best way to change the way you eat, in my opinion is Weight Watchers. They give you all the tools you need and you can eat anything. They have lots of tips at the meetings and support.. If you can't afford it .. and they probably wouldnt like me saying this , you could join during their "for free" times,pay the $12.00 or so for the meeting, get the plan, and do it from home. (however people do the best staying in the group,). Although they don't say it I think Weight Watchers also does a
    "calorie thing" . They give everything a point value. This site is great too!!! I love it.. It really opens your eyes , been using it less than a week, 3lbs lost only 77 to go. LOL

    But , joking aside....I HAVE to lose weight this time, and i am tired of "hating how i look and feel"
    I am now pre-diabetic and to quote my doctor " a walking stroke and heart attack waiting to happen".. And I have to take blood pressure meds. ALL because of the weight i gained. The doc says if i lose weight all that will go away.. :-)
    So here i am again and i have to believe i can do it this time.

    Anyway, I dont usually go on and on like this... LOL ........ and hopefully you are still awake...

    Hang in there Kid.... you can do it!!! Don't give up... Hugs, Celestialseeker aka Bj
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    There's some good stuff here....but if you want honest...brutally honest....stop listening to ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!

    Your greatest challenge, as is the majority of people, is MENTAL. 90% of what you need to get right is in your head and not on your plate.

    I live by 3 words....CHOOSE. ACT. SUCCEED.

    You already know what you WANT. But that want is NOTHING until YOU DECIDE and TAKE ACTION to get it. Until you do, you will achieve nothing.

    I was in the deepest of denial of depression and going through the "cycles" for 2 years after the abrupt passing of my late wife. All I focused on was my kids. I saw myself in the mirror one day and was simply shocked at what I saw. It was right there I KNEW what I had to do, not only for myself, but my 2 kids (3 & 13 at the time). The made the Choice and began to act upon improving myself in all areas - Mind & Body. I quit smoking cold turkey (after 30 years), got rid of EVERYTHING (yes, this was extreme) in the pantry and changed my diet.
    I did NO cleanse that you hear everyone talking about. I did no Fad diet change. (HINT: A diet is the REGULAR intake of nutrition). After 8 months, I knew I was doing better, but when I stepped on the scale....HOLY *kitten*! 299 pounds at 6"!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew then I needed to do more. I changed my overall health for the good, but I did not change the amount of food I was eating. I found MFP. as an Ap originally. Then delved into the sight. 4 months later after understand better that I need to control how much I eat, I have lost 30 pounds with VERY little exercise.

    What I am pointing out is MY experience, showing you where I was in the deepest of my Hell. I Chose. I am Acting. I am SUCCEEDING.

    IF YOU WANT IT, GET IT!!!!!!!!

    If you want someone to help motivate you, add me. Either way, know this. YOU CAN DO THIS. STAY STRONG, HONEST, DEDICATED, FOCUSED AND AWARE!!!


    EDIT: Know this as well. Its not always what you eat. It is a combination of what and how much. Be Honest with your tracking. Hold to your goals, and you will get where you want. There is no secret or magic bullet. there is no "fast and easy" miracle. Drinking a prego's pee isn't getting you there healthy. Get your head healthy, and the rest follows suit.
    So proud he is my friend, in life and mfp. =) Great response.

    I agree there is so good info here, but it's bad form to suggest all other suggestions be thrown out as irrelevant. There have been jewels in hear about things that can be done to succeed. We all can attest to these successes, just like in this post you agree so much in. Each of us has a different key to our weight loss lock, and we need to find that key ... or key combination.

    Bottom line, I like the post ... accept the part that suggests all other posts are wrong.