Can we do "Find your twin" again? So fun!



  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 176 Member
    Haha awesome --

    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    SW: 160
    CW: 150
    GW: 120
  • Female
    30yrs old
    SW 155
    CW 150
    GW 135 (for starters at least)

    I want to look good in anything I feel like wearing and be fit and active with my two preschooler boys.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Age 47
    SW 141
    CW 127
  • nmj1988
    nmj1988 Posts: 65 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 23
    Height: 5'2
    SW: 147
    CW: 125
    GW: 110-115

    I know theres a twin out there!! add me lol
  • laurajplus4
    laurajplus4 Posts: 25 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 33
    SW: 156.5
    CW: 150.5
    GW: 130-140 (unsure until I get to 140 :) )
  • rachleb
    rachleb Posts: 59 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 32
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 123
    CW: 118
    GW: 115? Whatever I weigh when all the chub is gone and the muscle underneath is revealed!

    NSV: I had one last month when I sprinted for the first time in two years since I tore my ACL playing soccer. I still wear a brace, but I am almost back to my speedy self! I want to be able to play soccer regularly again, as good as I used to.

    I am focusing on eating more clean foods and toning up!

    If we are even remotely twinly, feel free to add me!
  • cindyptacek
    cindyptacek Posts: 57 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 168
    CW: 135
    GW: 125

    me too!
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    SW: 155
    CW: 144
    GW: 130
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    22 year old
    Sw 163
    Cw 157ish
    Gw 130ish

  • B_Steppuhn
    B_Steppuhn Posts: 44 Member
    Female, 22
    sw= 157
    gw=125 but this could change
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 157
    CW: 146
    GW: 110
  • liegeygirl
    liegeygirl Posts: 20 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 30
    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 298
    CW: 284
    GW: 199 or less

    NSV goals: I want to be able to shop in a clothing store and buy anything I want because they have my size. I also want to have my future children that I've been dying to have, Gabbie and Gabriel (yes they are already named). LOL!!
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 28
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 140
    CW: 130
    GW: 120

    ...what even numbers!

    Hey I'm kinda the same...
    height 5 6
    NSV: its still on a scale and it probably won't happen. I want to be 34-24-34...even if it's for a day :P Then I want to be ripped.
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 170
    CW: 165
    GW: 135-140

    NSV: Go on a huge shopping spree once hit goal weight.
    Not be afraid to wear short-shorts and bikini cut bottom bathing suits.
    To start making healthy choices now and continue them until I die.
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'0"
    SW: 150
    CW: 145
    GW: 125

    NSV goals: Fit into my old clothes :D

    We're pretty close! :)
  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    I only found two that were relatively close!


    SW: 220 (Although I weighed myself after Christmas Dinner at 230, BIG mistake! lol)
    CW: 214
    GW: 130 (Although I've NEVER been this small so we'll see!)

    NSV: To do a roundoff backhandspring!!!! AHH!! I used to be in gymnastics and cheerleading and I'd LOVE to flip all over the place again!
    Also, I'd really love to RUN! Even in my best shape (sophomore year of high school) I could never run a mile full through. I want to! I literally dream about just running. I used to fly in all my dreams, now I sprint, and I get sad in the morning when I think that I can't do that!
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    Gender: Female
    Age: 24
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 260
    CW: 210
    GW: 145

    NSV: Be able to shop with my sister (5'3", 92lb), Be able to run a 5k without stopping or walking
  • Female
    Height: 5'7"
    SW. 168
    CW. 168 (just started)
    GW :145
  • zanmarie
    zanmarie Posts: 61 Member
    Female, 39.


    SW: 194
    CW: 192
    GW: 140
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    5'9.5" :P
    SW: 220 (though I started MFP after losing a few)
    CW: 166
    GW: 150's

    Feel free to add me. Fair warning though, my diary is full of Indian/Mid East Asian food!
  • Gender: Female
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'7
    SW: 318
    CW: 287
    GW: 200-225

    NSV goals: Be healthy, Be healthy enough to get pregnant, Run a 5-10K, Live a more active and healthy life style FOREVER.

    Add me if we're weight-loss twinsies (or even distant cousins)!

    *SW = starting weight, CW = current weight, GW = goal weight, NSV = non-scale victory