AB Challenge!



  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Welcome new ladies!!!

    You've inspired me to do the whole round again tonight in front of the tv! I have to finish the Bachelorette!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi, I'm in too.... what the hell eh :happy:

    Just one thing... what is a reverse crunch?

    I had 2 babies back to back..... but that was nearly 20 years ago lol
    Not really an excuse for the mess that is my middle area :embarassed:

  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    Hi, I'm in too.... what the hell eh :happy:

    Just one thing... what is a reverse crunch?

    I had 2 babies back to back..... but that was nearly 20 years ago lol
    Not really an excuse for the mess that is my middle area :embarassed:


    Welcome Jax! Hey, my youngest "baby" is 26 months old - I have no excuse either!!!
    A reverse crunch - look it up on You Tube for a good example (Jillian Michaels videos would show you), but you lay down on the floor on your back, then raise your legs straight into the air - well, slight bend in relaxed knee - and then lift your bottom off the floor, raising your legs vertically, using your lower abs. Does that description make sense?
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Thanks for the reply :happy:

    Yes that makes sense, i'll give it a go.

    Will let you know how i get on tomorrow, off to bed now.

    Goodnight all :happy:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    OK, just did it. Oh boy I royally stink.:grumble: I couldn't even hold the plank for fifteen seconds! The left and right planks were about three seconds a piece. My hand/wrist felt like it was on fire. Maybe I'm still too heavy to do those? I'm about 240 llbs....

    The crunches I ended up doing about twenty each- except for the right obliques- those were 27.

    My shoulders are really sore now. I wasn't pulling on my neck or anything- so what gives? lol

    I know I'll get better eventually- it was just a rough wake-up call!
  • 135gratitude
    135gratitude Posts: 364
    OK, just did it. Oh boy I royally stink.:grumble: I couldn't even hold the plank for fifteen seconds! The left and right planks were about three seconds a piece. My hand/wrist felt like it was on fire. Maybe I'm still too heavy to do those? I'm about 240 llbs....

    The crunches I ended up doing about twenty each- except for the right obliques- those were 27.

    My shoulders are really sore now. I wasn't pulling on my neck or anything- so what gives? lol

    I know I'll get better eventually- it was just a rough wake-up call!

    You don't stink! This is a baseline, so you can see how you improve! This is great! Congrats on doing what you did!
  • flea
    flea Posts: 56 Member
    Ok Count me in too - I'll have to youtube some of the exercises as not sure what they are. I'll probably alternate mine though to fit in with my current routine :wink:

    My "baby" is 28months old now so I know that it's time for ME to get myself in shape. My girls lead by example and I want to be the best example of health that I can be :flowerforyou:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Ok, I'm in too. I do crunches at the gym but it sure won't hurt to do some more!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    OMG!! I feel your pain.... i was going to bed but thought No.... no time like the present...

    I can't do the side planks at all... i can't get off the ground... either i'm too large or i have absolutely no upper, side or lower strength .. sigh

    But on the plus side i managed:
    30 second normal plank... a very wobbly one though.
    50 normal crunches
    25 left obliques
    25 right obliques
    20 reverse crunches... just about
    some bicycles
    15 leg lifts on each side

    not bad, but i'm dreading the morning... i feel some aching coming on :bigsmile:

    I really am going now ...lol night
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Ooooh!!! Count me in, count me in please! I've been really targeting my abs to get rid of my stupid, stubborn belly fat. I would love to be held accountable for it through this thread. I can't wait to go home and do it this evening - will post soon! :bigsmile:

    Anita :flowerforyou:
  • altazin0907
    altazin0907 Posts: 188 Member
    I am in ! will do them tonight:flowerforyou:
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Question: What are "obliques"/how do you do them? :blushing:
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164

    Aww thankkk you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Tag. Contemplating joining. :tongue:
  • lynnie25
    lynnie25 Posts: 93
    Hey does anyone have a tip for doing the side planks, my feet always want to slip! I am usually wearing tennis shoes and on carpet, with my feet stacked and my bottom foot always wants to slip out from under me, any ideas? Also which is better for doing the crunches-flat on the floor or on an exercise ball?


    here it is..:wink:
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Ok, I did my set right now...phew, that was tough and I am feeling it already! I might start doing this first thing in the morning so I don't have to do it late in the afternoon.

    Good job everyone who's done it! :flowerforyou: At least trying it is the first step, then it'll be like a run in the park :smile:
  • DaniNei
    DaniNei Posts: 132 Member
    Okay, I am going to try this also. I'm going to start out slow though and try to do half and then work my way up. I hope that's okay. I have been running 3 days a week to get the fat off, but now I need to work on the muscles underneath it.
  • TNYorker
    TNYorker Posts: 164
    Ok, just finished my first day of this challenge along with the Tae Bo Ab Bootcamp vid - phew!!! I sucked at the side planks :frown:, my right elbow is actually feeling kinda funny...I hope I didn't misplace anything. :grumble: It would be just my luck! :laugh:

    I will continue this, can't wait to see some results!!! :drinker:

    Anita :flowerforyou:
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    3 kids (youngest 2 are 10 1/2 months apart) = super stretched belly. And trust me, not a whole heck of a lot is TMI with me Betty. :laugh:

    Okay, so I just finished. Holy Hannah that was extremely tough. Extremely. I completely underestimated the difficulty. And, I completely underestimated what I could and could not do.

    I was able to do the planks without stopping. I did 50 crunches at first. Did all 50 of the reverse crunches. 25 of each oblique, 50 bicycles, 50 more crunches and 30 of the leg lifts. The leg lifts were a little rough on my low back. But, I will finish the remaining 20 before bed.

    I love the idea of keeping it to a week by week challenge.

    Anywayz, gotta get ready to hit the sack.
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