Anyone interested in a Wii Active Challenge?



  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    I worked out this morning - that's twice this week for me (which is twice is much as last week). I did a custom workout with 20 exercises from cardio and sports and I used my wii board. I worked out for 23 minutes - wii active said I burned 142 calories but my HRM said I burned 173 calories. It was a lot of fun. My favorites are dancing and boxing.

    Way to go Emmie! Keep up the good work.

    O.K. I love that dancing one too but I don't understand why I'm not getting all the arrows. Either I'm off beat (which could be the problem :laugh: ) or am I supposed to be catching them before they enter the green zone?

  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    i believe i did my 9th workout just now burned 243 calories. Those damn jumping squats kicked my *kitten*!
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I worked out this morning - that's twice this week for me (which is twice is much as last week). I did a custom workout with 20 exercises from cardio and sports and I used my wii board. I worked out for 23 minutes - wii active said I burned 142 calories but my HRM said I burned 173 calories. It was a lot of fun. My favorites are dancing and boxing.

    Way to go Emmie! Keep up the good work.

    O.K. I love that dancing one too but I don't understand why I'm not getting all the arrows. Either I'm off beat (which could be the problem :laugh: ) or am I supposed to be catching them before they enter the green zone?


    Thanks! I had problems with those arrows too. You have to catch them while they are in the green area - I didn't get that at first. They don't always register for me either. Maybe my batteries are weak. I'm sure my 11-year-old will point out any errors I'm making though. :wink:
    We got her the Samba de Amigo wii game for her birthday and she has had a blast with that one. It is like the dancing part of wii active - you use hands only since you are supposed to be holding maracas. I tell you that one gets your heart rate up too.
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    i believe i did my 9th workout just now burned 243 calories. Those damn jumping squats kicked my *kitten*!

    Great job! You're moving right along. Me and the squats do not get along! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!!

    Ok, I was bad this weekend and did no wii active (I did run though) and I partied the whole weekend (without alchohol) I need to get back into the swing of things!!!

    Frank, welcome to the team!!! I have all three of the wii games but I've kind of out grown the wii fit. Not because it isn't a great exercise, but because it takes so much time in between exercises. I don't do the cardio boxing right now because I'm into the wii active (which so far is my favorite).

    Fausttt, 3000 cals???? HOLY CRAP!!!! Imagine burning cals like that everyday....we wouldn't do anything but eat all day long (*sigh* sounds kinda sweet). Yea, looks like yard work is the way to go. I've been trying more yard work myself ever since I discovered that you burn a ton of cals weed eating.

    Chico, great job!!!!

    Queen, I agree with Emmie. I just repeat the ones I like. That's one of my biggest "beefs" with the wii active...not enough upper body exercises and NO ABs (or core)!!!! That is a big downfall in my book.

    Jax, don't feel lonely....we're here :)

    Emmie, I like the boxing and dancing, too.

    Take care everyone! Today is my long work day so I won't be able to workout until this evening.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Annaliza - I was bad this weekend too. Seemed like all I did was eat and of course we went out to dinner for father's day. Ugh! Felt good to workout this morning though. Always gives me a lot of energy. I was studying ALL day long yesterday so I'm taking today off from schoolwork. I think I'll do the wii active again this evening so I can have 3 workouts done for checkin tomorrow.

    EVERYONE - I'm curious - What do you like and not like about the Wii Active game?
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Annaliza - I was bad this weekend too. Seemed like all I did was eat and of course we went out to dinner for father's day. Ugh! Felt good to workout this morning though. Always gives me a lot of energy. I was studying ALL day long yesterday so I'm taking today off from schoolwork. I think I'll do the wii active again this evening so I can have 3 workouts done for checkin tomorrow.

    EVERYONE - I'm curious - What do you like and not like about the Wii Active game?

    Good question Emmie!

    The biggest pet peeve I have with it, is the controller. It jumps all over the screen when I"m trying to select from the menu. My other one is when the mii moves when I'm not and won't move when I am. UGGH. Other than that, I really like it.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    EVERYONE - I'm curious - What do you like and not like about the Wii Active game?

    The bit i hate is the running kick ups.... more often than not it doesn't register that i am actually doing them and tells me i'm going too slow!!
    It's infuriating and i find myself shouting at the screen mii to b****y MOVE!!!

    I find i have to stand still then take a jump with the nuncheck leg and then it usually starts doing it properly :mad:

    Tonight i took a break from the active and did a session with the Wii My Fitness Coach - burnt 142cals and really enjoyed it :bigsmile:

    Nice to see you all, good luck for the weigh in tomorrow

    Jax x
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Weigh in today :ohwell:

    227lb! Thats an increase of 1lb!
    I'm back to where i started 2 weeks ago, time to look at what i'm eating i think because the exercise is going ok.

    Hope you all do better than that :smile:

  • trimlaw
    trimlaw Posts: 11
    Hey, all. I'm new on here but this post caught my eye. I started wii active last week and have done it 5 - 6 times. I've also been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and after completing it yesterday felt good and thought I'd move right into a 30 day challenge workout. Bad idea. About an hour later I could hardly walk. I tend to work out too hard (without rest days) and over due it. Today, I "rested" and only went for a walk (for an hour). I'm planning on doing either Shred or wii active from now on.
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    bah i'm sick. So i rested yesterday. I was still good with my diet, but maybe i'm retaining more fluids for some reason because i gained 1.2 lbs. but no worries, I'm sure i'll work it off when i feel better.

    RE:3000 cals. Yeah i wrote it down 2,866 (almost 3k) but I questioned it . According to my BMR, i would have burned approx 550 cals in 5 hours just doing nothing. So taking that away means 2316 left. I suppose that is a more believable number. I still question it. BUT my 20 min workouts register anywhere from 300-500 on my HRM. So dunno. I'll trust it for now as long as I'm still losing :)
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Weigh in today :ohwell:

    227lb! Thats an increase of 1lb!
    I'm back to where i started 2 weeks ago, time to look at what i'm eating i think because the exercise is going ok.

    Hope you all do better than that :smile:


    Hang in there Jax. That's the key! Keep at it until you find what works!!! Way to go on your commitment!!!:flowerforyou:
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Hi Wii Teamers!!

    I've been out of commission since 6/15 due to knee problems. Anyways, I used the custom program for the first time and enjoyed the workout. Not sure if I have the workouts in the right order but will play around with them to get the best workout to burn more calories.

    6/18 - workout #12 - modified challenge
    32.4 cal
    7:27 min

    6/19 - 6/21 rest

    6/22 - workout #13 - modified challenge + customized workout
    58.7 cal - challenge
    14:50 min

    133.3 - customized
    33:13 min

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    Weigh In

    SW - 166.5
    CW - 165

    6/23 - Wii Fit

    30 min (10 Hula hoop, 10 Boxing, 10 Step)

    Not sure how to compute the calories burned for the Wii Fit. It was my rest day from Wii Active.

    Wishing everyone has a successful weigh in!
  • frankborelli
    frankborelli Posts: 218 Member

    One thing my mentors reminded me of when I started out is that muscle weighs more than fat. Burning fat off can be fairly easy. Toning the muscles (or building them while burning fat) may result in minor weight gains.

    Additionally, just by eating a teaspoon of salt one day you can retain as much as a 1/2 gallon of water the next. Water weighs about 8 pounds per gallon so that's four pounds!

    Don't let the one pound worry you. It's a marathon... not a sprint.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Hey, all. I'm new on here but this post caught my eye. I started wii active last week and have done it 5 - 6 times. I've also been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and after completing it yesterday felt good and thought I'd move right into a 30 day challenge workout. Bad idea. About an hour later I could hardly walk. I tend to work out too hard (without rest days) and over due it. Today, I "rested" and only went for a walk (for an hour). I'm planning on doing either Shred or wii active from now on.

    Ouch! Rest days are so important! I'm glad you listened to your body and took a day off! Welcome to the team!

    Weigh in day everyone!!!!

    I'll get the new stats posted here in a little bit!!

    Jax, that was me last week....I gained a pound. I agree with the water weight...don't stress on it too much. One pound in the grand scheme of things is no big deal (unless it's a consistant one pound week after week). Hang in there...we're here if you need us!!
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Annaliza - I'm sorry - I completely forgot to weigh in this morning. I will weigh in tomorrow and send it in to you. FYI - I worked out twice this week and burned 100 and 173 calories.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Here is this week's stats!


    I did terrible this week!! I'm going to have to do better...darn that running!!

    Fausttt - hope you feel better soon!!!
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Here is this week's stats!


    I did terrible this week!! I'm going to have to do better...darn that running!!

    Fausttt - hope you feel better soon!!!

    Annaliza, what are you using to post the stats. All I see is a little box with an "x"? It's probably my system.

    6/23 - rest day
    30 min walk - morning
    30 min walk 0 evening

    6/24 - workout #14 (hard) (no lower body exercises)

    45 - cal - 11.5 min
    30 min walk in morning
    30 min walk in evening
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Here is this week's stats!


    I did terrible this week!! I'm going to have to do better...darn that running!!

    Fausttt - hope you feel better soon!!!

    Hi Annaliza,

    My system blocks out the stats so I'm unable to see them. Here's an update to my stats:

    6/23 - rest day
    30 min walk - morning
    30 min walk 0 evening

    6/24 - workout #14 (hard) (no lower body exercises)

    45 - cal - 11.5 min
    30 min walk in morning
    30 min walk in evening
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    sorry i missed posting: yeah i have gained a little weight the last few days, but I am still down for the week. I had a good weight loss weekend mowing the yard and all :)

    I only did 1 exercise tho:

    SW: 304.2
    CW: 299.0 (yesterday)
    Mon 6/22: exercise 10: 466
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