Gastric Bypass Vs. Lap-band



  • Tofteberg
    Tofteberg Posts: 61 Member
    I always laugh when I see posts about this site being for people that work hard and loose weight the right way. Do the people saying that look at the adds that support the site? The lab band has been prominately displayed. Let's support each other in making change. Judging isn't often a useful motivational tool!!!
  • This is my 2 cents take it or leave it. My sister in law's dad had the surgery and is now gaining the weight back again. I think it's great you are trying to get control of your life back. However, don't lose the weight too quickly. I lost 130 pounds over a year or so and I don't have any extra skin just hanging around. If you lose the weight too fast you could have a lot of excess skin. If you are able to (I don't know your situation) go the route of fitness. It will be the hardest thing you ever do but you'll come out a better person and you'll have the integrity to keep yourself healthy without going back to your ways before. Even if you get the surgery and are still eating horribly you might not gain weight but you won't be healthy. Please don't take this the wrong way, I support anyone trying to change their life for the better.

    You shouldn't see any decision as a diet, it's a lifestyle choice either you are in it for the long haul or not
  • calicat40
    calicat40 Posts: 37 Member
    did you really just say that? people who are banded or have had other surgeries also have to work hard, work out and sweat. wow smdh
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    LOSE weight not LOOSE weight. Unless you are speaking of having "loose jeans" or "loose skin". gosh.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    so from what i gather, if you get educated, have surgery and stay committed you will lose weight and be healthy.

    or you can get educated, stay committed,lose weight and be healthy without surgery.
  • i got my lap band 2 years ago and have had nothing but complications with it for those 2 years. when i told my doctor/surgeon (the one who placed the band) he told me, "that doesnt happen."


    then he dropped me as a patient and refused to see me. i finally got a referral to UC Davis Medical Center and have met with my new doctor there. he unfilled my band, answered all of my questions and then told me that the lap band is being phased out in many places due to the high numbers of complications popping up. He suggested that i consider gastric bypass. not considering it and i wont consider it. i dont want my stomach altered forever. i wish i had never gotten my band. because i have been losing this weight entirely on my own and now i know i can do this on my own. i wish i had realized that before i let the first surgeon cut into me.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    I love people who have never had the surgery toss their two cents in. Oh know someone who had it done. Priceless.

    I have the Realize Band. I love it. I have never been happier. I have an amazing doctor and follow up care. I could have never lost this much weight dieting. I have dieted since I was 10. I have lost over 100 pounds a number of times.

    I didn't want to do gastric as I thought it was too 'drastic.' My husband had it almost immediately after me. It save my life and his.

    You can PM me if you'd like. These forums threads always go this way when someone asks about WLS. Also, there is a group on here for WLS. Please join! (weight loss surgery)

    I hope it can do for YOU all it has done for me and more. I am thrilled with my Realize band. ☺

  • MissAmyB80
    MissAmyB80 Posts: 159 Member
    I had gastric bypass in 2006. It was very effective in the short term to force you into rapid weight loss. However - after the initial rapid weight loss - you still have to learn to eat right and exercise to maintain the loss. You absolutely CAN still regain the weight afterwards - and also suffer the consequences others have mentioned of being sick after eating certain foods - and having some major vitamin deficits. Seems everyone's body reacts differently - but we all have lifelong struggles with certain things after. But at some point you really do have to work on your MIND. I know I didn't before my surgery - and I gained probably 70% of my weight back. Now I'm here doing it the old fashioned way and realizing that my weight loss is WAY more mental game than anything.

    I don't say - DON'T do it - I'm afraid if I never had I would have had 300 lbs to lose before I was done spiraling out of control. It's definetely a tool that has benefited me. I just wish I had done more work with counseling, etc before doing it. I have to get B12 injections monthly and get iron infusions (via IV) every 3 months because my body is depleted now of lots of those vital nutrients because I don't absorb them.

    My ex-husband had the same procedure and started MUCH heavier than I. He lost 220 lbs after. He has regained some too - maybe 60 lbs? But seems to maintain that despite having what I consider poor eating habits now. And has none of the other health issues I have.

    So really - I feel like I didn't answer your question. Because even researching on - and all the answers here - it seems everyone responds differently to the surgery - especially long term.

    Good luck in your decision and your recovery!!! :)
  • SKHaz1
    SKHaz1 Posts: 145 Member
    I am a therapist in a nursing home and we see alot of people post-gastric bypass who come in with malnutrition and dehydration. All of the people I have seen have regretted the decision as they are worst off than they were before.

    I say, eat right and exercise and do it the healthy way. There are other options that are not so radical.
  • I have a lap-band and honestly I hate it. It has caused me nothing but pain and although I lost a ton of weight at first, after I had my son it shifted and is now completely useless. I am wanting to get the sleeve done, it seems the best out of the three. The bypass is waaay too severe and has such horrible results, the one I am most scared about is the risk of death.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I have 2 friends: 1--had Gastric Bypass..Other--Lap Band. My friend with the lap band had a horrible experience which led to her having to get the thing removed. Although she lost weight, she was miserable. The friend with Gastric bypass lost weight but her skin was sagging and just wasnt a good look! All of these procedures will help you lose but its more about whats the healthier choice.!!

    THE NATURAL WAY--DIET, EXERCISE, ETC can give results without all the adverse effects! Good luck to you on your choice
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I'm banded and it's drained because it's useless. Even drained I still throw up because it's all out of whack. Don't do either. Do it on your own.
  • Borgg
    Borgg Posts: 7
    I had gastic bypass on 12/12/11. Since that date I've lost 62 lbs. Gastic surgery is a life changing event. If you do not follow the instructions given, you will not succeed. I am very pleased with my results and would definitely do it again. I am now off all meds (acid reflux, blood pressure) and feeling better than I have in years. I had a checkup last Friday and my BP was 118/66 without meds! I am now up to 5 miles/day on my elliptical and doing strength training three times a week.

    I had lost 100 lbs on three different occasions in the past. Despite working out and trying to restrict my eating, my weight kept creeping up. For me, the surgery was a godsend.
  • I had lap-band surgery about 4 years ago, lost about 50 pounds and put it all back on. My surgery was a profound act of self-loathing--painful, ridiculously expensive, and ultimately pointless. After maiming myself surgically, I still had to deal with my issues. I still had to get my head and heart ready to lose weight, I still had to get a grip on healthier eating and exercise. I still have to do the hard work of losing weight, and this thing in my gut doesn't make any of it any easier. The things that had made me the size I was, did not change with surgery. And the things that I needed in order to lose weight--common sense, determination, and the willingness to forgive myself--were things I could have called on all along, like Dorothy's Ruby Slippers.

    Please think long and hard about it before you do this, but either way I wish you the best.
  • i know people who had both. ive lost 80lbs so far on my own without surgery. it takes time and doing the right thing to do it. the folks i know all had complications and to be honest getting that surgery is a cop out from doing the right thing. they throw up all the time. one had fungal rashes every where .. all the ones that lost weight look awful. they look older and they have flab everywhere too because they didnt exercise or eat right. even though you have that surgery you still have to eat right and exercise . i am a nurse and am against those surgeries. i have always been an advocate to healthier lifestyles. finally for the past two years i have been following my own advice and its working
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    No experience personally but wanted to say good luck and well done to those losing post surgery.
    I have a friend heading for a full bypass - she has opted for this based on the fact no foreign body for body to 'accept' I don't know how valid her reason is as not researched anythin along this lines.

    Good luck whatever you decide, not easy to lose weight through diet and exercise and not easy making a decision to have surgery I'd imagine.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim, 48. I had the biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch done 5 months ago and have lost 78 lbs. so far. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I've gotten off my insulin and cholesterol medications. Good luck in your decision and your upcoming surgery. It is a big decision to make.
  • I had roux-en-y in June of 2008. I lost 175 pounds. I have managed to keep most of it off. I had a terrible recovery. But please don't let that stop you. This was the BEST decision of my life. My husband had the same surgery twice and he is struggling. Put most of the weight back on. I say that the hard recovery and the struggles I have had make me appreciate it more. I still feel that I have weight to lose and want to be toned and in shape because of all the extra skin. That is why I am on MFP and going to the gym daily. Surgery is not a cure, it's a tool! And it is a choice. It's not for everyone but neither is dieting or exercise. It will be hard work too. And you will get to a point where it still won't be enough. Just stick with it. Follow the rules. My recovery problems were a product of laziness on the part of the staff where I had my surgery. So be sure to research that as well. If you have questions about my journey, feel free to add me or ask away. I am not embarrassed or ashamed. It is simply who I am and all part of the journey!
  • I had RNY in 2004. Lost 160 total, 22lb regain over last 2 years, 10 lost since I've been using MFP to get myself back on track (even got pregnant 17mos post op and only gained 15, lost 24 after she was born). Absolutely the best thing I've ever done. I know a LOT of banders, and the majority wished they would have done a different procedure. It is NOT less invasive, I don't know where people get are still cut open and you have a plastic band snapped around the top of your stomach. A band that can shift, slip, or worse. The amount of weight loss is MUCH less than with an RNY. And frankly, IMO the maintenance on them appears to be a PITA....fill, unfill, fill, unfill, until you find your sweet spot. Too many doc appts and co-pays for me. RNY and DS have the best long term results. YES, you still have to do the hard work, but it is effective. We all know losing weight isn't usually the's keeping it OFF that is the hard part. I absolutely would recommend it to anyone with a significant amount of weight to lose. Feel free to message me if you want to ask any questions!
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