Looking for Moms!



  • Good Morning everyone! I am 32 and have three boys, three and younger. My youngest is 2 months old. I went in to the hospital at 248 and weigh 224 right now. I am hoping to get down to 285 and this program has really helped! Yay to being healthy and thin again!
  • I mean 185!
  • knowwhentoshutup
    knowwhentoshutup Posts: 318 Member
    You can do it! :) I'm very similar to you. I started at 216, and am down to 201 now (SO CLOSE TO ONEDERLAND!!) and have two very active boys. They like to work out with me - or run in place while I am treadmilling. There is never a perfect time to fit it in, but if you want it bad enough - you make it work! I'm turning 30 this year - and will be running a half marathon in May just to prove I can.

    I started a motivational wall (which for me is by my treadmill - where I stare) and there is a saying posted there - 'Keep the promises you make to yourself'. I fully intend to. :)

    Feel free to add me, if you are looking for more friends or motivation.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • rileymama
    rileymama Posts: 196 Member
    WELCOME!!!! I have 4 kids and am expecting my 5th. About a year ago, I started losing weight after being at my heaviest ever. I lost almost all I wanted before getting pregnant this time around :) Good luck and stick with it!! You can do it!!!
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member

    I have a mini goal that I'm hoping to hit soon - my reward will be some new nail polish and accessories for doing manicures at home for me and my daughters. Sounds simple. When I hit my goal weight my DH is going to buy me an Ipod touch - or a new dslr camera. I can't decide yet. My motivation is a week long cruise I booked for us. A second honeymoon after 16 years!

    Hooray for 2nd honeymoons! My sister is taking the kids for a week August 2013 for our 10th anniversary. We don't know what we are doing yet but I know I'll be looking hot!!

    Hi, I'm Maria. I'm a SAHM to a 5, going on 15, yr old girl and an autistic 9, going on 2, yr old boy. I was on here last summer and lost 15 then my son had a seizure(learned epilepsy is common in autism, who knew?) and I hopped of the diet wagon due to stress. That is not happening this time! Good news is even with the holidays I only put 5 of it back on. So new start was January 9th and I'm down to 228, down 16lbs in just over a month(26 overall!!). I've started swimming and taking a pilates class and am having fun! Oh and my friends and I signed up to do a 5k in September so my goal is to lose 70lbs by then so I can be my fastest!!
  • I'm a Mom of 2 as well =)

    My oldest turned 3 back in December, and my youngest was born back in November (3.5 months). Decided to really get on track this time! Really loving that I can use MFP from my phone, when I first signed up I didn't have a smartphone and I would constantly forget to log in from my computer while I was on maternity leave.

    Now that I'm back to work, and I also finally upgraded to an iphone I'm on MFP all the time!!

    We're also doing Biggest Loser here at work so that is a great source of (positive) pressure because when I weigh in weekly someone else has to see it besides me! I want to shed some extra pounds for my kids, so I can keep up with them and also so I can get into those jeans tucked up in the top of my closet!!!
  • Good morning everyone!! So glad for the new friends (please add me if you want to!) However, checking out some of your diaries I see fruit and healthy breakfasts and am embarrassed to add my pancakes this morning :) We have a playgroup today where there are always loads of treats for the kids (and moms). I'm going to have to try hard to resist if I don't want to go over my calories for the day! Anyway, hope that you all have a good day!
  • - and will be running a half marathon in May just to prove I can.

    knowwhentoshu - that is awesome about the half marathon you're gong to run!! I would love to run a 5K sometime this year but I'm scared!
  • Hello! i am a mommy of 2 beautiful children, youngest being 12 weeks. i am working hard to get my pre-prego body back and in shape, but seem stuck. i'm at 169 and need to get back down to around 145 (5'6''). i'm taking in around 1200-1500 calories and am working out as much as you can with 2 little ones, turns out to be about 4 days a week....any suggestions?
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 daughters and have lost almost 37 pounds since joining MFP in July. Thankfully my kids aren't babies any longer, they are 12 & 6, so I'm able to get some me time to hit the gym and focus on my weight loss. Feel free to add me, I also moderate a fitness group on FB that I'd be happy to talk to you about if you're interested, PM me for details.
  • So now I ask this... do you all eat back your exercise calories or no? Sometimes I have a very hard time doing that 1) b/c I am just plain old full & 2) if I don't add in my calories back til the end of the day, it's too late for me to eat (I try not to eat past 7pm)

    I read a thread on here - it's a long one - about many people who are not eating enough and throwing their bodies into 'starvation mode' or whatever. I'm not sure about all of that. I do know that I have been eating my calories back - although I'm not really burning a whole lot. I am doing 30DS but I don't have a HRM so I'm just logging it as 20 minutes of jogging - because I don't really know how else to track it. So, when I work out I DO eat my calories back. I don't really have a hard time doing that:embarassed: :happy:
  • nhibbitts
    nhibbitts Posts: 18 Member
    I am 34 and have two little boys, ages 5 and 3. I am the same way most of the mom's on here seem to be...no time for Mommy! I gained 30 lbs during my pregnancy with my first son and lost about 12 of it before getting pregnant with my little one. I gained 25 lbs with him and didn't lose any of it. I breastfed both times but didn't have any success losing weight. I really am just tired of being fat. My husband is really into eating healthy and exercising so I am trying to be more like him. I have started telling my boys that Mommy has to exercise to get healthy and they have been great about giving me that time. I started at 218 lbs and am now at 211 after 3 weeks. My goal weight is 150. I would love to be friends with more moms with the same type of goals!
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Hello!! Welcome to MFP! So glad you are here.....

    I also am a mother to one - 9 year old girl. I also work full time in an office job during the day and I teach dance part-time in the evenings. Somehow I manage to make things work! I would have to say that the hardest thing for me was time management. One I got into a routine things just started flow. I have become super mom thanks to the added energy that Im getting from eating clean and healthy and working out. Not to mention my family has also reaped the benefits as well.

    Before I started mfp I was lazy and always ordered takeout or fast food. But once I got into logging my food it was like a chain reaction that overflowed into every region of our lives.

    But anyways - always looking for support here as well. So feel free to add me :)

  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    So now I ask this... do you all eat back your exercise calories or no? Sometimes I have a very hard time doing that 1) b/c I am just plain old full & 2) if I don't add in my calories back til the end of the day, it's too late for me to eat (I try not to eat past 7pm)

    I read a thread on here - it's a long one - about many people who are not eating enough and throwing their bodies into 'starvation mode' or whatever. I'm not sure about all of that. I do know that I have been eating my calories back - although I'm not really burning a whole lot. I am doing 30DS but I don't have a HRM so I'm just logging it as 20 minutes of jogging - because I don't really know how else to track it. So, when I work out I DO eat my calories back. I don't really have a hard time doing that:embarassed: :happy:
    I eat back most if not all of my exercise calories on most days. I try to ensure that I NET at least 1200 calories daily. My intake is set at 1800 and on average I NET about 1500 calories daily. It is important to be sure that you are eating enough to fuel your body and for most people a low intake of 1200 is not enough. You really do need to eat to lose.
  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    I don't have a problem taking in my 1400 base but its the extra calories that I struggle. Any suggestions???
  • Christine, have you tried that greek yogurt? I picked some up at the store last week I think it was Chobani brand. It makes a good snack with no fat and lots of protein. It was thick and filling too. Anyway, I liked it and was impressed.

  • ChristineCain
    ChristineCain Posts: 76 Member
    Yup! I love Greek yogurt! I go in phases with it though. I actually grabbed some the other day b/c I am dipping strawberries in it and drizzling chocolate over them for a work party tomorrow :o)
  • Hey mama's!
    I'm a mama to 3, 6 yr old girl, 22 month old boy, and a 4.5 month old girl. We're done having kids, and I'm done trying to point the finger at them for me gaining the weight! haha. I'm so ready to be the smallest I've ever been in my adult life. I started at 225 on the 9th of Jan. 2012, and am hitting the scales at 213.6 as of yesterday! I'm trying to workout 6 times a week, I'm on my 3rd week of P90, I've done this in the past, kinda getting bored, so was thinking of mixing it up with some different workouts. I'm excited to connect with some of you guys too! We're gonna get through this!
  • ChiefWhitesWife
    ChiefWhitesWife Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, I'm a mom to three kids. A boy (14) and two girls (11 and 10). I'm working on losing my weight while my husband is deployed. So far I've found that exercise is my best friend....it's how I'm coping with this deployment. I do 60 minutes on the elliptical every morning, drink lots of water and *try* to eat better. I've lost 22 pounds so far (I started out heavier and lost some before joining MFP). I just gave my sister some of my clothes that I have already "outgrown" Sunday.....it felt good.
  • kwortham
    kwortham Posts: 48 Member
    Hey. I'm a mom of 1 year old boy/girl twins and a 4 year old son. And I am determined to get this weight off. I have lost 20 pounds so far, but I am now at a bit of a stand still. I am doing pretty well with the workouts now, but eating could stand some work. I have also noticed that having so much support (especially from people who are in similar situations as me) has helped SO much. I want to lose about 50 more pounds so feel free to add me. Good luck!
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