My boyfriend thinks MFP is for girls only



  • I learned about this board from guys on another web board I read. They are mostly gamer geeks (I mean this in the nicest possible way!) and enjoy having a scientific-seeming tracking tool. Pretty sure they don't hang out on the boards.

    It's like anything else, if you are ready to put into it, you'll get what you need out of it. And no one can talk you into it... you can, however, do it for yourself and let him observe the great changes.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    i guess i'm a little lady then................
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    MFP has been great for me.. I wouldnt be where I am without it.
  • What's his solution? If he was using the manly method, and it was working, he would have a point.. I think MFP works great for men.
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    if he's really uninterested, i think you should make him eat better food. make him do exercises that he won't even realize he's doing. it might help. that's what i do with my fiance. he isn't into this site, but i've gotten him to make small changes that have made a huge difference.
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    haha my boyfriend is exactly the same.. i've been using MFP for just ober 6 months and he refuses to believe me that there are men on here.. he just thinks of it as some sorta WI site for women to lose weight.. some people just don't get it lol
  • TonyL68
    TonyL68 Posts: 133 Member
    There's more women than men, sure. That's probably because women are harder on themselves than men are. Just like a woman who THINKS she's overweight is more likley to cover up at the beach than a man who actually IS overweight.

    <-- guilty

    But yes, there are dudes here. Tell him to come and join the party.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    He's wrong.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    Gasp! Somebody should tell my husband!
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 650 Member
    He's just too hardcore for mfp.
  • Sullivanwilson
    Sullivanwilson Posts: 30 Member
    *Checks pants*

    Nope, not just for girls.

  • he's just afraid that it WILL work. just track what you know he consumes and allow him to see it. the salt consumption alone will probably blow his mind, let alone the calories. we are all on the same path and there will be a pay day...someday!!! whatever it may be...? 57 and doing mfp and jillians 30 day shred for since 1-3-12 13 lbs. lost as of today!!!!!
  • OutSpoken78
    OutSpoken78 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm curious to why he thinks it's just for girls? Is it only girls that need tools to lose weight? If so, than why is he not shrinking? It's funny how people react when they are afraid to try something. I was the same way... but my wife sighed at a buff guy in a movie, I got jealous and that is what got me to start working out. I enjoy having me wife sigh when I take my shirt off, not when other guys do!
  • definitely not for the ladies only. this site has shown me so much about healthy choices. not to mention the support you get from all the other MFP'ers. and the great recipes. everyone on here is here for the same reason....."to be a better you". everyone is making changes to improve his/her lifestyle. i swear by the site. it's convenient. it's free. it's perfect. good luck.
  • I just checked out the "check-in" section on measurements and saw the default measurements: neck, waist, and hip. Neck?? that's a guy thing, right?
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    I've learned a lot on here, and been successful so far, so I would conclude he is wrong.
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 350 Member
    Then tell him he will fit right in.

    Love it. Man up and get it done.

    (I refuse to say "git 'er done")
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    he's probably about the same overweight as I was before I started MFP (40 or so pounds overweight) and since I've lost almost 15 pounds, I'm trying to get him to do it too and he keeps telling me "that's for girls"

    It's really annoying because I want him to be healthy. He's already got back problems and has trouble sleeping.

    He is correct. I'm just here to pick up chicks while my wife is does the laundry.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    he's probably about the same overweight as I was before I started MFP (40 or so pounds overweight) and since I've lost almost 15 pounds, I'm trying to get him to do it too and he keeps telling me "that's for girls"

    It's really annoying because I want him to be healthy. He's already got back problems and has trouble sleeping.

    He is correct. I'm just here to pick up chicks while my wife is does the laundry.


  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    he's probably about the same overweight as I was before I started MFP (40 or so pounds overweight) and since I've lost almost 15 pounds, I'm trying to get him to do it too and he keeps telling me "that's for girls"

    It's really annoying because I want him to be healthy. He's already got back problems and has trouble sleeping.

    Real men count calories and macros. (and pick up heavy things and set them back down) :)