How long can I run?



  • I'm training for my 9th Half Marathon and my 2nd Full Marathon...and I will ALWAYS do walk/jog intervals. Just build up to how far you can go in between walks. And build up slowly. I know I train for longer distances, but I always (even my 3 mile runs) do intervals. Mine are distance intervals, but I do 0.40 mile run/jog (between 5.2mph and 6.0mph) and 0.10 mile walk (quick walk). I could probably do 3 miles straight, but chose not to. I like my intervals. Keep in mind...when I first started my training, I did 1 min jog (5.0mph) and 1 min walk. Just gradually increase the length of the run and/or the speed. And there is NO such thing as SLOW! You are making the effort...that is 10000% more than the people not doing a thing.
  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    i started c25k when i was about 220 lbs. when i started i couldn't run for longer than a minute, and this sunday i ran 8 miles in 80 min. definitely works and definitely worth it. good luck!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    One of my running buddies ran his first marathon while weighing about 260 (down from 400). Just do the C25K and start out slow. See you out there!
  • merbock
    merbock Posts: 5 Member
    The C25K program is awesome! I started out about the same weight as you, had never run before in my life and honestly felt the same way. But now I can run 30+ minutes without stopping. Listen to & trust your body. And don't worry about what other people think of you! Good luck :)
  • BradyMommy
    BradyMommy Posts: 82 Member
    I am currently doing the C25K program too. I'm amazed at how FAST it works! The first week I could BARELY get through the 60 second run intervals and I am only on week 3 now but the 3 minute intervals were no problem for me last night.

    But the only person you are competing against is yourself. So what if you can only run for 20 seconds at a time? Good for YOU for running 20 seconds at a time!!!
  • C25K. YES.:drinker:

    double yes....
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    Oh wow, I'm so glad I'm not the only one that's nervous & self conscious about running in front of others. It's really lame too because I love to run.

    But I'll look up this Couch 2 5k thing. :)
  • My new favorite quote is "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping anyone on the couch". :wink:
  • mhankosk
    mhankosk Posts: 532 Member
    1) Never worry about what people think. Every race I run, 5K, half marathon, marathon, I'm always at the back. On the track at the gym, everyone passes me by. I don't care, I have my own goals, and that's all I worry about.

    2) Start with the Couch to 5K program. It's great for beginners, it starts with a mixture of walking and a little running, and gradually builds up the running.

    Good luck

    This! I am doing the C25K program and I love it. I ran for 25 min straight on Sunday. I NEVER thought that was possible!
  • k7n2w3
    k7n2w3 Posts: 241 Member
    take it one step at a time and a while back my friends and I discussed the same thing. We realized that anyone that is also fit and healthy (or trying to get there) doesnt really judge people for running, walking, etc, its usually those that are jealous and not doing anything. When I first started jogging I could not go a quarter mile straight without walking. Then I did a mile and NOW months later tomorrow I am signing up for a 10 mile run :-) So from like a tenth of a mile to now I'm up to 8.2 miles straight and soon to be 9 this weekend... be careful though.... it's ADDICTING haha :-) My original goal was a mile then 2, then thought.. oh I'll never go over 3 and do 5ks, then this 10 mile run as I say "oh i'll never do a half marathon"... yea I am thinking of that next and who knows where my little quarter mile start will have me ending up :-)
    Give it a try, take your time, start slow and low distance with lots of walking and who knows where you'll end up!!!! Good Luck!!

    SW 155.1
    GW and CW 112.0
  • tipsymoth
    tipsymoth Posts: 28 Member
    Another vote for C25K.

    I used to do it really early in the morning where no-one could see, and I struggled to do about 45 seconds. Last run I did was 45 MINUTES!!

    Just go easy, build it up slowly at your speed and you'll get there. I repeated weeks (more than once) and it took me a while, but I got there.

    I almost enjoy it now ;)
  • Chances are some of the people around you were exactly where you are at some point. People go to the gym to work out and get fit, it's not a social scene where everyone sips coffee and gossips about one another. I for one know I admire every single person I see at the gym, regardless of what they're doing. Good for you for wanting to run I say! Just do what you can and build up.
  • That's how you build endurance! Actually the way I started running was to walk until I was walking very quickly and then I'd do baby step jogging--very short strides at a pace no faster than what I was walking. Gradually I built up to a runner's stride, but I didn't push myself until I felt like I could control my breathing. That was always my dowfall--losing my breath almost immediately. But the baby jog is pretty effective. I never thought I could run for more than 2 minutes when I first started, and now I have a marathon medal to prove that I can run a heck of a lot longer. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Even Joan Benoit Samuelson, who took home the gold medal at the first Woman's Olympi Marathon in 1984, was timid about running when she first started. She'd stop and pretend to look at the wildflowers when she saw cars coming..

    It's human nature to be a little self conscious when we start doing something outisde of our confort zone. Just ignore those little voices in your head, keep your chin up and do it!

    I started running on the treadmill last year and I think my top speed was 4.3mph. By last summer, I was able to run a 5k at about 5mph. And a few weeks ago I was able to run 10 minutes at 5.5mph at a 0.5 incline followed shortly by a 5 minute run at 6mph.

    There's nothing at all wrong with starting out with doing a walk/run/walk pattern, in fact, as someone else pointed out, it's considered interval training and can give you an amazing calorie burn! The mistake a lot of people make at first is running as fast as they can until they lose their breath. Instead, try pacing yourself a bit by slowing down and time your breathing with your pace - I usually do an inhale for two footfalls and exhale for the next two footfalls.

    If you like reading, I'd recommend "The Courage to Start" by John Bingham. It has a lot of great tips and many can also apply to weight loss.
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    I really want to start jogging, But it's weird because i don't know how long i can jog for, I weight 248, and i feel as though people will think I'm fat and pathetic for jogging 20 seconds and then stopping because I'm too tired.

    How long can you jog/run?

    That's how I started. Worked up to walking 30mins - 1 hour a day without shin splints. Then started adding walk/run intervals. run a little, then walk until I felt ready to run again. Over time I was running more than walking, A very slow run, but a run. Eventually I got faster too. I picked a route that had few people on it so there wouldn't be as many opportunities to feel bad about my efforts.
  • I started running at a young age then when i got married and finished my term with the Army i stopped running. I started back a few years later and my times were way way off from what i was used to seeing. Start slow and add more easy time, don't worry about others. A lot more people will phrase you for jogging 20 seconds then sitting on the couch doing nothing. You can do it!
  • I really want to start jogging, But it's weird because i don't know how long i can jog for, I weight 248, and i feel as though people will think I'm fat and pathetic for jogging 20 seconds and then stopping because I'm too tired.

    How long can you jog/run?

    Here's what I do:

    It's an injury free training method. You start out walking then work in a few short jogs. It's easy and works wonderful. I use this method when I run ALL my events.

    Feel free to email me if you have questions. If I can do it you can!!

  • run a little bit. then walk a little bit. Set goals with a timer/watch. Get a HRM and set goals with that. Try to keep going a little beyond what you're comfortable doing. You'll be running 10ks in no time!
  • missmelissa919
    missmelissa919 Posts: 59 Member
    This was a good thread to read. I'm the same way. I'm not a runner. But one day I will be. Today I went to the gym and I actually walked for 5 min then jogged for 1min and so on. Eventually I hope I can run a straight mile. Hey even jog. But whatever your doing is way better then sitting on the couch.

  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    I really want to start jogging, But it's weird because i don't know how long i can jog for, I weight 248, and i feel as though people will think I'm fat and pathetic for jogging 20 seconds and then stopping because I'm too tired.

    How long can you jog/run?

    I am up to an hour and 10 min (7 miles) but I didn't just jump up and do that. I've been running for 6 months. I started with running while one song played then walking a song, then running a song, then walking one etc. I slowly progressed.