


  • justmel4now
    justmel4now Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, just found your post-I recently began AGAIN medifast and am using 4 and 2, trying to keep calories around 1200 and still incorporate exercise-hows the modified version working for you now?
  • justmel4now
    justmel4now Posts: 9 Member
    I am just speaking for myself here, but Medifast was the only way I could drop pounds, don't know if it's the higher protein. lower carb or the nutitritional makeup of the food, but it works for me. Yes its expensive, thus trying a modified version of the plan and why I am asking questions of other MF users. Please don't discourage people from doing what works for them. I've seen people drop weight with various means and all have a fight to keep it off after losing. Thats what Fitness Pal is for, to motivate and inspire people to keep on the track-dont be judgmental, what works for one person may not work for another and viceversa.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I do a modified version of the medifast plan and just use the bars and shakes mainly as snacks and breakfast then healthy lean and grean lunch and dinner but I add in some additional carbs to keep my engergy up on days that I am working out. It works for me.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my sister did medifast and she was not getting near enough fuel/calories, she napped constantly and didn't have the energy to walk around the block or through the grocery store. Seems counter productive.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    I hope you have a doctor or nutritionist helping you with this! Very low calorie diets can be very hard on your heart, so only your doctor can help you with that! I'm on a similar program. I am in the doctor's office every week, checking in, and getting my heart rate and blood pressure measured.
    I successfully lost all the weight 2 years ago, but I've gained it all back again. So I'm trying it again, this time sticking it through to the end! You'll need the help of a nutritionist when you start eating again, so that you don't run into the problem of gaining it all back.
  • izzy11552
    huh i am on the product now and i have dropped 32 pounds , i exercise 6 days a week 3 days of zumba for an hour and 45 minutes of eliiptical for the other 3 days, i have much more energy than when i was eating a whole lot of crap with out medifast. i tried to diet on my own but some of us just aren't lucky enough to have a healthy lifestyle so medifast is a tool that can help you reset the way you think of food.I am much more active now and if you do the program correctly eating 6 meals a day in total than you really shouldn't feel deprived..some people get a little cocky after they lose a certain amount of weight and go back to eat "normal" food...soda,fast food and plates full of carbs isn't really considered normal though. I honestly don't think people should knock a program only because they can control their food intake some of us cant and need that extra help so please don't discourage others to try something that can save their lives just because it failed for you.I love medifast it changed the way i see food ...i don't look at ice cream and at sweet the same way anymore and that's enough for me.If you go through the transition and the maintenance phase and you use what you learn to change your life style than the weight should not come back...than again if you lose 20lbs and go back to eating **** than will come back!
  • WanderingLass
    WanderingLass Posts: 86 Member
    I've no experience with it -- I just went to their website and checked it out.

    $339 a month??? :noway: :noway: :noway: My boyfriend and I eat very well on around $150 a month...I would never be able to afford their food plus buy him separate groceries. From a financial point, it would be highly unprobably I would be able to do this. I also now prefer to make my own foods, including treats, because I've learned when I control what's in them -- they taste better and I feel better. ( that vegetarian lasagna recipe I tried years ago was an epic fail....but that's part of the fun!)

    I know you're already planning on starting -- best of luck! I read both positive and negative reviews here -- here's hoping for you it's a positive!!
  • tlfrance
    tlfrance Posts: 1
    I tried losing weight for years by eating only whole, clean, organic foods. I obsessed over portions and calories. I spent hundreds of dollars counting points and attending WW sessions for years, only to end in tears every week of the program. I exercised 5 days a week. I took vitamins and drank water. I became a vegetarian for awhile, then a vegan. But I never lost weight. In fact I gained! Medifast was literally the only thing that caused me to lose weight. I was convinced that I was a hopeless case, that I had some sort of medical defect that I couldn't lose it. Until Medifast. Don't listen to all those people who think they know how to lose weight. Personal trainers, health gurus, even nutritionist all had me down on myself. My advice - if you find something that works, stick with it.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    My ex did this..
    .then gained all of his weight back within 3 months of discontinuing medifast.
    now he's on it again?

    That is insanity repeating the same mistake over and over again.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I do know a friend that lost 57 pounds on it. She looks great and with anything else you will have to learn portion control.

    In life you have to learn portion control. You can't stay on Medifast forever.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    Is there a difference between Medifast and Optifast? I had considered WLS until I discovered I would need to do 8 - 12 weeks of Optifast (900 calories of liquid per day) and then would need to eat a restrictive diet the rest of my life or I would be subject to dumping and all sorts of other ailments. Realized then that I needed to just eat better and smaller amounts and start moving my body. It may be slow going (50 pounds in 6 months so far), but I believe in slow and steady wins the race.

    Good luck to you if you should choose to do this. Sounds pretty horrific (not to mention BORING) to me!
  • JBankey
    JBankey Posts: 19 Member
    It is working great for me. I lost about 50 pounds (gained 10 back over 6 months) the traditional way on here, but was stuck with about 45 to go. I could not break through and I was becoming undisciplined. Well Medifast has given me the discipline and I have broke through my plateau and am now the lightest I have been in 12 years. I have lost 16 pounds in three weeks and am learning portion control and the importance of balancing carbs and protein. I have had zero side effects and no hunger. It has been great
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I tried losing weight for years by eating only whole, clean, organic foods. I obsessed over portions and calories. I spent hundreds of dollars counting points and attending WW sessions for years, only to end in tears every week of the program. I exercised 5 days a week. I took vitamins and drank water. I became a vegetarian for awhile, then a vegan. But I never lost weight. In fact I gained! Medifast was literally the only thing that caused me to lose weight. I was convinced that I was a hopeless case, that I had some sort of medical defect that I couldn't lose it. Until Medifast. Don't listen to all those people who think they know how to lose weight. Personal trainers, health gurus, even nutritionist all had me down on myself. My advice - if you find something that works, stick with it.

    It's magic! Uh huh.
  • AJisCommittedtoSuccess
    I am just speaking for myself here, but Medifast was the only way I could drop pounds, don't know if it's the higher protein. lower carb or the nutitritional makeup of the food, but it works for me. Yes its expensive, thus trying a modified version of the plan and why I am asking questions of other MF users. Please don't discourage people from doing what works for them. I've seen people drop weight with various means and all have a fight to keep it off after losing. Thats what Fitness Pal is for, to motivate and inspire people to keep on the track-dont be judgmental, what works for one person may not work for another and viceversa.

    I agree. This isn't a place to criticize others for doing what works for them. Please stay positive.

    Anytime someone reverts to old eating habits, the weight will come back. It doesn't matter what "diet" they were following. You can't really make that something exclusive to VLC diets.

    As far as being tired all the time because Medifast is VLC, I cannot agree. After the first few days of adjustment, I have had more energy than ever. I am not hungry all the time because I eat every 2 - 3 hours. If you are trying Medifast and are experiencing those or similar problems, sign up for Take Shape for Life and get yourself a coach. Their knowledge and support are more valuable than you'd ever expect.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    just figure out what a 500 calorie deficit is and eat that number..

    why pay someone to create a deficit for you, when you can do it for free...

    eat less + work out more = lose weight...

    but if you still want to buy something I have my "ninja weight loss system" that is clinically proven to lose weight in three months or money back....
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am just speaking for myself here, but Medifast was the only way I could drop pounds, don't know if it's the higher protein. lower carb or the nutitritional makeup of the food, but it works for me. Yes its expensive, thus trying a modified version of the plan and why I am asking questions of other MF users. Please don't discourage people from doing what works for them. I've seen people drop weight with various means and all have a fight to keep it off after losing. Thats what Fitness Pal is for, to motivate and inspire people to keep on the track-dont be judgmental, what works for one person may not work for another and viceversa.

    I agree. This isn't a place to criticize others for doing what works for them. Please stay positive.

    Anytime someone reverts to old eating habits, the weight will come back. It doesn't matter what "diet" they were following. You can't really make that something exclusive to VLC diets.

    As far as being tired all the time because Medifast is VLC, I cannot agree. After the first few days of adjustment, I have had more energy than ever. I am not hungry all the time because I eat every 2 - 3 hours. If you are trying Medifast and are experiencing those or similar problems, sign up for Take Shape for Life and get yourself a coach. Their knowledge and support are more valuable than you'd ever expect.

    so when someone says they are going go waste money on starving themselves we should just sit here and nod our heads and say "go for it, good luck to you!!!" even though most of us know it will end in massive failure or gaining weight back....

    sorry that is not how it works...
  • AJisCommittedtoSuccess
    "eat less + work out more = lose weight..."
    That statement isn't always the answer. Portion control DOES make a difference, but simply eating less food doesn't always work. There are many reasons, most of them medical. It's a rather arrogant position to take that your approach is THE right one for EVERYONE.

    It worked for me before and I kept it off for several years - until we chose to have our third child. If it is done right, it works. You apparently have a product to sell. Do your sales increase when you criticize people for using other programs and call those proven programs massive failures?
  • MCLA4mom
    MCLA4mom Posts: 219 Member
    It worked for me. I lost 75lbs on and have kept it off for almost two years. I'm sorry but I do not look at that as a massive failure in any way. In fact, aside from giving birth and running marathons I consider it to be one of the most physically amazing things that I have done. I also no longer suffer from insulin resistance. My doctor (endocrinologist) introduced me to the program because it was great training on how to manage my blood sugars without medication. It completely changed my relationship with food. I am sooooooo much healthier. I am hypothyroid and the calories in calories out "just stop eating so much" thing wasn't helpful at all. I needed to learn to eat protein carb balanced meals 6 times a day. I paid money to learn to do that (I had tried EVERYTHING). It was worth every penny for me. ONE WARNING! If you treat it like a diet, you will gain all of your weight back. If you treat it like a program.youll learn how to keep it off.
    I wasn't starving. The food has all of the nutrients you need. I had never "resorted" to meal replacements until I did this. I thought they were just for lazy people that didn't want to work for it. In the end, the meal replacements took the burden and guess work out of weight loss off of me so I could do the internal work and learn what part I played in getting fat in the first place.
    Just thought you might want to hear from the perspective of someone who has actually experienced it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    "eat less + work out more = lose weight..."
    That statement isn't always the answer. Portion control DOES make a difference, but simply eating less food doesn't always work. There are many reasons, most of them medical. It's a rather arrogant position to take that your approach is THE right one for EVERYONE.

    It worked for me before and I kept it off for several years - until we chose to have our third child. If it is done right, it works. You apparently have a product to sell. Do your sales increase when you criticize people for using other programs and call those proven programs massive failures?

    I am not selling anything...

    OK - find me a person that eats MORE than they take in, does zero exercise, and has lost weight....
  • AJisCommittedtoSuccess
    Then I really didn't get your sarcasm.
    My point was that simply eating less and working out more doesn't work for everyone.
    *I wasn't saying that the opposite of your statement is true at all.* So your sarcasm there is also lost on me.
    Many people cannot eat gluten, dairy, corn, etc. Simply eating less will not help those people if they aren't cutting the right foods. There are other medical reasons why simply eating less doesn't always work.