sick of belly fat!



  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    my tummy was 48" around when I was 12st 7 last June now its only 35 " and I got down to 10st.

    I did as much cardio as I could manage I did use fat burners to give me energy for 2 hour workout at 5am instead of only managing 30 mins in middle of day, this is when I lost my biggest amount of body fat.

    But now I'm within healthy range, only 7lb to go I don't want to do another load of cardio to lose all over as my top has gone much thinner than my tummy, you can see my collarbone my neck is much slimmer and face (I'm disappointed cos I think I look older) i look tired from all working out (bags under eyes etc) I was todl sleep is meant to hel but struggling to get 8hours as peri-menopause is causing insomnia too.

    Dropping wheat also helped my tummy shrink I think so i no longer have wheat based cereal everyday then bread for lunch and carbs with dinner. I allow myself one mini yorkshire pudding a week with sunday dinner but all other processed carbs are dramtically reduced and switch to gluten free bead when I fancy a bit of toast.

    I still have more tummy than I'd like but did get from a UK size 20-14 which I'm pleased with that, but could be a 12 if tummy still wasn't as big wanted to get to to 30" like my waist. .. but at 42 I might just have to settle with this as I don't want to get any thinner in face and neck as its making me look older and I've always been chubby and young faced.

    I was wondering whether going vegetarian or vegan might get rid of rest of tummy?... tried mainly liquid diet but I'm miserable and always starving on both meat free and replacement meal diets so looks like I'll just have to accept I'll always have a fat tummy, I still feel that puts me in the 'fat' category though, cos its making me heavier when I get on scales.
  • blackswamp39
    I would try elimating wheat and sugar for a test run.
    I eliminated all grains and processed food from my diet 10 days ago and have lost 3.9kg (8.6pound). Its called a Paleo Diet and there r heaps of grouse recipes on the net. the only exercise I do is walk every night for 45 minutes
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    It's the last place I lose the weight as well, just think, it took years to put the weight on and to get it off it is going to take years to get there with being healthy. Only other drastic measures are going cause serious health risks. I think for men in order to see any ab muscle definition body fat has to be below 12%. There is always the tape worm method, but that is going to gross out most people.

    No need years, nor extreme methods.
    I've followed a serious diet. Here is the result within 5 months :

    Don't look for a miracle, takes times "naturally" less with increased cal. deficit, but in the end, without any pill, magic & stuff you will succeed ;)
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    At 28years of age i have children, no matter how much weight i lose after pregnany the baby pouch remains. As people have pointed out, it will shrink as you get lighter. Healthy eating and general everyday exercise will help. An my biggest tip ... SPANX haha :laugh: x
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You have to eat the proper nutrition first then worry about what types of resistance training to get the flat 6 pack look.
    If you dont eat enough food to fuel the body when it needs fuel or on lifting day to supply the body with the proper macronutrients to build or maintain wont lose the belly fat.
    Youll just be a smaller version of the older fat self.

    Heavy compound lifting 3 times a week.
    High calories 1600-2200 daily if you are over 5'2" this should be easy.
    My guess is the folks who dont have the fat melting away arent eating enough.
  • mauretta1980
    mauretta1980 Posts: 25 Member
    When i got married 9 years ago i was 115 pounds now currently stuck in the 140's after the birth of my 2 beautiful children, Ahhhhhhh i want out and need to get rid of this Muffin Top, i am OK with my legs its just my upper half. Any exercise suggestions.