I wish I was a guy



  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    i wish i could just have certain aspects of the male life...like no periods and being skinny right after having a baby

    Once in my life I would like to see a man be skinny right after pregnancy. haha

    Give him a month of getting up at 2, 4, and 6 am every day after the pregnancy. He'll get skinny soon enough. :wink:
  • There are times I wish I could eat like a guy but I like being a girl. We have better clothes! :bigsmile:
    you got that right!!!!lol:laugh:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Me 2!! I get frustrated that my husband eats whatever he wants, barely goes to the gym and loses 10 lbs. While I have maybe lost 5 or 10 lbs more in the same amount of time, I had to busted my butt to get there.

    Last night I watched him eat 4 frozen fruit bars, 3 soft pretzels with cheese, and some kind of alfredo noodle bowl thing. And that was all after we had dinner. :noway: I wanted to hit him. :explode:

    Guys get away with that for a while, but it'll hit him like a ton of bricks when he gets to middle age. Seen it with my husband and lots of our friends. Of course losing weight gets harder for middle-aged women too :grumble:
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    i wish i could just have certain aspects of the male life...like no periods and being skinny right after having a baby

    Once in my life I would like to see a man be skinny right after pregnancy. haha

    Give him a month of getting up at 2, 4, and 6 am every day after the pregnancy. He'll get skinny soon enough. :wink:

    "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooo he diddddn't."
  • TrinaXL
    TrinaXL Posts: 39 Member
    I REALLY hat how it's more socially acceptable for a man to be fat than a woman... women 'have' to be skinny and beautiful ALL of the time to be accepted. not men... i don't know about you ladies, but i also feel the burden of a relationship is a major stress factor... we have to work full time to help pay the bills, we have ANOTHER full time job keeping the house clean and cooking dinner, and then if you have kids, then you have those to chase after when you're finished all that! but, your husband had a 'stressful' day at work... so that apparently exempts him from responsibility...

    sorry.. had to get that out.. chocolate withdrawal.

  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    A little off topic but this is what I thought of....

    When I saw your topic, all I could think about was this calendar that was done as a fund raiser for the American Cancer Society - my brother is MRS APRIL - yes I said MRS - it's all community male "leaders" (he's a NARC Cop) dressed up as girls - they parade around at Relay for Life and also raise money - besides just the calendar - whoever collects the most that night earns the title Ms Relay - my brother - the tuff cop has won 2 years in a row!! It's a great cause but there are actually people that are mad about it since they are "cross dressed"...it's all in fun and such a great cause.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    I REALLY hat how it's more socially acceptable for a man to be fat than a woman... women 'have' to be skinny and beautiful ALL of the time to be accepted. not men... i don't know about you ladies, but i also feel the burden of a relationship is a major stress factor... we have to work full time to help pay the bills, we have ANOTHER full time job keeping the house clean and cooking dinner, and then if you have kids, then you have those to chase after when you're finished all that! but, your husband had a 'stressful' day at work... so that apparently exempts him from responsibility...

    sorry.. had to get that out.. chocolate withdrawal.


    I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but sounds like you guys need to work on working together as a team, instead of creating the preverbial "scoreboard" as I call it.

    My wife works part-time. I work full-time plus military duties through the month and training in the summer. Not to mention deployments. I don't complain about this. Its my job. I freaking volunteered to do both, thats my labor. I also do the yard work, I pay all the bills, I take care of the vehicles, I fix the hosue when it breaks. Why? Cause someone has to do it.

    My wife and I BOTH clean up the house when we can. We both switch off cooking. She pretty much does the grocery shopping. Now does that sound like equal duties? not really, but *kitten* has to get done and get done properly. Its about working together, not cutting down the other person; no matter what their gender is.

    Though I agree kids are a job, I can't stand it when people use their kids "an an excuse" for needing a break. Shoulda thought about that before you had them. Thats my beef.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    During a date only the woman knows if sex is in the future.

    Advantage - - - Woman.

  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Old comedy line,,,

    "A woman's basic expectation for a date is far far better than a man's wildest dream...

    Imagine it guys - a woman dresses up, washes her car and details the interior. She comes to your house and picks you up. Takes you to a movie. Takes you out for dinner. Pays for everything. Then she tries to get you drunk and have sex with you... - - - Wouldn't that be awesome!?!?!?"
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    I REALLY hat how it's more socially acceptable for a man to be fat than a woman... women 'have' to be skinny and beautiful ALL of the time to be accepted. not men... i don't know about you ladies, but i also feel the burden of a relationship is a major stress factor... we have to work full time to help pay the bills, we have ANOTHER full time job keeping the house clean and cooking dinner, and then if you have kids, then you have those to chase after when you're finished all that! but, your husband had a 'stressful' day at work... so that apparently exempts him from responsibility...

    sorry.. had to get that out.. chocolate withdrawal.


    Please read and read some of the guys who also commented.

  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    Old comedy line,,,

    "A woman's basic expectation for a date is far far better than a man's wildest dream...

    Imagine it guys - a woman dresses up, washes her car and details the interior. She comes to your house and picks you up. Takes you to a movie. Takes you out for dinner. Pays for everything. Then she tries to get you drunk and have sex with you... - - - Wouldn't that be awesome!?!?!?"

    haha..... this is true, but I think you fail to realize that men are way less complicated then that. Stay home, order pizza, beer, sex. In that order. I don't even drink, so you can leave the beer out. You don't even have to go to the trouble to dress up, wash the car, put on make-up, call for reservations. Thats what I'm talkin about. Thats love.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Ya, I realize. I'm a dude too. My wife asks "Whaddaya want for your birthday?",,, and I say "Honey, I just want 3 things, and 2 of 'em I'll take care of myself",,, Hehhehehehe..

    Still,,, t'would be nice to get taken out once in a while. I do it for her...


    P-shaw,,, women don't have to be size 4's to be accepted. They just have to be size 4's to be accepted/valued/cherished by A-holes. So quit hanging around with A-holes. :laugh:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    i wish i could just have certain aspects of the male life...like no periods and being skinny right after having a baby

    Once in my life I would like to see a man be skinny right after pregnancy. haha

    OMG that's funny! Thanks for the laugh!
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    There are times I wish I could eat like a guy but I like being a girl. We have better clothes! :bigsmile:

    i guess transvestites have it all then.

    i wish i had the metabolisim of a man. mine stops, points and laughs at me!!!
    mind you ive stopped caring so much at least im not looking like i might snap in two like some of my male friends deserately trying to put on weight, i guess its good to be glad about somethings.
  • vanimami
    vanimami Posts: 433 Member
    Me 2!! I get frustrated that my husband eats whatever he wants, barely goes to the gym and loses 10 lbs. While I have maybe lost 5 or 10 lbs more in the same amount of time, I had to busted my butt to get there.

    Last night I watched him eat 4 frozen fruit bars, 3 soft pretzels with cheese, and some kind of alfredo noodle bowl thing. And that was all after we had dinner. :noway: I wanted to hit him. :explode:

  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Well, I suppsose I see where you are coming from but I LOVE being 100% WOMAN!!!! Can I get a WOOT, WOOT??!! :laugh:

    I have two words for you: REVERSE CRUNCH. Kicks my lower guts butt!!!! AND is highly suggested to get rid of that hard lower pouch that gets all stretchy and ugly due to pregnancy. I'm working on it!!! I am impressed with the results so far. Still have a long way to go :happy:
  • TrinaXL
    TrinaXL Posts: 39 Member
    I don't actually have kids, and his laziness is exactly why! he does help me out a lot more than he used to. I pay half the bills. he pays the other half. I do all of the cooking, otherwise it would be pizza pops every night. i clean up from dinner, or else it wouldn't get done. i do the laundry, he's supposed to put it away. though he waits about a week and a half. the only thing he does completely by himself is keep his game room downstairs in order and take out the garbage, and even with that I have to remind him 5 times. If he paid all the bills, I would have no problem doing all the house work and popping out babies.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Sure, you can have a WOOT WOOT!

    And I second the advice for the reverse crunches, excellent!!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Sure, you can have a WOOT WOOT!

    And I second the advice for the reverse crunches, excellent!!!

    reverse crunches? Are those like lower back extensions?
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    Sure, you can have a WOOT WOOT!

    And I second the advice for the reverse crunches, excellent!!!

    I knew my girl(s) would have my back on this one! :laugh:
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