Doomsday Prepper



  • Nharley
    Nharley Posts: 201
    My family has been doing some prep work...if you want to call it that. Do I believe the government will or SHOULD take care of us?? Hell no. We are active in learning and living a sustainable lifestyle. My teen and 18 year old (boy & girl) both know how to use a gun to hunt, fish, live off the land, garden, reuse, re-purpose and many other things that many people in this fast paced, so far from the 'old ways' society have forgotten. It was an eye opener for us when Hurricane Charlie went through Central FL. and caused power to be out for 5+ days in our city. We had a charcoal grill and set up shop in the back yard. Our neighbor smelling the coffee was amazed we were able to literally brew on the grill. It seemed weird that he didn't realize he could. Many of our nieghbors didn't know what to do. Although we had been learning ways to do things differently if the need arose, living that week without what we all take for granted really got us to wanting to know more about sustainable living. We are not even close to living off the grid; however, if the world did stop as we know it, we would be 90% prepared to live through it, learning from others and our experiences along the way to make up for what we are lacking.
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    Interesting responses. Myself, I'm not going to put any faith in anyone else when it comes to taking care of myself or my family. I went through and survived Katrina. So, I know you cannot depend on the govt or insurance companies for that reason. I agree, it is a bit of a hobby but why not be prepared?
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I went through and survived Katrina. So, I know you cannot depend on the govt or insurance companies for that reason. I agree, it is a bit of a hobby but why not be prepared?
    Hurricane Andrew, can't count on the government. You can't count on Jeebus. It's smart to plan and prepare.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I could stockpile supplies but I believe in survival through superior firepower. It will be survival of the fittest and most well armed. Whats yours in mine, and whats mine is mine.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    The theory that concerns me is that the world wide power grid could go down in February 2013 because of the solar maxima. (look it up it's a real thing) So I see nothing wrong with keeping extra on hand and bottling some water in old 2 liter soda bottles. I'm just keeping an eye on the latest info regarding the 2013 maxima and will plan accordingly :)
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    I could stockpile supplies but I believe in survival through superior firepower. It will be survival of the fittest and most well armed. Whats yours in mine, and whats mine is mine.

    Haha! It's funny when people publicly proclaim that they are basically total guiltless sociopaths, kept only in check by a risk-reward assessment of punishment for violating the law. I think most people that are that awful would not admit it... cmon, cop to it, you're a big softie who'd end up giving away his last deviled egg to a hungry old woman.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    This show made me feel very unprepared....

    However, I have been perfecting my Zombie slaying skills.....Cardio....and twinkies....
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    It was only 60 years ago that the nazi's were trying to exterminate the Jews. Only 20 years from all the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. Humanity in general is capable of terrible atrosities and society hasn't evolved enough yet to think that in a time of chaos that humans wouldnt revert back to their primal selves. I will protect and provide for my family with every means possible until my last dying breath.
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I prep - I have enough food/water/supplies for 3 months for me and my family. And me, my wife and son all have zeroed long arms, sidearms, silencers, night vision and body armor to make sure that stuff stays with us.

    Am I paranoid? No not really- the problem is that when a disaster happens it happens very fast and the time to try and find items has basically ended. And by disaster this could be anything from LA style riots to Katrina style looting. If nothing every happens- cool... I have shelves full of stuff that will begin to go out of date in 10 years. If something does happen I feel a little more secure that we can ride it out.

    Prepping is also a mental thing- it amazes me how many people just blithely wander through their day and think everything will be ok if a disaster happens. They assume "someone" will provide for them- well I am not that someone. I keep my preps pretty well under wraps because I dont want a flood of people assuming I will share- which I wont. I am willing to help guide and advise people on prepping but other then that forget it- you are on your own unless you are jsut as prepped and we can benefit from one another.

    Everyone should have a Bug Out Bag (or BOB). If you dont know what that is then Google it. This is a minimum in prepping.

    I have a friend who lived through Katrina. When the levees broke he and his next door neighbor were prepped. His entire neighborhood left and he and his neighbor agreed to help protect each other. When the loot gangs forst appeared on his street he and his neighbor walked out onto their porches in full tactical gear with their ARs and said you can loot any house on this street but these two. The loot gang agreed to that deal and he watched as the gang kicked in the doors to the other houses and ransacked them. A few days later another gang appeared and took a shot at him- he, his neighbor, the wives and the children all shot back and that gang tore out of there never to return.

    As for the TV show Preppers - good lord do those people give prepping a bad name! I turned it off after 15 minutes (similar to the idiocy on Sons of Guns...)
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Waste of time because only God knows the hour and He is in control of it all. There is hope in Jesus!

    Was that sarcasm or uhhh.....cause that's funny if it is!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I enjoyed watching the Doomsday Preppers. It is not about the end of the world (put your Bibles down). It gives different disaster situations and people (a bit extreme) that prepare for it. There is some good information to be pulled from the reality blitz of the show. I like the guy that knows which weeds are good / safe for humans to eat (if there is no food on the shelves).

    On a darker note; yes I think it is important to have some emergency supplies on hand: water, canned food, MRE's, medical supplies, weapons, clothing etc. These are basic needs that could come in handy in any disaster - natural or otherwise.

    I do not rely on my government to do crap except protect certain groups that they feel are needed / important.
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    @bikermike - Good Points!!

    @ swordsmith - This is right on: "Prepping is also a mental thing- it amazes me how many people just blithely wander through their day and think everything will be ok if a disaster happens. They assume "someone" will provide for them- well I am not that someone. " I agree with the mental thing too. It provides peace of mind. And peace of mind is priceless.

    It's amazing how society takes things for granted. I personnaly have a Bug out camper. It's stocked with food, water, guns, survival supplies etc... I have a portable generator, canoe, kayak, and fishing poles I take also if and when necessary. Like I said before, I am a Katrina survivor. My family and I evacuated for the storm in our camper. We had to live in that thing for 4 months. I did have it stocked but not like I'm stocked now. I lived and learned. And that was for a simple natural disaster. People are naive to think nothing (else) is ever going to happen. For those who are putting their faith elsewhere;

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Two answers here:

    1. We live between three military bases and not far from a huge army base. The only preps we have are to be able to grab our ankles and kiss our a... goodbye.

    2. We are in a hurricane zone, I have a generator on hand, and replenish food supplies each September.

    And, I might add, we are locked and loaded in case of invasion.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Sabertooths...What if you had 2 minutes and could only take what you could carry? No camper! I think it is all a matter of perspective. What if you had to carry a loved one? Just saying it is not so black and white when preparing for emergencys.
    VTXJOCKEY Posts: 362 Member
    You're right, but any amount of preparation is good. If I had longer than 2 mins, which I hope I would, I feel pretty good. I do keep a bottle of unopened rum here at work just in case SHTF. I work on a Air Force base. Does that count? lol
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    Sabertooths...What if you had 2 minutes and could only take what you could carry? No camper! I think it is all a matter of perspective. What if you had to carry a loved one? Just saying it is not so black and white when preparing for emergencys.

    And this is why you need a bug out bag (BOB).

    My BOBs contain:
    a change of clothes
    3 pairs of socks
    penlight w/ extra rechargeable batteries
    portable radio w/extra rechargeable batteries
    Solar recharger for the batteries
    3 MRE's
    thermal blanket
    first aid kit to include Quick-Clot products
    50 rounds of pistol ammo
    100 rounds of 22lr ammo
    photocopies of ID's, house deed, insurances, etc
    A list of everyone required meds (plus we scoop our meds up and dump them in the BOB)
    Water purification tabs
    $100 in various denominations
    Duct tape/parachute cord/sewing kit
    Other sundries

    In two minutes my family and I can be out of the house with our BOBs, tactical vests/plate carriers, and primary weapons if required. With a little more time I have a "ready shelf" in the basement of 1 week of food/water for everyone on the family that can be tossed into the SUV. But if we truly have to run for it the BOBs give us at least a minimal amount of survival supplies until we can catch our breath and take stock of our situation.
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    You're right, but any amount of preparation is good. If I had longer than 2 mins, which I hope I would, I feel pretty good. I do keep a bottle of unopened rum here at work just in case SHTF. I work on a Air Force base. Does that count? lol

    A bottle of rum and access to a plane might work! LOL
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    These people aren't very bright. when the SHTF scenario comes, everybody who watched the show will come to their house!! LOL
    Plus, how smart can they be, one guy blew a hole in his thumb with a Ruger 10/22 rifle because he didn't clear it first.
    These are not the kind of people I want re-populating the planet!!!!
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    These people aren't very bright. when the SHTF scenario comes, everybody who watched the show will come to their house!! LOL
    Plus, how smart can they be, one guy blew a hole in his thumb with a Ruger 10/22 rifle because he didn't clear it first.
    These are not the kind of people I want re-populating the planet!!!!
    You mean neaderthals??? (sp??)