Ready to Slim down with SI6



  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    Peapod - I hope it gets easier. That is great you can do those side bends - they are hard. I find it harder to get motivated for BIU than I was for RIU. Maybe because I know this is for 4 more weeks. --sigh--.

    HOw are you logging this exercise?

    It does get a little easier (somedays can be tougher than others). I also do 30 min. of My fitness coach on the WII, right after SI6 ( take a 15 min break between the two). I love MFc and I look forward to doing it everyday, so I tell myself that I just have to finish SI6, so I guess the WII is my reward everyday.

    But tonight I bought a one new pair of shorts in a size 10, have been wearing 14. This is another motivating factor to push me these last 10 days of SI6. Then I will start SI6 week 7 and Turbo Jam.

    I have been logging it as circuit training.
  • peapods02
    peapods02 Posts: 27
    So I guess I do know why I am not as motivated its because I have not lost any weight or inches so far. GRRRR.

    You will, just hang in there. I have been seeing some good results, I have lost 6lbs and 11 inches total since I have started SI6.
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Good evening! Just wanted to share that I got BIU done. Yesterday I did doubles and tried working out with Yoga Booty ballet - Hip Hop and Abs in the Am and BIU at night. That was fun! My intention here is to add extra cardio if I have the energy and I enjoyed that extra wo. :happy:

    Slowly..the scale is moving!!! I am excited to continue on...3 more weeks of BIU!!! :tongue: Gotta love it!

    I am trying to finish my blog spot...stay tuned!

  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    TGIF! I got my wo done this AM and I am feeling my arms sore from those pushups I guess???Or maybe those band moves??? Hmnnnn, but, I feel good that I got them done- BIU!:happy:

    3 more weeks to go and here comes Chalean Extreme round 2...

  • wwalke02
    wwalke02 Posts: 61
    Hi Tere07- Can you tell me the difference between SI6 and Chalean? Which do you like better? Did you see results from Chalean? I have heard a lot about it, but don't know much about it. Thanks.
  • McLachfan
    McLachfan Posts: 50
    Hey gang! Wow, what a week! Half of our team (work) is in Novato and they were here this week for three days of planning meetings. So today was the first day I was able to workout since Monday as we had meeting Tuesday through Thursday from 8-6 and then events with the team in the evenings. I'm going to have to start SI6 over for missing so many days! Ugh. :sad:
  • wwalke02
    wwalke02 Posts: 61
    M- Im with you. I was so busy this week I didn't get to exercise either. I probably won't be able to until Monday again. I figured I would start over w/ BIU and do that for 4 weeks.:mad: Good luck!
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Hi Tere07- Can you tell me the difference between SI6 and Chalean? Which do you like better? Did you see results from Chalean? I have heard a lot about it, but don't know much about it. Thanks.

    These two wo are my best so far... SI6, it is sorta repetitive- same wo daily, but delivers results quick! Right now, I am on my last day week 1 BIU, and out of curiosity, I measured where the rib part is that, I already lost 1"!:love: Happy, and I think that with when we eat right and pp, we will see results. I am just happy, I will do the final weigh after the 4th week though and then Chalean here I come for round 2.

    With CE, you have 3 different phases of wo each month. Chalene recommends using heavy weights and the wo are about 35 mins long. So, they are not tooo long and they are challenging. The strength training sessions on them are lifting as much heavy weight as you can and slow moves. So, you really wo he muscles.

    With CE, I noticed that I lost inches and a few lbs; muscles started to form. It is great wo and I don't get bored with it. The cardio is really great as well bec. it really gets your heart rate up there even with the intervals. When I did CE, I wasn't really that focused on my eating and had once in a while cheats...This time around I will try and follow the eating plan. It does come with it and real easy to prepare. I also got stronger maybe that's why after I did 1 round of CE, and wanted to do SI6, I jumped on BIU right away and was ok with it. When I do BIU pushups, I do some regular and then go to my kness. I couldn't even do those regula push-ups before.

    Both are great wo to have! I will be pp soon with BIU and ttys...

    Take care! Tere
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Hey gang! Wow, what a week! Half of our team (work) is in Novato and they were here this week for three days of planning meetings. So today was the first day I was able to workout since Monday as we had meeting Tuesday through Thursday from 8-6 and then events with the team in the evenings. I'm going to have to start SI6 over for missing so many days! Ugh. :sad:

    Jump right in! Are you on RIU or BIU? You don't have to go back to SIU. We are here for you and you'll feel good after your wo.

    kpp...See you then!:happy:

  • McLachfan
    McLachfan Posts: 50
    I was still on RIU. I only did SIU for 2 or 3 days. So I'll definitely plunge right back in with RIU. I'm so tired from the week though. Completely got off track with my sleep schedule, meal schedule, everything. Today I'm draggin' my behind... even had to take a nap already today after my first workout. :laugh:

    T - congrats on the loss already! You're my idol! :bigsmile:
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    I was still on RIU. I only did SIU for 2 or 3 days. So I'll definitely plunge right back in with RIU. I'm so tired from the week though. Completely got off track with my sleep schedule, meal schedule, everything. Today I'm draggin' my behind... even had to take a nap already today after my first workout. :laugh:

    T - congrats on the loss already! You're my idol! :bigsmile:

    M~ Awwww thanks! :smile: I think bec as you said the sleep and meal schedule that kind of threw you from your wo schedule. I just got BIU done and happy to say week is done! Tomorrow is rest day and can't wait. I need to maybe just stretch and do abs. Off to drink my shake!

  • Can I jump in? This is my fifth week of SI6. I'm at the BIU phase and really hitting it hard. I've lost 25lbs so far (but I have a lot to lose). I am adding 20mins of Turbo Jam in the am to get my heart rate up and work on my abs. I used this program to lose 80 lbs from my first daughter's pregnancy. I have triplets now so I've got a lot more than 80 to lose:embarassed: After this I am doing Turbo Jam for six weeks. Then my DH and I will be doing P90X. Beachbody rocks!!!!!

    Oh, I'm doing the 6 day express diet too. I have a terrible headache tonight. I'm doing plan 2 and according to myfitnesspal I am in the negative calorie range for the past four days. I'm not hungry at all though. Can't wait to hear all of your results.
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Can I jump in? This is my fifth week of SI6. I'm at the BIU phase and really hitting it hard. I've lost 25lbs so far (but I have a lot to lose). I am adding 20mins of Turbo Jam in the am to get my heart rate up and work on my abs. I used this program to lose 80 lbs from my first daughter's pregnancy. I have triplets now so I've got a lot more than 80 to lose:embarassed: After this I am doing Turbo Jam for six weeks. Then my DH and I will be doing P90X. Beachbody rocks!!!!!

    Oh, I'm doing the 6 day express diet too. I have a terrible headache tonight. I'm doing plan 2 and according to myfitnesspal I am in the negative calorie range for the past four days. I'm not hungry at all though. Can't wait to hear all of your results.

    Hi! Sure please join in!:happy: WOW, so you lost 25 LBS already from SI6??? HAPPY FOR YOU! Keep it up! I have 3 more weeks of BIU and loving my results so far. AFter this, I will be doing Chalean Exreme.

    Gotta go..please do share.TTYS.

  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Happy Tuesday!

    I got BIU done yesterday and really felt like I didn't want to PP. I guess bec. I had a rest day Sunday. But, I am glad I pushed through...:happy: I am ready to pp again with BIU later this afternoon.YEAY!!!!

    OK, so, I have about 3 more weeks of BIU and can't wait to see what results I will get this time around. I know for sure there is progress..I can see it when I wear my clothes now.

    How are you all doing with SI6??? Please do share some results if you are done.

  • McLachfan
    McLachfan Posts: 50
    Happy Tuesday!

    I got BIU done yesterday and really felt like I didn't want to PP. I guess bec. I had a rest day Sunday. But, I am glad I pushed through...:happy: I am ready to pp again with BIU later this afternoon.YEAY!!!!

    OK, so, I have about 3 more weeks of BIU and can't wait to see what results I will get this time around. I know for sure there is progress..I can see it when I wear my clothes now.

    How are you all doing with SI6??? Please do share some results if you are done.


    So I have to admit, I haven't gotten back on the SI6 wagon since all of my meetings last week. I am still working out every day and watching my food intake and, therefore, still seeing results... I've lost 9 pounds in a little over two weeks. But I'm postponing really getting into the SI6 program until I get back from Vegas the July 4 weekend as I'll be gone from July 2-6.
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    M~ Wow, Vegas!:happy: That should be fun!!! I will be gone this Fri and Sat. We are going on a trip to Lake Tahoe and we rented a cabin there. It will be fun coz My two sis, their family and an aunt with her family are all going. We also planned out what type of foods to bring and cook, so sorta like a family outing. Should be interesting.

    I did get BIU done today again, and for some odd reason, I was sooo hungry after my wo. Then, later on today, I took a nap coz I am just tired. OK, I guess just too much work at home. I have been busy doing laundry, cleaning out kids closet and bathrooms.

    Gotta go..take care!
  • wwalke02
    wwalke02 Posts: 61
    Have a great time in Vegas and Tahoe! Sounds like great trips. You guys have been doing great at seeing results. Good job!

    Today will be Day 3 of BIU plus I am starting the 6 day Express eating plan today. I hope I see results from it.

    Have a great day.
  • McLachfan
    McLachfan Posts: 50
    Have a great time in Vegas and Tahoe! Sounds like great trips. You guys have been doing great at seeing results. Good job!

    Today will be Day 3 of BIU plus I am starting the 6 day Express eating plan today. I hope I see results from it.

    Have a great day.

    Good luck with the 6-day express! It was tough, but I definitely saw results... it was just what I needed to kick-start my weight loss! Stick with it... you'll be glad you did! Just keep telling yourself, "It's only for six days!"

    T - Have fun in Tahoe! Sounds fun! Let's touch base after the July 4th holiday!

    Take care everyone!

  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Happy Thursday!

    I just got BIU done I sweated like a pig.LOL!:tongue: Anyways, I will be busy today preparing stuff I need for the trip.. Definitely will bring Debbie along and the bands. I know, I gotta do it. I hope I don't sabbotage it.

    M~ Yes, keep in touch. I will still be here.

    OK, gotta go and take care!

  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Have a great time in Vegas and Tahoe! Sounds like great trips. You guys have been doing great at seeing results. Good job!

    Today will be Day 3 of BIU plus I am starting the 6 day Express eating plan today. I hope I see results from it.

    Have a great day.

    Goodluck with the 6day. I wanted to do it maybe the last week of BIU. I am on week 2 almost done though..then 2 more weeks left of BIU.
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