Wow, pancakes are NOT a good breakfast choice!

I've fallen off the tracking my food wagon and thought I'd get back on this morning. I had pancakes with my daughter this! Bad idea! 640 calories just for the pancakes alone. Then you add the syrup and orange juice and whoa! I knew it wouldn't be a great choice but some mornings I'm really tired of the Special K or oatmeal. Good thing I have Zumba tonight!


  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Oh man, I had no idea they were that high. Eek!
  • kfox15
    kfox15 Posts: 97 Member
    Have you tried buckwheat pancakes? Still a little high in calories but you feel really satistified from all of the fiber/ whole grains. As for the topping, someone else on MFP suggested cutting the syrup with hot water so you can still saturate you pancake but use 1/2 the syrup. Lite syrup and honey are also good choices or you can make the pancakes with blueberries and skip the syrup all together. I love making pancakes on the weekeneds and have found this substitute to be very sustainable
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    *lol* how many pancakes did you have? and what kind were they? The Bisquick kind, when you make pancakes with 1/4 cup of batter is 90 calories.
  • Try the Bisquick Heart Smart pancake mix. It's actually fairly low calorie if you don't eat 10 pancakes. And sugar free syrup is only 20 calories per 4 table spoons. I destroy mountains of this stuff on the weekends.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    I didn't see this. nope. I love pancakes. Didn't see this.
  • Hodgson mills whole wheat buttermilk pancakes are delicious with agave syrup (low glycemic index) . They are approx 150 calories and very filling.
  • When I make my son pancakes I mix applesauce into the mix! I bet that would add some flavor!
  • *lol* how many pancakes did you have? and what kind were they? The Bisquick kind, when you make pancakes with 1/4 cup of batter is 90 calories.

    Yep, Bisquick. I had 4. Maybe I picked the wrong Bisquick when recording it!

    I usually put raspberries on top but was lazy and crabby this morning so syrup it was :)
  • Hodgson mills whole wheat buttermilk pancakes are delicious with agave syrup (low glycemic index) . They are approx 150 calories and very filling.

    Correction: 1 pancake 75 calories and 60 calories for 1tbs agave
  • But they tasted good......

    I refuse to give up pancakes.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Pancakes with Chobani yogurt....yum
  • Ruthaw1961
    Ruthaw1961 Posts: 42 Member
    I make protein pancakes.

    1/2 cup oats processed into flour
    1/4 cup cottage cheese
    1/4 cup almond milk
    1/4 cup egg whites.

    Blend all together and make like regular pancakes. I add blueberries and maple agave.

    You can also leave out the almond milk and add 1/4 cup of pumpkin. Add some pumpkin pie spice and they are also yummy. How about mashed banana and walnuts or chopped apple and cinnamon. So many options!
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    I add some vanilla whey protein to the batter. It adds a little to the calories, but gives me a good protein to carb ratio. I also use a sugar free syrup and no butter. Add a couple turkey sausage links and bam! Damn it, now I'm hungry for some.
  • MsKekeSoFocused
    MsKekeSoFocused Posts: 383 Member
    But they tasted good......

    yes they do
  • yea umm, not to be the bearer of bad news but pancakes arent a good choice ever....unless for some reason you have an excess of 1000 cals you need to eat of bad sugars and fats.....
  • I find that if I put maple syrup into a separate container for dipping, I can use a LOT less of it, but still have plenty of flavor. You might want to give that a try. It's also a LOT easier to control your serving size when you know you have EXACTLY 1 tbsp in a bowl rather than a puddle on your plate.
  • tiggergrrl23
    tiggergrrl23 Posts: 98 Member
    I don't know if anyone else mentioned this, but Fiber One pancakes are awesome. You get 3 pancakes for 180 calories and you are STUFFED when you finish because of all that fiber. Plus, light or sugar free pancake syrup is very low in calories. You can spruce them up with mini chocolate chips or fruit and they are YUMMY! Love pancakes and I will never give them up! :love:
  • Okay, I have to share this recipe that I'm currently obsessed with. (via Kath Eats Real Food)

    Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes:

    1/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal
    1/4 cup egg whites
    1/4 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie mix)
    1 tsp baking powder
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1 tsp vanilla

    (I use half vanilla, half almond extract, and a dash of nutmeg).

    130 cals for one serving of pancakes. And it makes 2 pretty decent sized, really filling pancakes.

    I top it with fresh blueberries and 1/8 cup of Aunt Jemima's Homestyle Syrup (which I can only find in tiny bottles, but has no artificial sweeteners, but somehow has half the calories of other "regular" syrups. 100 cals per 1/4 cup as opposed to 200+ per 1/4 cup.)

    Seriously, I'm not joking when I say this has become a staple of my diet. Yeah, the syrup isn't the best thing for me, but I actually measure it, and those 50 calories make me SUPER happy.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Wow that is high. I eat the hungry jack wheat blend pancakes and mix flax seed in it. I either use agave nectar or honey just a tad instead of syrup. It's not as high cals and delicious.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    Try the Bisquick Heart Smart pancake mix. It's actually fairly low calorie if you don't eat 10 pancakes. And sugar free syrup is only 20 calories per 4 table spoons. I destroy mountains of this stuff on the weekends.

    That is exactly what I eat! I eat 4 pancakes and use ihop sugar free syrup. Yummmmmm