I just had a baby!!! What can i do???



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yup, eating well, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep and walk. Just listen to your body and don't overdo it. You'll be fine.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    You should really be focusing on your child at the moment...Not working out & stuff...
  • sninny
    sninny Posts: 132 Member
    I had a c-section and had a hard time just getting up and walking around the house during the first couple weeks. Don't push yourself; it is so important to let your body heal. When you're up to it just start with easy walks. I didn't feel ready for "real" exercise until about 5-6 weeks after delivery.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Congrats on the new baby!

    This should be a question that you ask with your physician. Recovery time tends to be 6 weeks. Longer if you had a C-section.

    I would take it seriously as our physician kinda scared us with a story of how a marathon athlete tried to go back to the track too soon and her uterus had become loosened and was practically falling out of her.

    Talk to your physician. I think he/she will know better than anyone on MFP.
  • tlayson
    tlayson Posts: 12 Member
    First off, get at BELLY BANDIT! It helps shrink your uterus, promotes good posture and gets you closer to your pre-pregnancy size fater. I work with pregnant women every day and the belly bandit is a great product, if you get the bamboo one it is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and naturally moisture wicking so even if you had a c-section it would be ok to use. Next, eat healthy. Then, Wait for the all clear from your doctor to start working out.
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Dont worry for now just enjoy your baby what you can do is get the routine and feeding baby right for the first few weeks try to get some sort of routine happening (can be hard to do with a difficult baby) In a couple of weeks you can think about going for walks and there are some exercises you can do which are good for your uterus and stomach muscles but I wouldn't be worried now as your uterus is still contracting down to size not birth contractions! (helped by breastfeeding) and needs time to contract back into place so you may still look like you are pregnant at this point rather than actual fat. Walking is one of the best exercises and good for baby too. Not too fast or far in the beginning just slowly build it up over the next few months.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Eat good food, and as for exercise, until your 6 week checkup dont do much except do a bazillion kegels a day, trust me, this you will be grateful for later!
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Hey the BELLY BANDIT looks like a great product wish it was around when i had my daughter! and its an Australian product too. :smile: