Dog keeps interupting my work outs!

I have a dog...well i call her my cow dog because she black/white, plump, and has a flat back like an angus.

Anyways, i am trying to work out (Ripped in 30), im doing mountain climbers, planks, ect, and she wants to cuddle me, and crawl under me, and lick my face. And im working my tush off and she's all up in my face.

She's so cute i'd feel bad telling her to go away though. 9-9

Do you dogs interupt your work outs?


  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    my chihuahua used to do this as soon as i hit the floor for sit ups and such. hed get right on top of me, sit on my chest and begin a full facewash...but he learned not to pretty fast and no longer does this
  • greeentea
    greeentea Posts: 24 Member
    Same here!
    I have a 40 pound English Bulldog. She looks just like Meaty from Rob & Big. :P
    She always wants to play or get all up in my space, I just block off the living room with chairs so she can't come in. :)
    She gets over her sadness once I give her a treat. Then it's allll goooood.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    ahh yah shes not use to watching me work out.

    lol chihuahuas are so funny...does yours do the weird shaking thing?
  • Kali112
    Kali112 Posts: 87 Member
    don't have any advice, but that is sooo cute! I have a king charles cavalier spaniel but i do my workouts in the gym, not at home. maybe take him for a long walk before you workout-to tired him out?
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    When I had a dog he always ignored my workouts because I was moving too fast to pet or pay attention to him.

    But now I have cats in my life, and when I work out the more social cat comes and hangs out with me especially when I'm doing legwork on the floor because he knows he'll get pats on the head when I have a hand free. He seems to get it that I'm doing something else too and not totally giving him attention because sometimes he'll wander off again when I'm still working out and he's cool about it. But it's funny how if I'm been working out and he didn't notice he'll come running downstairs like "Have I missed it?? Oh noes!!"

    I've joked though that this cat thinks my workout is more just that I'm looking for a cat to pet, why else would I be stooped over and laying on the floor?
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    Same here!
    I have a 40 pound English Bulldog. She looks just like Meaty from Rob & Big. :P
    She always wants to play or get all up in my space, I just block off the living room with chairs so she can't come in. :)
    She gets over her sadness once I give her a treat. Then it's allll goooood.
    OMG so lucky i love english bulldogs :D
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    don't have any advice, but that is sooo cute! I have a king charles cavalier spaniel but i do my workouts in the gym, not at home. maybe take him for a long walk before you workout-to tired him out?

    maybe that'll work! i work out first thing in the morning before work though. so id have to wake up really early. @-@ she's kinda fatty she gets tired pretty fast. good idea. i will try this. Cx
  • wassalla
    wassalla Posts: 16 Member beagle would try to hump my leg if i get down on the floor with her at the moment!....keep up the good work!!
  • clmcneil
    clmcneil Posts: 11 Member
    I have a 140+ pound great dane x english mastiff AND a kitty that likes to try and interrupt my work outs. The cat can be alittle easier to move out of the way....the dog however...not so much.

    Hmmmm now that I think of it, maybe I should incorporate him into them....use him as weight. LOL
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    My redbone coonhound/whippet mix plopped down right on my yoga mat as soon as I put it down on the floor. The whole reason I have the mat there is the throw rug stinks from the dog laying on it!:tongue: I made him get off and while I was on the floor, doing some Butt Bible exercises, he was licking me and wanting to play. It used to be my toddlers that made working out difficult...
  • ladycypress
    ladycypress Posts: 19 Member
    My boxer is convinced that is his playtime! And when I grab my yoga may to do some stretches!? He follows behind me ALL excited 'cause I am OBVIOUSLY grabbing the mat for him to lay down. I barely get it laid out and he is already stretched out on it. "Thanks Mom! How did you know I needed this!"

    Silly dog.
    I also have a rottie and a german shephard that just leave the room the moment I walk out in any workout gear.
  • mrnls
    mrnls Posts: 92 Member
    Do you have my MOO? She is 4lb black and white chihuahua and thinks mommie working out is a great time to be between her feet. I have moved into the very cold, very crowded, spare bedroom as to not squash her.

    Good luck! The walk and treat would be my suggestion if, like mine, yours hates their crate.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    my dogs lie on the bed and stare at me intently while i run on the treadmill. the little girl will move all around the treadmill looking up at me from different angles like she is trying to figure out what i am doing and if she can do it with me. once the cat actually jumped on the treadmill- thank goodness it was during cool down and i was able to toss him quick before we both got hurt.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    One doesn't and one does. The one who does gets to hand out in his cage where he takes a nap while we exercise.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    When I sit on the sofa, my sweet little maltese would stay on the floor.
    When I'm on the floor, doing my abs work out, he would lay on the floor next to me.
    He wants me to pet him. Since I keep doing the work out, now he get used to it.
    All he wants is lay next to his mommy on the floor.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yep, my lab/shepherd mix thinks floor time is play time. i often get my ear washed when I'm down in plank or suddenly have her face over me, tennis ball in mouth, when I'm on mt back for ab work. :tongue:
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    This is what I see when I do crunches (taken from my camera phone)


    He also licks my ears and tries to lift me up when I do pushups.
  • CVAB
    CVAB Posts: 56 Member
    My cat interprets me all the time. It's gotten to the point he tries to pat my legs with his paw and his claw gets caught in my pants.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    This is what I get for morning cardio (0515 is too early for my Lab to bother getting up)

  • I have roommates and work out in my bedroom, which has limited space. So, I have to move the dog's bed to have enough floor space. The first couple of times he just flopped down where his bed should be. Then I moved his be onto my bed and he learned real quick that work out time= Murphy time on the bed. Now he hops right up whenever I move his bed to exercise.