little "cheats" here and there



  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    If this is a lifestyle change for you, then nothing really should be a "cheat". As others have stated, I eat what I want, in moderation. If it fits into my cals for the day, then I indulge, if it doesn't, than I don't.

    Prime example, I had some girl scout cookies for dessert tonight. I have lost 17 lbs eating sweets, or carbs, or whatever else one might consider "bad" food (I don't view them as that). I try for the most part to have a healthy, balanced, diet. I also know that I have a sweet tooth, so if I crave something, I have it. Telling yourself 'no' only makes you want things more. That is where you can go overboard.

    Good luck on your journey, and enjoy it!
  • officer214
    I agree with Petiterunn. Be good most of the time and a little slip now and then won't hurt that long as the little slip isn't an entire pizza. I'll catch myself "sneaking" from time to time but I'm still mindful of what I'm putting in my pie hole. My downfall is adult beverages. Stay with it and you'll get to where you want to be.
  • EhRiKuh
    Speaking as a yo yo dieter, it is best to just relax, meet your caloric target and not stress over eating some chocolate every now and then.

    AGREED! Thank you!! =)
  • EhRiKuh
    My downfall is adult beverages. Stay with it and you'll get to where you want to be.

    Yeap! I made a promise to stay away from those amazing adult drinks until I've reached my goal haha.
  • EhRiKuh
    I haven't cheated today everyone! Yay!

    Haha, hope everyone is having a good, productive day!!
  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm an "All or nothing" kind of girl. I would prefer not to cheat at all.

    But I wholeheartedly believe in treating yourself occasionally. If you've had a great workout that day and have calories to spare, why not have that one scoop of Gelato! :)

    However in saying that, I'm very careful about cheat snacks. I have PCOS and used to have insulin resistance, so my body still acts mental when I touch sugar. I'd compare it to the addiction to meth by a drug addict. Once I start, I can't get enough. So I don't!
  • co_mama
    Cheating on low sodium, lower fat popcorn (130 calories for 3.5 cups).
    Popcorn is a treat., right? =)
  • itsrierie
    If you're still losing, why not have your little treats?