Apple Cider Vinegar & weightloss???????



  • lilfurson
    I started taking the Sundown Naturals Apple Cider Vinegar pills last week because I heard it would help my digestive tract and help with joint pain. I'll admit that it really seems to have helped with both. I don't know if it's helped with weight loss as well but heck the other benefits are awesome so far.

    btw i've had IBS for almost my whole life and this is the best i've been for the longest period in my entire life.

    Hooray Apple Cider Vinegar!
  • smoffette
    smoffette Posts: 56 Member
    based on this discussion, it seems as though kombucha may help that's something I'll sip each morning!
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Bump for later...
  • lindamac101
    My nutrionist advised drinking this, more for helping with the digestive process. I could not stand the taste so I now take the tablets. It seems to help.
  • bird922
    bird922 Posts: 28 Member
    When I was little my Grandfather made a drink for me called Switchel. It is an old timers drink used when they were haying the fields. It is made of apple cider vinegar, ginger, a sweetener (VT maple syrup, honey, sugar...your choice) and water. Some even would add oatmeal. I still make this for a summertime drink occasionally but have been thinking more of adding it to my daily routine. I really enjoyed it when I was little. We NEVER had soda so this was the closest thing I had and could make with common ingredients.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Thanks guys!!!! Now I want fish and chips!!! And I am going to go ahead and try adding Apple Cider Vinegar to my daily routine since I have read some interesting facts that look benefical :drinker:
  • ivansmomma
    Someone must have been watching DR. Oz today. :smile:

    Yup, heard this on Dr. Oz too!
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    For those who do "research" they sure do a sh*tty job of it. Google health benefits of apple cider vinegar. You'll find all that you need to know. If you're interested in speeding up your metabolism spicy food works too. Google that as well.

    When I Googled "health benefits of Apple.cider vinegar" all I found was supplement sales sites.

    I would love to review your sources, if you don't mind.
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    I was going to use this a while ago but read several articles about the damage it does to your teeth so I was put off by that,
  • mytattoedsoul
    I just saw this on Dr. Oz today. I'm also curious if it works....
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I make a fermented drink that I take as a supplement sometimes: Bragg's raw ACV, raw garlic and raw honey. Blend it all up together and let sit in the fridge for a few days. The reasons I take it have nothing at all to do with weight loss. I eat in a caloric deficit for fat loss. Plain & simple. I take this mixture because of the nutrients in them.
  • veniceit
    veniceit Posts: 112 Member
    I've heard you you should use a straw when drinking it, to keep the acid off your teeth. Or the capsules.

  • shellb4
    shellb4 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started using this today, not for weight loss, but to help with my ibs symptoms. I am excited to hear that it could help with my weight loss too though!
  • chevysarah
    I have found it to be great. i feel less full and bloated after meals.
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I tried it for a while. I decided the reason it helps with weight loss is because you're sick for hours afterwards and can't eat anything else. :laugh: Seriously, I've heard it works and I have a friend who swears by it for joint health.

    Yeeaaahhh I drank it all the time in middle school because a friend told me it would help lose weight... and I'm pretty sure the only reason it "suppressed my appetite" was because it made me want to barf. Ew. :)
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    For those who do "research" they sure do a sh*tty job of it. Google health benefits of apple cider vinegar. You'll find all that you need to know. If you're interested in speeding up your metabolism spicy food works too. Google that as well.

    When I Googled "health benefits of Apple.cider vinegar" all I found was supplement sales sites.

    I would love to review your sources, if you don't mind.

    So right under bragg is webmd..... didn't realize they were a supplement sales site. Not to mention the homeopathic websites listed that say the same thing......
  • Kittie_Kat
    I take a tablespoon and a half in a glass of water before my meals for the past month and I've noticed that I get full quicker. I take the Braggs organic with the mother, which I located in my grocers organic section. I'm going to continue to use this and see what happens. The bottle I get is about 7 dollars but I've found it has lasted me about a month!
  • Jenner22
    Jenner22 Posts: 94 Member
    It's quick results with water weight. The fat cell shrinking and the weight loss is more of a long term thing. You can lose up to 15 lbs in a year without a diet change. I've been doing it for a month. I love taking it. I don't have water weight. It's healthy, I'm more energetic, and I don't have to watch my sodium as much.

    Check out this website.
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I have a bottle of Braggs ACV in my fridge...but I take a supplement called Grapefruit Formula. It has:
    Vitamin B-6==helps with anemia
    Iodine==helps with the thyroid
    Whole Grapefruit Powder==weight loss, constipation relief, stomach issues
    Lecithin==helps with high cholesterol
    Apple Cider Vinegar==Improving circulation,Lowering cholesterol,High blood pressure,Sinus problems,Sore throats,Unsettled stomach,Leg cramps and pain,Weight loss,Slow digestion (gastroparesis),Diabetes. Some preliminary research suggests that consuming vinegar or apple cider vinegar might reduce blood sugar levels after a meal.
    Kelp==Thyroid problems, including an over-sized thyroid gland (goiter).Iodine deficiency.Arthritis.Achy joints (rheumatism).“Hardening of the arteries” (arteriosclerosis).Digestive problems.“Blood cleansing”.Constipation.
    Glucomannan==Reducing cholesterol levels in people with diabetes.Helping control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Constipation.Weight loss.

    I take 3 pills twice a day. I have noticed I'm not feeling as bloated as usual. I know it's working, because I have to go to the bathroom more often....and I'm drinking more water (kelp also makes you thirsty)
  • thin150
    thin150 Posts: 48 Member