Eating once per day



  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    All in moderation. Balance is key right? :)
    I think that's a good plan when you know you're going to have a high calorie meal (dinner party, etc)
    What i'll do is munch on really light snacks like grapes or salad (without dressing) so i dont go into starvation and get delirious. :D

    Starvation mode is a myth. You know that right?

    but the side effects of being hungry are real.

  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    I'm really interested in this form too, Alternate Day Fasting;
  • I fast two full days a month--often in a row.

    My mother has eaten one meal day for over 20 years and has no problems with it...does very well.

    Our bodies can grow used to eating less as easy as it did eating more, sometimes its just a matter of getting used to it. When I fast, I do liquids and harldy ever feel hungry during....its no big deal. My mother has more energy than 5 people on her 1 meal a works for her and shes not hungry---
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    I just started IF a few days ago. I fast between 8pm and midday the next day. Why? Because three years ago when i determined i should have breakfast because it's 'healthy', I started putting weight on, which is how I ended up here!

    So I used to do IF subconsciously, just was never hungry for breakfast. When I started breakfasting, my body got used to eating earlier so it started expecting food and got hungry (apparently your body will get used to whichever routine you give it, the key is consistency) and then I continued to be hungry all day and ate more. TA DA - weight gain.

    I've been doing this now since monday, and already I feel less hungry in the morning. And it means I have far more cals left for dinner which I prefer to have as a big meal with hubby.

    I was chatting to a friend about it last night and she said if she doesn't eat when she gets up she feels faint and thinks fasting must therefore be 'bad' - but I think there are a few reasons for this: 1) She's a vegetarian so she has to eat a lot to get in sufficient calories, 2) she has a very active job, and 3) she's never even considered the possibility of skipping breakfast. Her body well and truly expects food upon waking. She hasn't given thought to the idea that she feels faint becuase her body expects food, rather than technically needing it. Again, it's all about the routine your body knows.

    But for me, desk job, find it easy to over-eat calories, easily tempted by food - to start my eating day at midday has helped me regulate my intake massively, even though I've only been doing it a few days. Although I never was a big breakfast eater, even when I was growing up I used to not eat breakfast but have a snack at mid-morning break instead.

    For those who are completely convinced that Intermitent Fasting, skipping breakfast, and eating all your daily calories in a short amount of time does you 'damage' - that's what the diet world (and the breakfast cereal market) wants us to believe, but there is far more evidence in the form of studies that actually disprove this than support it. As someone else said, check for research. And please don't write off something because you've been told (even over many years) that it's wrong, please have an open mind :flowerforyou: I'm the heaviest now that I've ever been, it's due to increased calorie intake, and it was encouraged by eating breakfast.

    Though as someone else said, if eating little and often helps you regulate your appetite, then do it if it works. But your metabolism isn't going to 'slow down' just because you don't eat for half a day, that has been debunked numerous times.
  • Agree. I used to do this and eat a giant dinner and still be under my calories. It's nice to be able to eat whatever you want. instead of portion sizing. That's not fun at all! :) But most days I do eat a very light breakfast and lunch :
  • I'm curious about this whole intermitten fasting. I may have to try it. I have found that if i eat breakfast that by lunch I'm starving and ready to eat until I'm uncomfortably full but if I don't eat anything for breakfast and just have a drink (normally a diet something or a Dr. Pepper 10) then by lunch time its not too bad. I find myself getting too close to going over on my calories when I start out my morning eating. Until recently I almost never ate breakfast but I've been eating a banana becuase everyone is soooo preachy about "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day" blah blah blah. I could see if you were hypoglycemic or an insulin dependant diabetic that IF would be extremly counter productive but I'm really leaning toward giving it a try.... Will have to do some reading.
  • Hezzakiah
    Hezzakiah Posts: 18 Member
    My niece has had great success doing this. I wish I could, but being hypoglycemic, I must eat at more regular times throughout the day. I am learning to make better choices in the 3 meals and 3 snacks that I eat every day.
  • PositivelyFlawed
    PositivelyFlawed Posts: 316 Member
    I can see how it would be way more fun to eat my 1300 in one meal than stretch it out through the day, but for me personally I wouldn't have the energy to keep up with my 2 year old.

    In terms of metabolism, i imagine drinking ice cold water through the day could keep you burning calories as much as eating several small meals.

    In the end everyone has to what works for them. As long as you are eating a balanced one meal. minimizing sodium and sugar and bad fats and maximizing nutrition, it's worth a shot if you think it would be a good fit.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 748 Member
    My mom has done this for years.

    I don't do it consciously, but I do catch myself doing this sometimes.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I do this quite a bit. It gives me free reign on how much I can eat for dinner. I can put away some food in one sitting (5 chicken drumsticks. anyone? An 8oz steak - medium rare? YUM!!). There are days when I eat a lot of food (I don't count calories to maintain my weight; the only macronutrient that affects my weight is carbohydrates.)

    If your first meal of the day is in the evening - you are breaking fast. It doesn't matter when you eat it. I very, very rarely eat in the AM unless I have some 85% dark chocolate or coconut oil or cream with my coffee although sometimes I'll eat a few eggs with a few pieces of uncured bacon. The coffee is probably the reason I don't feel hungry.

    When I was eating high-carb I HAD to eat every couple of hours because my body needed the fix every couple of hours - blood sugar up then blood sugar down and CRASH - I'm weak, shaky and starving. Now I follow a high-fat diet and I can go all day without eating. I might get hungry but it's no biggie. The hunger doesn't bother me at all and I don't get the shakes anymore.

    I love IF. My first day of Primal Blueprint was a 26 hour fast that started on a Friday evening. After six months of counting calories and weighing a logging food and having to deal with food the ENTIRE DAY that first IF felt like freedom. And that dinner I had on Saturday evening tasted absolutely amazing!

    And for the friend who feels faint. She might want to get her iron levels checked. There's a good chance she could be anemic.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I can see how it would be way more fun to eat my 1300 in one meal than stretch it out through the day, but for me personally I wouldn't have the energy to keep up with my 2 year old.

    In terms of metabolism, i imagine drinking ice cold water through the day could keep you burning calories as much as eating several small meals.

    In the end everyone has to what works for them. As long as you are eating a balanced one meal. minimizing sodium and sugar and bad fats and maximizing nutrition, it's worth a shot if you think it would be a good fit.

    Its a myth that eating many small meals during the day increases your metabolism.
  • dBree
    dBree Posts: 6 Member
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    The thinnest I have ever been in my adult life was reached by eating only one meal a day. For me it was lunch, and I wasn't doing it intentionally. I was working full-time during the day and going to grad school full time at night. I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to live, and I can't do it now that I'm older and not as on the go. But I can say from 2 years of experience with it, that it won't make you fat or dead.

    When you only ate one meal a day did you have anything else other than water the rest of the day? Like small snacks or like a protein shake (Slim fast or special K)? And did you eat healthy and clean on your one meal a day?
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    For those who want to read up on these issues in more depth, this is a really good place to start:
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I usually only fast during Lent. So on Ash Wednesday I do (or try to do) a fast, then for every friday I eat very minimal. Not because of weight loss or whatever but because of religious reasons.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I've been doing this for a while now and I enjoy it. I wake up at 6 - get my coffee with minimal additions (10-20 cals) and may have a few pieces of gum throughout the day along with whatever water I end up drinking. I enjoy dinner with my family and usually continue eating until my calories / macros have been satisfied. Sometimes just before I hop in bed.

    Eating for most of us is a learned behavior, so when we start trying to change the way we've been brought up, there's some psychological resistance.

    There has been no effect on muscle mass, nor will there be. I eat a normal, variety of foods, usually of which I've planned ahead for.

    Eat in the fashion that allows you to best adhere to your diet.

    I am impressed by your " matter of fact " presence and I concur that it is not for everyone. Although most in the medical profession would strongly disagree with you ... I find that " whatever " works for you is what is best for you. And from what I can see in your picture ... it definitely works for you ! Just sayin' :wink:

    Sadly, most in the medical profession (ie family doctors) have little or no training in this. Those who read the research on short term fasting (and there is a lot of that out there right now) would not disagree. The factor that will make or break any diet is how well you can stick with it in the long term. For many people, myself included, eating 5-6 small meals a day is difficult to work into my schedule, and it makes me hungry all the time. When I do that I constantly need to fight the desire to eat more. Doing what I do now, eating all my calories in a 4-10 or so window, I am satisfied, have no desire to eat all the time, and get through the day just fine. I even workout at a high intensity while fasted. Now for some people this would be unsustainable, but for me this works.
  • JennC831
    JennC831 Posts: 628 Member
    I tend to do this more on the weekends than I do during the week... For some reason when I'm at work I get hungry and need my snacks (5-6 small meals a day).. But when I'm at home on the weekends I can have my morning coffee and be good until lunch or have a light lunch and big yummy dinner with drinks :happy:
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Fasting is very bad. It's dangerous. It serves no purpose. It does not help your health, weight loss or anything else. As to eating once a day = that's just stupid. The human body is designed to eat a number of times throughout the day. Small, healthy meals. This keeps the blood sugar and the metabolism is good working order. Eating once a day will screw up your system and do a good deal of damage.

    The only thing stupid here is this post :wink:

    The body isn't designed to graze like we do. Back in the day we'd kill and eat once or twice a day at most and grab the odd berry/vegetable that was growing wild.

    A few thousand years isn't enough to change human evolution.
  • Also, look up Fast 5 Diet. It goes in to detail about the "starvation mode" myth and "eat often for metabolism" myth, scientifically. The "rule" is to fast for 19 hours straight, drinking lots of water...only. Then having a 5 hour window to eat. It works for many. Mine window of eating is 2:00 - 7:00 pm so I can eat with my family. It does give you much more energy and after a few weeks you loose a lb a week.
  • All in moderation. Balance is key right? :)
    I think that's a good plan when you know you're going to have a high calorie meal (dinner party, etc)
    What i'll do is munch on really light snacks like grapes or salad (without dressing) so i dont go into starvation and get delirious. :D

    Starvation mode is a myth. You know that right?

    but the side effects of being hungry are real.

    ^^ for me. I couldn't do IF...I get lightheaded, shaky and dizzy if I don't eat every 2 to three hours (except when sleeping). It works great for some, not for others!!

    You are getting the lightheaded, shaky and dizzy feelings if you don't eat every couple of hours due to the high carb (processed grains).

    maybe not. could be simple hypoglycemia. some people just get low blood sugar if they go for long periods without eating. I wouldn't simply write it off and just carb related. Which hypoglycemia kind of is. The only thing to treat hypoglycemia is carbs :huh: That being said the only way to know for sure would be to see your doctor or check your blood sugar when you are feeling shaky/dizzy. I have a friend that has to eat every few hours because her blood sugar will drop but if I am busy I could go all day without eating. I think they secretly teach you in nursing school how to go all day witout eating or doing to the bathroom :laugh: If I'm busy I can get hungry but forget about it. Same with having to pee. If I'm busy I can totally forget I need to go. Now for a quick joke. All nurses will think its funny and pretty true :bigsmile:

    The body of a dead nurse washed up on the banks of (insert whatever body of water you prefer). Do you know how they knew it was a nurse? Her stomach was empty, her bladder was full, and she had her butt chewed off. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: