30 Day Shred

I got my DVD yesterday and just attempted my first day. Yeah, that did not go so well for me. Unless a person is super in shape, do they actually make it through the first day or am I just that much out of shape? I don't even think I made a full 10 minutes and I had to stop. I am only 33 years old and I feel like what an 80 year old must feel like. Anyone else out there unable to make it through the first day or am I just a miserable failure? Level 1 is still playing on my DVD player and I quit over 10 minutes ago. I didn't even make it half way!!!!! COMPLETE FAILURE and I do not look forward to trying again tomorrow!!!!


  • wrs0805
    wrs0805 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree its tough! I have been doing it for 5 days now and I still have to take a 5-10 second break through the cardio part. Just stick with it! You can do this!!
  • What was it that you found most difficult? Did you use handweights? Did you do the easier versions of the exercises?

    Don't give up, even if you can only manage 10 minutes, keep doing it every day and maybe aim to do one more exercise than you managed the day before and see how it goes. It's all about progression and getting stronger, it'll happen quicker than you think, I'm sure if you keep at it you'll get through the whole workout in no time.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    Stick with it. Or try something else like zumba to work up some endurance, then try it again in a few weeks. 8 months ago I could hardly make it through the warm up, my body felt like I was 80 with each attempt at a jumping jack and a modified push up. I had to pause it during the cardio to catch my breath. I stuck to it, modifying as I needed... Used soup cans rather than weights at first. Now 8 months later, 30 DS is so easy that level 3 doesn't even get my heartrate in the zone and I don't break a sweat. I'm almost done with p90x, finished ripped in 30, breezed through extreme shed and shred, and will be starting insanity soon. It's amazing what our bodies can do!!!
  • sandb6405
    sandb6405 Posts: 1 Member
    DON"T GIVE UP!!!!! They are right when they say that it gets easier as you keep going. It seems hard right now, but just think how you will feel when you are able to complete the whole thing. You will look back and think about how you wanted to not do it again. Everyone has to start somewhere and sometime. You are much further then those who have not made the choice to get up and start working out. I never thought that I could run a full 5K. The first day I ran, I wanted to give up so bad. My friend and I MADE ourselves to keep going. We ran a 5K race and it was the best feeling knowing that we completed it and crossed that finish line. KEEP GOING!!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    Stick with it. It will hurt like hell to start with but each time try and get one jumping jack more than the last time or persevere another minute. You WILL get stronger. It is a great DVD. I am currently unable to do anything atm (having got to level 2) because of horrendous chest infection so as soon as I am better will go back to level 1 until I feel fit again.
  • Before you know it you'll absolutely love it! It is really a great workout. Keep going, try to add just 30 seconds or a minute every day on what you did the day before.

    It changes your body so quickly, you'll be sailing through it before long! Good luck!
  • I am totally out of shape, but I did make it through the first day. I thought I was going to die, but each day it gets a little bit easier. Keep at it, you will do GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AlliO2
    AlliO2 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks ladies. My thighs still feel like jell-o and I stopped over 30 minutes ago!! My weights are 5 lbs, so maybe that is just too much too soon and I should try the soup can trick for a while. Ugh! I will get back to it tomorrow because you all told me to, but man, I am not looking forward to it at all! LOL
  • SweetT415
    SweetT415 Posts: 71 Member
    Everyone that has tried this video feels the same way. You are not alone. Jillian will steal your self-esteem because she tires you out! I struggled with it too. I started for two days and gave up. But the second time I tried it, I stuck with it. Believe me, when you get to the point that you make it through the full workout the first time, you will talk trash to Jillian. Lol. Take your time with it. You will make it. :)
  • ctsmith
    ctsmith Posts: 79 Member
    Don't give up I am on day 5 and 33 if you need to stop for a second you can. I just use small cans of beans at the moment and will up the weight when I am ready. I couldn't finish it on the first day but last night (day 4) I managed it all except the mean and nasty cycle crunches at the end - flowery language directed at Jillian needed for that bit!
  • erintheinspiration
    erintheinspiration Posts: 229 Member
    I got my DVD yesterday and just attempted my first day. Yeah, that did not go so well for me. Unless a person is super in shape, do they actually make it through the first day or am I just that much out of shape? I don't even think I made a full 10 minutes and I had to stop. I am only 33 years old and I feel like what an 80 year old must feel like. Anyone else out there unable to make it through the first day or am I just a miserable failure? Level 1 is still playing on my DVD player and I quit over 10 minutes ago. I didn't even make it half way!!!!! COMPLETE FAILURE and I do not look forward to trying again tomorrow!!!!

    Definitely don't give up! I'm on my second go at it! Started it again last night! Once you make it through the first few days in Level 1, honestly to me Level 2 is easier. I agree... even if you have to give it your all in 10 minutes, that's more than you were doing! You can do it!! :)
  • mrssmith636
    mrssmith636 Posts: 80 Member
    I started out with Zumba and added 30 DS to my workouts. Zumba really helped build my endurance. When I used to do the biggest loser DVD, I felt like I was going to die after the warm up. Now I can do the whole work out.
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    Don't give up! :flowerforyou: I started last night too. Kicked my booty. During some of the cardio I just jogged in place if I couldn't do what they were doing. Just keep moving, that's the most important part. Your welcome to add me if you need someone to help you through :wink:
  • thekacks
    thekacks Posts: 146 Member
    I got my DVD yesterday and just attempted my first day. Yeah, that did not go so well for me. Unless a person is super in shape, do they actually make it through the first day or am I just that much out of shape? I don't even think I made a full 10 minutes and I had to stop. I am only 33 years old and I feel like what an 80 year old must feel like. Anyone else out there unable to make it through the first day or am I just a miserable failure? Level 1 is still playing on my DVD player and I quit over 10 minutes ago. I didn't even make it half way!!!!! COMPLETE FAILURE and I do not look forward to trying again tomorrow!!!!

    I am on Level 2 now. My first day of level one I decided to do 15 days rather than 10 because I thought I would DIE. But after the 10th day... I moved on up! I made it through everyday even on my first... you have to push through. I did however just lift my arms and tap out one foot at a time instead of jumping through the jumping jacks the first few days... was better after I went and bought a good tight sports bra. I managed like 3 or 4 modified push ups the first day. By day 10 I was doing 14 the first set and 8 the second. REALLY push yourself to gain the upper body strength because in level 2 there are a LOT of moves done in plank position... I'm back to thinking I am gonna DIE!
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 753 Member
    I completed Level 3 Day 2 this morning! When I first started, I did the less intense versions of most exercises, and I took breaks as often as I needed them. Each time, I tried to get a little farther than I did the time before (before taking a break). Keep trying and your will finish the entire workout. You will be sore, but you will feel a sense of accomplishment that will ease some of the pain. :happy:

    It does get better. Hang in there! You can do it!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    It's a great workout, stick with it!!
  • Thanks ladies. My thighs still feel like jell-o and I stopped over 30 minutes ago!! My weights are 5 lbs, so maybe that is just too much too soon and I should try the soup can trick for a while. Ugh! I will get back to it tomorrow because you all told me to, but man, I am not looking forward to it at all! LOL

    I started with water bottles for my weights :)
  • I made it through all 30 days! I wasn't in the best shape prior but I just pushed myself to do what I could. After awhile it was like this is easy. You will get there 2, just keep at it. =)
  • don't feel bad. I'm 5'7' and was 148 when I last did it (pregnant now). I couldn't get through a whole level even after doing it for a while! All the jumping is hard and the weights. I never finished without cheating. I guess that should be my goal after the baby comes! Good luck, it's not just you. It's hard! Maybe I'm just really out of shape too! :wink:
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Don't worry, I'm 18 and used to play Soccer and even I had to take breaks the first few days! There's been times when I've thought I didn't want to do it but pushed myself through it and I did day five today and feel so much stronger and can get through most of the cardio without stopping.

    If you have any other DVDs or other forms of working out then I'd mix those in so you don't get bored. I mix in two of her other DVDs to split the 30 DS up. Don't stop though or else you'll find your fitness drop in a matter of days.

    On the weights, I use 3lbs weights for all but the chest flies and hammer curls or else my arms would drop off. You did really well if you did some of it with heavier weights, the strength exercises are definitely the worst part of the workout for me.