Some Benefits of Almond Milk

I recently switched to almond milk and absolutely love the flavor. I have never been a fan of regular milk and decided to give it a try. Now I cook with it, use it in my cereal and use it for my protein shakes. For people that have never and are afraid to try it - I found these benefits of switching to almond milk. Give it a look over and then give it a try :)

Almond milk contains more nutrients than other dairy milk alternatives like rice milk. The health benefits provided by this option even match dairy choices. Almond milk works as a great alternative for those with soy and lactose allergies.
Here are 6 benefits of almond milk:
Benefit #1: Weight Management

Plain almond milk without added sugars or flavoring contains 60 calories per each 8 oz serving size. This option works well for people looking to lose or maintain weight.
The low caloric content of almond milk causes less of an impact on our totally daily consumption of food calories. Some milk varieties contain more sugars than the cereal that they get combined with.
Benefit #2: Heart Health

Almond milk contains no cholesterol and only 5 mg of sodium per serving. Consuming foods low in sodium and cholesterol help us to maintain better heart health and normal blood pressure.
Without cholesterol, almond milk also decreases our chances of gaining bad cholesterol levels, all while increasing the good cholesterol levels. Almond milk also contains 150 mg of potassium in every serving. This mineral works to promote healthy blood pressure.
Benefit #3: Blood Sugar Friendly

Unlike other milk alternatives, the plain almond option contains only 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving. The 7 grams of sugars that make up the carbohydrate content have a limited affect on our blood sugar levels. When we consume simple sugars, our metabolic functions tend to miss the nutrients, storing much of the carbs as fat.
Instead, the low amount of sugars in almond milk have a low glycemic nature, meaning our bodies fully digest them and use them as energy. Diabetics benefit from this characteristic as well.
Benefit #4: Bone Health

Almond milk contains 30% of our recommended daily value of calcium and 25% of Vitamin D. These nutrients work together to build strong bones in men, women, children and infants.
Vitamin D also helps improve immunity and cell function. Some studies have shown that Vitamin D helps decrease osteoporosis and even Alzheimer’s disease. The magnesium in found in almond milk helps absorb more of the calcium provided by the nutritious beverage.
Benefit #5: Skin Care

Every serving of pure almond milk contains 50% of our recommended daily value of Vitamin E. This powerful nutrient has antioxidant abilities in that it helps regulate Vitamin A use and availability.
More importantly, Vitamin E acts the primary regulatory nutrient that improves skin health.
Benefit #5: Eye Health

The moderate levels of Vitamin A found in almond milk helps keep our eyes functioning properly. Vitamin A directly influences the eye’s ability to adjust to differences in light.
Benefit #6: More Muscle Power

Even though almond milk only contains 1 gram of protein per serving, it does contain B Vitamins in the form of riboflavin, plus other muscle regulating nutrients like iron. Each serving of almond milk contains about 4% of our recommended daily intake of iron, which helps muscles absorb and use protein for energy, growth and repair.
Iron also regulates certain cell functions like oxygen absorption.


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    I use the vanilla unsweetened in my protein shakes and on cereal. Love it!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never liked milk much either so I switched to soy milk (7 g protein, 4 carbs, 80 cal and 30 % RDA calcium per cup) many years ago. I've never tried almond milk. though I'm going to get some for my husband to try on my next trip to the store because he can't stand soy milk and is dieting.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I love love almond milk. I have never been a fan of soy milk unless it was chocolate. Since discovering almond breeze, I have cereal now and I cook with it all the time and nobody knows the difference.
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    i use it to cook oatmeal......yum!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I've never liked milk much either so I switched to soy milk (7 g protein, 4 carbs, 80 cal and 30 % RDA calcium per cup) many years ago. I've never tried almond milk. though I'm going to get some for my husband to try on my next trip to the store because he can't stand soy milk and is dieting.

    bcattoes - you may be converted... in my opinion it tastes better and has less calories! The sugar free vanilla is awesome too! I accidentally grabbed the sweetened kind on the last trip to the store - but with my intense workouts - i can afford a little extra sugar.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I could never tolerate too much cow milk so I'm glad I found almond milk (almond breeze i think). I use the unsweetened version (40 cals per cup!!) and it tastes great with cooking, cereal, and it's soo good for those days i want to add chocolate syrup to it!

  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I. Love. Almond. Milk.

    End of story.
  • lissamok
    I LOVE this stuff! I used the unsweetened version to cook my steel cut oats with ground flax seed meal every morning and it's incredibly good.
  • keesh1123
    keesh1123 Posts: 229 Member
    I love Silk's Unsweetened Almond Milk! I can't tolerate drinking it alone, but it is great when added to my cereals, protein shakes, etc.
  • paulcer
    paulcer Posts: 167 Member
    The unsweetend at 35-40 calories per serving(depending on brand) is wonderful. Tasty and creamy.
  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    Thanks for this - my wife just asked me to buy almond milk the next time I go to the store. I guess there are different versions (flavors?). Which one is best if you wanted something similar to cow's milk (we currently drink 2%)?
  • girlybones
    I have just recently made the switch and thought it would take some getting used to, however it was love at first sip. I rarly drink coffee anymore but when I do I actually use almond milk as a substitute to regular creamer or milk as well as sugar. It may not be for everyone, but I know I used to use a lot of sugar in my coffee and now I use none.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've never liked milk much either so I switched to soy milk (7 g protein, 4 carbs, 80 cal and 30 % RDA calcium per cup) many years ago. I've never tried almond milk. though I'm going to get some for my husband to try on my next trip to the store because he can't stand soy milk and is dieting.

    bcattoes - you may be converted... in my opinion it tastes better and has less calories! The sugar free vanilla is awesome too! I accidentally grabbed the sweetened kind on the last trip to the store - but with my intense workouts - i can afford a little extra sugar.

    I'm certainly open to it and kind of anxious to try it. I'll probably keep my soy milk too, but since I don't eat much dairy I'm always looking for new sources of calcium. Gotta keep my bones strong.
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    -=snip=- ---> "Almond milk works as a great alternative for those with soy and lactose allergies. "

    This is why I drink Almond milk, all that other stuff is pretty nifty too though! :)
  • Cheryl943
    Firmly on the "Love it" team.
  • gemini2267
    gemini2267 Posts: 74 Member
    my cousin introduced me to it and now im inlove with it. it is a bit pricier but worth it.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I guess I need to go back to almond milk. :)
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I love love love almond milk... I just wish I could get it less expensively around here. The stores in my area seriously overcharge... I can't pay $5 for a carton of milk when I know there are places where I can get it cheaper
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I'm trying to wean my family off of cow's milk for a number of reasons. I recently discovered almond milk myself and love the taste. I offered some to my husband last night (we were out of cow milk) and he initially turned his nose up, but did try it and said he liked the taste.

    So this morning, after seeing your great post, I showed it to my husband. Having another guy promote the benefits of almond milk really had an impact. Joe had it on his cereal this morning and said he can easily switch!

    OP, you ROCK!
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    I adore almond milk. But yes, it is a bit expensive around these parts too.