30 Day Shred



  • maryrr88
    maryrr88 Posts: 76 Member
    Today will be day 7, level 1 for me. The first day I made it through but I thought I was gonna die and I felt nauseated afterwards. It has gotten slightly easier but I still can't do a full pushup... I do the modified version & try to get as low as I can but I still can't get chest to floor. But, I feel myself getting stronger every day. Hopefully by the end of level 1 I'll be able to do a full pushup!

    Don't give up! It does get easier... Just give it time.
  • Hey don't give up! holy cow! This is a great workout and just think after you are done with the 20 minutes you will look back and think to yourself that was 20 minutes of me not sitting on the couch! Today will be day 7 for me level 1 and I love this workout I can already feel a difference in my body. :D
  • kimg70
    kimg70 Posts: 32 Member
    Dont let it get you down.
    It is a hard work out-ESPECIALLY those darn PUSH UPs's right at the start!!
    Hang in there... instead of quitting maybe try to do 1/2 of each set. That way you are getting a feel for everything and still working through the whole level.
    You will be surprised at how quickly you can add a few more seconds on to each exercise.
    I just completed day 4 this morning, believe me I know it's not easy to keep going, BUT you CAN!!
  • creativefrugalmom
    creativefrugalmom Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks ladies. My thighs still feel like jell-o and I stopped over 30 minutes ago!! My weights are 5 lbs, so maybe that is just too much too soon and I should try the soup can trick for a while. Ugh! I will get back to it tomorrow because you all told me to, but man, I am not looking forward to it at all! LOL

    5 lbs is a lot. You can start with 1 lb and work up. She recommends 3 lbs to start. Like she says, you have to do what's best for you. I started this week and am on day 3 today. I can tell a huge difference with the ease of it. I am actually looking forward to the pain...lol. I also realized that if I walk or do the bike afterwards, it helps with the muscle soreness. You can do it. Something is better than nothing. Keep going and be strong! That's the key to success.
  • AlliO2
    AlliO2 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everybody! I am definitely going to try again tomorrow and I am determined to get all the way through, even if I have to take 5 second breaks here and there.
  • laurapgmartinez
    laurapgmartinez Posts: 46 Member
    You CAN do this!!! For me, the first 10 minutes are the hardest!! That first cardio rep totally kills me, something about the jumping jack/jump rope combo that is torture!! I would also bump down the weights. If you need to do it with out weights while you are building endurance, that's okay too (that's how I started out!)!! Like everyone else said, keep at it and you will notice it getting easier for you to do!
  • kimg70
    kimg70 Posts: 32 Member
    Oh and definitely, get smaller weights!! Heck maybe just get through Level 1 without weights.
    I have 2.5-I use for most of the work-out but 5's fro some of the easier things.
  • Fri 02/17/12 09:33 AMI got my DVD yesterday and just attempted my first day. Yeah, that did not go so well for me. Unless a person is super in shape, do they actually make it through the first day or am I just that much out of shape? I don't even think I made a full 10 minutes and I had to stop. I am only 33 years old and I feel like what an 80 year old must feel like. Anyone else out there unable to make it through the first day or am I just a miserable failure? Level 1 is still playing on my DVD player and I quit over 10 minutes ago. I didn't even make it half way!!!!! COMPLETE FAILURE and I do not look forward to trying again tomorrow!!!!

    What is the difference in the shred and ripped? I have ripped and I just cannot keep up, I am on week one, the 1st time I felt like I was going to faint and the 2nd time I felt like throwing up, I just can't keep up and I have to keep stopping to drink water, but I am going to stick with it and just do what I can do.
  • You'll get there don't worry!! First off, I would recommend using 3lb weights since that is what she uses in her video and that's more reasonable especially when just starting out. I remember when I first started doing the 30 day shred and I was in pain the next day to say the least but I'll tell you, if you stick to it you'll be able to get through it and eventually it will seem like a breeze.

    I have done all 3 levels of the 30d shred but that's only because I've been pushing myself very hard and never giving up! I usually rotate between 2 of her other videos which is No More Trouble Zones and Boost Metabolism. Both of those videos are over 40 min long and I couldn't complete either when I first started. 32 days later, I can do them all in full and I'm loving how toned I am.

    Best advice is keep going! Think about where you want to be and the positive aspect of what it will do for you and you will be able to do it. Its going to be hard but only really good things come with hard work. Good luck!
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I don't think anyone makes it through the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time. But if you keep going you will finally get to the point when you can. I am on day 9 of level 1 and I can finally do all the push ups! I have developed shin splints, so jumping jacks are all bad so I am doing modified ones. Since I am just now able to make it through I think I will continue level one for 15 days instead of ten.
    Yes, your weights are definately too heavy. Just keep trying...REMEMBER IT IS HARD BECAUSE IT IS WORKING! Just push your self.
  • Thatsdatdiva601
    Thatsdatdiva601 Posts: 209 Member
    Yes 30 DS is a killer...I've been on level 1 for about 2 weeks and have seen great results!...I plan on staying at level 1 until April since its working for me and I feel I'm too heavy to attempt level 2 and 3! Also my main focus is upper body and level 1 is doing wonders for my upper body.
  • It's a killer. I use hairsprays for the weights, and its been after a few weeks of level one, that my legs don't feel wobbly anymore. The first couple of days were killer leaving my arms and legs so sore. I would attempt it after every 2 days or so, with breaks. DOn't give up. It gets better with time.
    I absolutely hate it when I'm working out, but afterwards, it feels so good!
  • klthomas59
    klthomas59 Posts: 100 Member
    keep going you will get stronger each day...I thought I was going to die the first time I did it and now I am on my second time
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    Be careful not to force yourself to do something that you don't find enjoyable or satisfying for too long, or you may run the risk of giving up altogether.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    I just did Day 1 Level 1 today, this is my 3rd? attempt to make it through the whole DVD. I've made it as far as maybe half way through level 2 before I quit. The very first time I tried it, I popped it in my DVD player and watched it through before actually trying it and thought, "Eh, no biggie!" LOL! Oh boy! It does get easier, keep going, there's no shame in needing to pause for a beat. You don't want to push too hard too fast and hurt yourself! I started out with 3 lb weights, I would definitely try going lighter if you are just starting out. Keep going. You'll get there! :flowerforyou:
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    It is hard when you first start out, but you have to get up and keep going, it will get easier, I promise. You will start to feel better and actually want to do it!!! :noway: LOL I was 250 lbs when I first started to do exercise videos and I thought I was going to die!!! I'm still here 2 years later and I weigh 192lbs...on my way to my goal of 150! Started p90x last week and I love it! Congratulations on your first 10 minutes, keep going, you will do great :flowerforyou:
  • TBEAR102
    TBEAR102 Posts: 3 Member
    Well Ladies, When i first got 30DS i was sooo excited, i actually watched it thru first before doing it, and was like..oh..ok..well, NO EXCUSES, right? SO i tried it that day i got it, because i was so excited to see results. It DOES kick your Butt, and yes, you will start trash talking Jillian..lol.. Esp, when i was having a hard time with JumpingJacks right off the bat, not realizing i guess, that i havn't done them since i was a kid, and didn't realize it was..hard for me..Yes..It IS "MIND OVER MATTER" But if you have to modify some things, do so, and do more next time, just don't give up. I got thru level 1 in 10 days, And went to level 2 to watch it,thought oh boy, here we go! I have had a knee injury in past, so i modified some things, just not to reinjure. But to me, i feel there were some things i cant do as well in level 1, and some in level 2 i can do really good! DONT GIVE UP!! I DIDNT! I am now after last night, on Day 21!! Im almost there! It has helped me soo much, granted, i may not get to level 3. but there is always another time. :) Im proud of where i am, and hoe dilligant i have been. And you will be as well!! YEA YOU!! Keep it up hun! And feel free to add me too!
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I got my copy this morning, and did my first session this evening when I got in - my legs still feel weird when I'm walking down the stairs!! I managed to do it, but did have to stop through the "bum kicks" as I was worried I was going to knock myself out!!

    Well I'm going to keep at it, twice a week along with 2 sessions of spinning as well - this had better work!!

    Also on a different note, what do people log the 30 DS as in their excerise? I just logged it as general aerobics...is this ok?
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    It's tough, but as you get into it, you will see your endurance build up.

    It's a challenge, but I encourage you to KEEP AT IT!

    Here's my results page:

  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I got my copy this morning, and did my first session this evening when I got in - my legs still feel weird when I'm walking down the stairs!! I managed to do it, but did have to stop through the "bum kicks" as I was worried I was going to knock myself out!!

    Well I'm going to keep at it, twice a week along with 2 sessions of spinning as well - this had better work!!

    Also on a different note, what do people log the 30 DS as in their excerise? I just logged it as general aerobics...is this ok?

    You can log it as "circuit training, general"