Daughters Wedding, I need to vent a bit...sorry



  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    So sorry you're dealing with this, and as my mother was dubbed "MomZilla" during our planning, I feel qualified to say NO..you're not overreacting here at all.

    I got married in 2009, and had a ton of medical drama just before. My father had double bypass surgery 5 weeks before my wedding day and my best friend since kindergarden (who was supposed to be my maid of honor) had a brain tumor and had BRAIN SURGERY just two weeks before, and guess what? They both still came.....and those both trump an 'abnormal blood test' any day of the week. My dad walked my down the aisle (slowly) and my friend came for dinner and left just after, but there isn't anything in the world that would have kept them from it.

    I hope his mom comes around and realizes what a selfish thing she's doing before its too late (maybe someone in his family can pull her aside for a reality check!). Keep on being the awesome and supportive mother-in-law that he's lucky to have, and good luck with your daughters wedding. I hope they're able to enjoy a beautiful day regardless of who chooses to be there.
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Don't stress about it, you can't change anything or do anything except love those little kids as a grandma should
  • jak111
    jak111 Posts: 36
    This is indeed very unfortunate! I'm glad you felt you could vent and get feedback! My MIL threatened not to come to our wedding too. I just told her calmly "that is your choice and it is unfortunate as you will miss a very important day in our lives and many more happy times to come." In the end, she came, but she too dotes on all her other grandchildren and ignores our children as well.

    My parents more than make up for my MILs short comings. So I too say be the very best MIL you can be to your son in law and your "new" grandchildren. They will appreciate you very much!

    Have a great time at the wedding and congrats on the weight loss!

  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Thank you all for your feedback and comments, I DID feel better just writing it down, and thought that as its a Wedding, and my baby girls Wedding at that, I might be over reacting, I tried to explain to my Husband, he has posted on this thread by the way, and he didn't undestand what I was getting at when I said that the important thing to me was the lack of an outfit even BEFORE this health issue arose, as for me, buying the outfit was really the only thing I had to do for ME, the other things I am doing is for the Wedding and for my Daughter and Son in Law to give them a lovely day on a small budget, to make it personal and also part of our gift to them. I felt that the lack of the outfit was significant, as a Woman, it seemed odd to me that she had not got one, and then this health thing happened, and I do think she HAS got something wrong, I don't think she is making it up bless her, I just feel that it seems to be not a good enough reason to not attend her only boys Wedding. But I am going, I am so thrilled to be part of it, that maybe I can't see how anyone wouldn't be. I would NEVER say anything about this to my SIL as he is such a sweetie, and bless him has made my girl so happy I can't find a fault with him. I will be proud as punch to have him as my new Son and the new Grandbabies are just little blessings, they really are.

    I just hope that in the end come the day, that she decides that she wants to attend, and shares the day with her boy.

    My other daughter just arrived home, she is a Nurse, and has been working a shift in A&E (ER) where today she held the hand of a lady as she died, this puts it all into perspective really.

    Bless you all for your thoughts and the kind words, I am happy and excited for my Daughter, my SIL2B and my soon to be grandbabies. It will be a joy filled day no matter what xXx
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    My sister went through almost the same thing when she got married (no kids at that time though). The in-laws were not happy about the marriage and made things unbearable for my BIL and they even had a mediation with the minister....whose recommendation was for him to move out of his parent's house and move in with my parents a month before the wedding (he stayed in my old bedroom). His parents didn't pay for ANYTHING and even though they came they sat with their backs to the dance floor when they had their first dance. My parents were completely supportive and they realized they had to deal with it.

    The story continues and I want to add it as a word of caution to you as you are being completely supportive of your daughter and soon to be SIL. My parents were totally supportive but after a while decided they wanted to try to rebuild the relationship with his parents because they knew they would have kids some day. My parents were completely UNSUPPORTIVE of this and told them they should cut his family out of their lives. They didn't want them visiting his family when they came into town and as their relationship got better they got meaner about his family.....making comments, putting them down, writing on the calendar how much time was spent with each family, etc. It got worse after the grandkids came and now my parents don't have a relationship with my sister or BIL or the kids. My dad calls the kids "collateral damage" in this situation. I worked for over 2 years trying to help them repair the relationship and my mom always wanted me to choose her side. I finally had to tell her for my health and sanity that I couldn't talk about it anymore and I wasn't going to be involved or take sides and I was going to have a relationship with both of them.

    They will have to figure out how to handle the situation as they grow their lives together. You just be a support to them no matter what happens!!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    His Mom can't stand that the whole world doesn't revolve around her, I would guess. Better that she not be there and try to take the focus off the Bride and Groom!!! Have a wonderful wedding and enjoy yourself!!!!!!
  • ajalcazar
    ajalcazar Posts: 76 Member
    Damn Skippy! Hell even if I am dead, exhume my body so I can be there at my kids' weddings. That is actually why I started MFP in the first place...so i CAN be there.