Ex diet soda drinkers...



  • splashangel
    splashangel Posts: 494 Member
    I drank coke with splenda for the bulk of my journey. I loved them. They helped me alot. I stopped when I was ready. I know they are not good for you. But they just could not have been as bad for me as what I had been doing to my self. As far as weight loss. Nothing has changed for me. I havn't noticed being more or less hungry. I haven't had one in over three monthes now. I don't miss them at all. But for about 10 monthes I don't think I could have made it without them. Good luck to you.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    Anybody that used to drink diet soda at the begining of their weight loss journey, and then stopped completely at some point during their journey, did you notice any difference in the amount of weight you would lose at any given time?

    I keep hearing all the reasons diet soda is bad, it tricks your body, it make you want to make up those calories in other ways, artificial sweeteners cause cancer....etc.

    I'm just wondering, since I still drink my 1-2 cans of diet soda (diet pepsi, diet a&w root beer, diet rite, etc) per day.......and am almost always under my calorie goal, do you think that it would really change my weight loss it I were to cut out those 1-2 cans a day and still keep with my calorie counting...? I can do it......but it's one of my 'addictions' and I've given up so many others, I don't know if I'm ready yet...... I guess I'm looking for somebody to give me the benefits of cutting it out all together.

    Sorry for all of the rambling....be glad you aren't standing here in person and me asking you the same thing.....I have a strange way of confusing people with the simplest of questions LOL

    The only benefit fir me is fewer digestive issues; considerably less gas & bloating.
  • R_is_for_Rachel
    R_is_for_Rachel Posts: 381 Member
    don;t forget though about the high acid content of fizzy drinks which knackers your tooth enamel!
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    Soda, diet or not, has a lot of sodium, which retains water as well.

    No, it doesn't. This 20 oz bottle I am drinking has 70 mg.

    if you throw back several a day and pair it with a salty meal, it adds up. Sodium also exacerbates thirst

    Not to be rude, but what's your point? I don't throw back several a day and the salty meal would still be salty regardless of the small amount of sodium in the soda I drank with it.

    I love how when people are being rude, they say "not to be rude"
    My point is do what you want, just most people are not aware of what they are doing to themselves. Not necessarily people on here, I am just saying education is a good idea about foods and beverages. I am not trying to diss anyone's choices, I am just saying sodium in diet soda can add up especially when people are not paying attention. Also, I never said that this makes diet soda a "high sodium" food. Sheesh.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    This thread has made my day :smile: I'm totally addicted to diet colas and drink probably 1.5 litres a day if I'm home all day. I'd heard that it stops you losing weight and although I have been steadily losing, I thought maybe I'd lose more if I gave them up. BUT, I'm choosing to believe all you lovely people who have had no adverse effects on weight loss or anything else.. cheers :drinker:
  • slbauer63
    slbauer63 Posts: 92 Member
    Gave up diet soda "cold turkey" about 10 years ago due to severe migraines. The aspartame in the soda was the trigger for them. I really do not miss it. I drink water (at least 10 cups a day) and unsweetened iced tea. Also, once I started reading about what the aspartame can do, I was glad I had stopped. It appears that aspartame is converted to methanol (wood alcohol) produced by the metabolism of the aspartame which is absorbed and quickly converted into formaldehyde. Now your body does get rid of it, but just the thought of it make be glad I no longer ingest it.

    Regarding the retention of water, it is the caffeine which causes this (of course the level of sodium might not help either). Once you drink the caffeine your body expels the water in your body but then it thinks you are becoming dehydrated and will start to hold on to the liquids you put into it. Thus, the retention of water (fluid).
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    I have not noticed a difference. I quit the day I started on here, about 50 days ago. I only drank 1 diet dew a day and on weekends I would have a diet coke with rum when I went out. I just generally feel like I made lots of changes that day to increase my nutrition not just my weight. I make better choices every day now. It was funny cause I grabbed a diet dew to take with me when we went on a long car ride thinking I would treat myself and I took 2 drinks and did not want it, im serious it did not taste good. I am hoping that in time this is how sweets or salty snacks will be like......
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    change your weight loss maybe/ maybe not, make you healthier yes. I quit all sodas months ago. They do nothing but harm to the body and give nothing to it. from my experience, its not worth the taste people are addicted to. I feel better since I stopped drinking sodas and have seen steady weight loss after giving up all other sugary drinks and stuff . You can loose weight while drinking sodas if that is your main concern.
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    diet soda makes me crave other not so good for me things so while it may not have any calories it makes you crave sugary/carby foods, so in that instance is why myself (and some others might notice a difference)... I only have diet soda once in a blue moon if I am out for a cheat type meal. for instance if I have a slice of pizza I will likely get a diet soda as well cuz for me pop (I'm Canadian lol) and junk go together lol. Now that I rarely drink it, when I think I have a craving for it I will grab a can and then barely drink half because it tastes only like chemicals to me. ick!
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    I quit diet sodas completely mostly because of the ingredients. Aspartame being the ugliest. All kinds of potential health related issues. There's a reason why it's original form (NutraSweet) was pulled from the market.

    I'm also a diabetic, so I have other incentives to cut out the artificial sweeteners as well.

    could you provide links for evidence on what makes aspertame ugly?
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I did not start to lose any weight until I cut out all the Sodas, sweet teas and crystal light. Only water for me now! It has really helped my weight loss!
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    I used to drink 4-5 Diet Cokes a day. I quit the day I decided to get healthy. Not lose weight, get healthy. There is nothing healthy about pop. I never looked back. People drink it around me from time to time and I have not probelm with it. I never thought that I could do it. I sleep better (more deeply) and the pain in my muscles is now from hard cardio and strength training not form Aspertame in my system. I will never drink it again and I won't miss it. My daughters both quit drinking it 6 and 7 years ago and are much happier that they stopped.
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    I used to drink a 2 liter or more a day of diet caffiene free pepsi.. I am down to maybe 2 glasses a day.. I have noticed it has helped with my hunger.. I drink a little in the am & then switch to water for the whole day (drink about 6-8 cups) & then have a glass of my diet pepsi in the evening.. I won't ever give it up completely.. I like the taste & since no calories & I drink in moderation I am fine with that.. I guess its whatever works for every individual person.. Good luck everyone with your journey's..
  • Eranajb
    Eranajb Posts: 36 Member
    This has been an interesting thread to read. I switched to diet soda thinking it was a better choice ...I love cola. Just the sound of the bottle opening makes my mouth water. but then I found that my asthma was out of control. I already watch what additives my kids eat, esp msg and preservatives. what I didnt know was that preservatives set off my asthma and combined with artificial sweetners ( any) and I could hardly breathe!

    I also notoced a significant mood swing after drinking cola, any - very irritable and grumpy.

    I figure through my own experience I was reacting to sugar overload.

    I rarely have any soda now. If i do it would be full sugar variety, but only Schweppes lemonade is preservative free.

    In NZ and aussie there is an interesting book
    - fed up with food additives- which shows what effect additives and preservatives can have. Not everyone reacts, but it sure is interesting reading. There is a website too, I think it is Fedup.com
  • jody0726
    jody0726 Posts: 34 Member
    I got serious and began a life change 4 weeks ago. A few days before that I had cut out all soda. I didn't ever drink diet, but I did drink roughly 64 ounces of regular pop a day. At first, I used "Mio" (a flavoring sold that can be added to water) to help get the water down. I HATED the taste of WATER. However, I also began exercising around the same time so I was thirsty as well. Now, it's been roughly a month and I'm down 18 pounds and I actually enjoy drinking water.

    Have I lost because of soda pop's empty calories? Or because of the exercise? Or because I'm tracking calories?

    Yes. =)

    I'm sure everyone's body is different, especially in reference to drinking soda pop.
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I few years ago I found myself dring 2 or 3 32 ounce cups of diet pop each and every day. Like you I had heard random theroies about diet pop causing weight gain, fooling your body into releasing insulin, bloat, and people dixolving nails in diet cola, and what it might be doing to me. I decided to give up diet pop for lent (6 or 7 weeks). I'm not particularly religious, but used the opportunity for my own well being and as a test. I substituted milk, water, lemonade (real sugar), iced tea (straight - no sweetener or sugar).

    I did NOT lose OR gain weight as a result of eliminating diet pop from my diet.

    I did notice other changes. I no longer needed 3 refills on my drink in restaurants. I didn't have to make as many trips to the restroom. I wasn't thirsty all the time, in other words, I was better hydrated even though I drank less fluid.

    I do drink diet pop now, but I have never returned to the huge amount I drank before. One is enough. Tea, water, milk, juice and even coffee have been shown to have beneficial effects, when taken moderately. I have never seen an article about the healthy benefits of diet pop. The only thing diet pop has going for it is no calories.
  • doublezizzle
    doublezizzle Posts: 42 Member
    Ugh. I feel your pain. I am a recovering Diet Coke addict. You think bc it has zero calories it's good for you. Not. I don't think there's anything wrong with indulging with a soda now and then, but it's not something that should be part of your daily diet.

    I don't know if I can attribute my weight loss to cutting out diet soda by itself. But i'll tell you one thing - it makes you drink a hell of a lot more water. Which does improve weight loss, makes your skin look better, and doesn't erode your tooth enamel.

    There have been quite a few studies that attribute belly fat with aspartame and overall weight gain over time:

    Just because something is zero calories doesn't mean it's good for you. Just try and see how long you can go without a soda. You might surprise yourself! :)
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Soda, diet or not, has a lot of sodium, which retains water as well.

    No, it doesn't. This 20 oz bottle I am drinking has 70 mg.

    if you throw back several a day and pair it with a salty meal, it adds up. Sodium also exacerbates thirst

    Not to be rude, but what's your point? I don't throw back several a day and the salty meal would still be salty regardless of the small amount of sodium in the soda I drank with it.

    I love how when people are being rude, they say "not to be rude"
    My point is do what you want, just most people are not aware of what they are doing to themselves. Not necessarily people on here, I am just saying education is a good idea about foods and beverages. I am not trying to diss anyone's choices, I am just saying sodium in diet soda can add up especially when people are not paying attention. Also, I never said that this makes diet soda a "high sodium" food. Sheesh.

    I wasn't being rude. I genuinely wanted to figure out what you were trying to say. But since YOU were rude, allow me to spell it out for you. You made no sense.
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    I used to be a diet drinkaholic. I still have one or two a month, but now its mostly water all the time! I sometimes have an iced cold vitamin water zero for a sweet treat. Water helps to lose. Like I drink 200 ounces (or more :blushing: ) a day!
  • Luckldy31
    Luckldy31 Posts: 34 Member
    I went from 3 or 4 cans a day to 0... and I've actually gained weight... I drink water...like 100oz per day... and am still gaining... very annoyed by this... because I would understand if I went from drinking a 0 cal drink to like juice or milk that has like 100 cals per serving...but I went to water... Maybe my body is protesting because it wants the DC back... not sure, but since I am already past the headache stage, I'm not going to ever go back to diet coke! It was totally a one-sided relationship!