What is your biggest pet peeve at the gym



  • I try not to judge how fast a person is going or how much weight they are lifting...even if they are 110# they could be rehabbing from an injury, surgery or just sedentary for too long....I have heard our trainers tell people, "Now I don;t want you going any faster than ____ for now."
  • People who talk on the phone while on the machines when there are signs posted clearly everywhere to only use your phone in the lobby..

    and almost everything everyone else has posted lol
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    When people get on the machine right next to you even though there is an entire row of machines available. I also hate it when people wear a ton of cologne/perfume and/or no deodorant.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    So at the gym i go to there is a circuit training room and the idea of the room is to start at one machine and do everything until you get to the last one. The machines are numbered 1-20 and one day i was the only person in the room and i was on machine 5 when a mother and her daughter came in and started doing it also, now this did not bother me...until they started going backwards and doing all the machines out of order making it so i had to skip some and go to the next. The nice person that i am did not say anything but i was really frustrated with it......
    Ok so that was my rant for the day..what is your biggest pet peeve at the gym?

    OMG! You must go to Planet Fitness as well! This kills me when idiots don't follow the rules. Just the other day there was only 4 of us in the 30 minute express room & I had trouble with ALL 3! Finally I said something to the 3rd guy & he got mad & walked out. I've ignored this for far too long and will not any longer. Going to the staff does not help. If you don't follow the circuit as intended, YOU'RE GONNA CATCH AN EAR FULL FROM ME!:angry::mad: :explode: :grumble:
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    When people get on the machine right next to you even though there is an entire row of machines available. I also hate it when people wear a ton of cologne/perfume and/or no deodorant.

    This too! Must be 20 treadmills with only 5 in use, and you choose to climb up next to me? Prepare to get sweat slung in your direction!:laugh:
  • people not cleaning up their nasty sweat...dripping on the machine...ewww smh
  • mester09
    mester09 Posts: 46 Member
    People who don't clean the machine when they're done.
    People who spend forever on the machines when its crowded and all the signs say no more than 20 min if there is a wait
    People who just sit on machines doing maybe one rep here and there.
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,578 Member
    So at the gym i go to there is a circuit training room and the idea of the room is to start at one machine and do everything until you get to the last one. The machines are numbered 1-20 and one day i was the only person in the room and i was on machine 5 when a mother and her daughter came in and started doing it also, now this did not bother me...until they started going backwards and doing all the machines out of order making it so i had to skip some and go to the next. The nice person that i am did not say anything but i was really frustrated with it......
    Ok so that was my rant for the day..what is your biggest pet peeve at the gym?
    That irritates me in the circuit room as well..people are are mad random and do just the strength and no cardio....
  • Omg yes i go to planet fitness and honestly alot of things they do there irritate me, first off the lunk alarm, im a girl and they still sound the alarm, sorry im lifting heavier weights and they make alittle noise when i put them down. They dont have a scale because they said that its a judgment free zone, i dont see how people would judge you if its in the locker room, id like to see my results. They drive me insane!
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    The fact that my gym isn't open 24/7 :'(
  • sassyshell
    sassyshell Posts: 54 Member
    The ladies with perfect hair/makeup/designer workout clothing who stand and talk and never break into a sweat while I look like I've been dragged through a bush backwards.

    lol...I know, are you working out or looking for a man!
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    the guy on the treadmill behind the row of bikes, sweating so badly his sweat flies all over the row of people on the bikes in front. Super gross.. getting the willies thinking of it now.
  • blahblah123314
    blahblah123314 Posts: 39 Member
    Ppl who pass gas OMG lol

    Hahaha I was running on treadmill and a woman on the treadmill in front of me kept picking her wedgie and then farted! Then she had the nerve to keep looking back at me! Just...EW. Hate when people sweat all over the machines and don't even wipe them though.
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    People watching you as you walk into the gym.
  • sergetns73
    sergetns73 Posts: 172 Member
    people who fart or stink even before they start their workout
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    Haha! I agree the women walking on the treadmill is strange (just walk outside) but more so the makeup and hair.
    What's wrong with walking on the treadmill? I walk on the treadmill 3 days a week - Why the heck would I go and do a walk outside in the searing heat when I'm already at the gym?

    Walking at 2mph is another story...
  • sassyshell
    sassyshell Posts: 54 Member
    OMG this guy "pops" his gum the entire time he works out! I have earphones on and can still hear him. The other guy who sings while he works out and gets to certain parts of the song and yells. The lady who gets on the machine next to you and sees you have earphones on and are hard at work and wants to talk! Do you see why I do some home workouts and love working outside; come on spring! lol
  • jforferris01
    jforferris01 Posts: 71 Member
    Eye contact....At my gym u must not may eye contact or all the scums come around u and make believe their exercising...hoping u take your ear phones off...I keep those puppies on even if Im not listening to music. Not to mention if you go an hour before they close...it is like last call at a bar. Hello people where all here to exercise. This is not a dating club...Its an exercising club.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    The people that stop to watch you on a machine to learn it and then wait for your entire session to try it right after. For multiple machines. And not the circuit training.

    Admission time: I'm partially guilty of the makeup thing. There are times when I get out of class and head right for the gym during the gym-rush hours, and the last thing I want to do is risk having all the machines fill up while I locker my stuff, take off my jewelry, wipe off my makeup and tie up my hair. I'll locker and and head to a machine with makeup on and tie my hair back while in motion to make sure I'm not waiting 20 minutes on a floor mat for something to open up.

    My own makeup peeve goes to the girls that go in the pool with fresh mascara. Day old mascara might streak after some rubbing in the pool, but fresh streaks and runs almost immediately. Not fooling anyone, girls. Don't apply and dive!
  • Teenage girls who show up after school to sit on the equipment and talk and laugh with their friends. Most of the time they do not use the equipment at all, then when they get bored with that they go get candy bars and chips from the vending machine and stand in front of the locker room and talk (right in the way). This happened again today, sorry for the rant.