Let me introduce myself ... Day 1 and 40 pounds to go

I am hoping to lose 40 pounds by August. I intend to do it the healthy way, no short cuts for me, just eating right and increasing my amount of exercise.

I want to be surrounded by likeminded people who will be supportive and positive people who are in the same boat.

All the best!



  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    I've got the same goal Renewme! Let's kick some butt!
  • Hi there. I'm new today too. I've just joined SW and am running again and trying to get rid of this excess. Add me if you wish : )
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    I also want to lose 40 by August (if not before). Or 40 by 4 as I have started to call it, because my daughter will be 4 in August and thats about the age my husband and I agreed we'd try for another. I don't want to gain 50lbs (what i gain with my first) on top of what I already have!
  • nomo_excuses
    nomo_excuses Posts: 15 Member
    Me too!! I'm starting to run (again) and focusing on "eating clean." 40 by August is a great goal! Add me if you'd like! :happy:
  • irisheyes226
    irisheyes226 Posts: 27 Member
    I would love to lose 20 by May and 40 by August as well!
  • ___craig__
    ___craig__ Posts: 1 Member
    Hey, well I am really proud of myself. I lost 5 lbs in one week! I have put myself on a 1200 calorie a day diet and I do 90 minutes of exercise at a moderate pace at the gym. I do 60 minutes at 3.5mph on the treadmill and then I go on the exercise bike for 30 minutes. It is really working well so far. I have really dropped the weight. I weighed myself today and I lost 5 lbs since a week ago when I last weighed in. Best of luck.. this site is gold.. it will keep you on track.
  • kp1439
    kp1439 Posts: 343 Member
    you are in right place and you will do good .... u can get help here