Eating once per day



  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Yes i do think this is sustainable for life because it is what my body naturally wants. It was only forcing the 5-6 meals a day that got me constantly craving food and gaining weight, as i explained earlier in the thread.

    Imo if youre hungry through the fast like someone saud their friends are, then youre doing it wrong. I also dont feel that eating a small breakfast and kunch and then a big dinner is IF but in the end the main thing is doing what works for you and who gives a toss what its 'called'.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    yeah i think its good ....I really think half the time people eat out of habit rather than need, I would rather NOT eat a big night time meal because I would go to bed feeling uncomfortable . a decent meal early in the day then just a very very light evening meal is better for digestion i think, Oh and I DONT believe in the starvation mode thing, Nor do I belive in eating back calories that you have burnt off. I do belive in Quality not Quantity.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ashley67203
    When I was a teenager I was stupid and made a pact with two other girls to stop eating breakfast and lunch. I was also in track so I worked out vigorously 3 hours a day. I lost a lot of weight but ended up giving myself all kinds of health problems, including anemia and "lady health" issues. I got to the point where I was too tired to eat and just slept the entire time I wasn't at school. It was ugly but I wore a size 3.

    I did it again college but to save money instead of to lose weight. I stayed thin (size 6) but I attribute that more to all of the walking across campus and less to the eating only once a day. I wasn't really eating less, just eating all my calories all at once during the free dinner at my mom's house.

    Now, if I end up only eating one meal it's because I'm too busy to eat. It always makes me feel sick like I need to throw up.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    I've been doing this unintentionally. I will not eat anything until about 2 in the afternoon, then I just don't really stop eating until I run outta calories or go to bed, whichever comes first. If I don't eat anything in the morning, I don't get hungry until much later. I had tried eating a breakfast each morning, but found I was hungrier during the day. It's like once I open the "food gates" I can't get them closed until I go to sleep. lol
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I tried this once for a few weeks and ended up getting really sick, so just be careful! There's no reason to do this

    You were doing it wrong.

    The IF method that I use (there are several) is Eat Stop Eat. In this method, I fast for 2 x 24 hour periods a week. In those periods I do not consume any food, just black coffee and water. I do this from 7pm one night to the next, so I really never go a day without eating a meal.

    There are a couple of reasons I take this approach:

    - it creates a caloric deficit.. if I fast for two days a week then I create a deficit of about 3000-3500 calories a week (which is a half kilogram loss each week)
    - it means I can stress less about dieting the other days of the week. I can eat to maintenance and still lose half a kilo a week (I can go out and eat chips and drink beer if I feel like it and not worry about it so much)
    - taking a break from eating actually feels good and helps me feel more focused and relaxed, I do not get hungry for the most part because I have adapted to it.

    There are also increased benefits to fast for weight loss in terms of losing body fat. Being in a fasted state increases growth hormone (helps burn fat preserve muscle mass), increases adrenaline (also helps burn bodyfat). Fasting gives you energy because you're not wasting energy digesting food. Eating actually slows down the body, through the parasympathetic nervous system. Essentially, this means you have a higher metabolic rate throughout the day when you are in a fasted state.

    There are also studies that show increased health benefits to fasting (including possible longer life span in general). I suggest you look into them before saying that fasting is bad for you.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I've been doing this unintentionally. I will not eat anything until about 2 in the afternoon, then I just don't really stop eating until I run outta calories or go to bed, whichever comes first. If I don't eat anything in the morning, I don't get hungry until much later. I had tried eating a breakfast each morning, but found I was hungrier during the day. It's like once I open the "food gates" I can't get them closed until I go to sleep. lol

    This is how I am.. I feel like the more I eat the more I want to eat. I like to fast to take a break from eating as well, digesting food all the time can make me feel a bit lethargic.
    I didn't realize there was a name for what i did!.. intriguing!.. and if it is called Intermittent Fasting, i have to admit that i do feel better getting a nice healthy meal later in the day.. i've never been a breakfast eater and it was hard doing it after i initially started dieting a few years ago... now i feel i'm going to eat when i'm hungry.. i have coffee in the AM, a Slimfast shake for lunch, a snack between and a really yummy healthy meal for dinner... its worked... what can i say?

    And this is what bothers me about the whole 'eat 6 meals a day to boost your metabolism' thing. People seem to take this at face value, and think they have to ditch their more natural way of eating (eg. eating only when hungry) and start feeding constantly in order to lose weight. In reality if people are eating only 1 or 2 meals in a day, and still overweight, it's their food choices and quantity they eat at those meal times rather than the frequency at which they eat. I wish all these misconceptions about starvation mode, eating frequently, skipping breakfast etc would go away already :). I literally had one person at work tell me if I didn't eat for TWO HOURS my body would go into starvation mode.
  • sammanchester
    sammanchester Posts: 32 Member
    I found this website but haven't had chance to read through properly yet. Thought it may be of help x
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    This may sound weird to ask, but why do you guys eat all your cals at night? why can't you eat them all in the morning, and not eat at night? Is there some scientific reason behind fasting until night and not fasting through the night?
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I am very interested in hearing from those who fast during the day and only eat at night, or eat most or all of your calories as one larger meal each day. I would like to know real accounts from people who eat this way, including why you do it, benefits vs. costs of this eating style, what your meals look like, effects on your weight/muscle mass, etc.

    Now to sit back and wade through all of the "Don't do this, because you'll be fat and die" comments to get to the answers I am looking for.... Thanks in advance! :flowerforyou:

    Dont do this because you'll be fat and die..... oh wait

    ummm sorry I got nothing
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    This may sound weird to ask, but why do you guys eat all your cals at night? why can't you eat them all in the morning, and not eat at night? Is there some scientific reason behind fasting until night and not fasting through the night?

    Personally this is my preference, I prefer to eat at night because I like having a meal with my partner after work. I find if I am busy during the day with work I do not think about eating or need to eat anyway, this just works for me.

    I don't think there is a scientific reason for doing it this way, but late night eating is no different to eating in the morning in terms of weight loss/gain
  • TurnLeftNow
    I prefer to eat the majority of my calories later on in the night. I am a night time eater/snacker so I figured I might as well adjust my calories accordingly instead of setting myself up to binge later on in the night when nothing is going on.

    I eat most of my calories late night and so far I have lost weight successfully. I am a firm believer in the saying that it doesn't matter when you eat your calories during the day, just that you stay within your calorie limits. I am not going to gain weight because I am eating a 900 calorie dinner and then a 300 calorie dessert or something.

    I don't have any real advice to add, other than I eat a couple bigger meals and I go long periods without eating during the day and it works for me. I think you should do whatever is best for your body. it's all about listening to your body. If you need to eat multiple times through out the day, then do it... if you don't, then don't do it. Everyone is different.
  • maryjay51
    when i was going through my eating once a day habits, i was fat ... i eat six times a day now and im in way better shape and not fatty looking any more
  • amiles21693
    I used to work the overnight shift at fedex, and Im also a full time college student. I would wake up around 3pm on days I didnt have school, eat a small lunch/breakfast (Banana, bowl of Special K, maybe a snack to make it to dinner) then before I would go to work I would eat a large dinner just to make it through the shift. I now work as a cook at a country club so my breakfast is the same from lack of time, but I actually eat lunch. But pass out before dinner. So, I fast somewhat, but its more of an unintentional, I have no time deal. However, it has not hindered my weight loss. I just have to be careful at work because there are a LOT of temptations.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    when i was going through my eating once a day habits, i was fat ... i eat six times a day now and im in way better shape and not fatty looking any more

    Have you changed other habits though, like what types of food you're eating, the quantity that you're eating? Eating 6 times a day or once or twice doesn't matter, it's calories in vs calories out and macronutrient breakdown that counts
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    The thinnest I have ever been in my adult life was reached by eating only one meal a day. For me it was lunch, and I wasn't doing it intentionally. I was working full-time during the day and going to grad school full time at night. I'm not saying it's the healthiest way to live, and I can't do it now that I'm older and not as on the go. But I can say from 2 years of experience with it, that it won't make you fat or dead.

    When you only ate one meal a day did you have anything else other than water the rest of the day? Like small snacks or like a protein shake (Slim fast or special K)? And did you eat healthy and clean on your one meal a day?

    I kept Cliff bars in my car, so if I got really hungry I could have a night-time snack. I used to be in class until 10PM, and often didn't get home until close to midnight. But normally I just had coffee. Lots of coffee!

    Also, I'm not advocating doing this. I was just pointing out that it won't make you fat of dead. I was in my late 20s at the time. I'm 40 now, and there's no way I could live on one meal a day.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Knocking on single digit body fat thanks to fasting
    and somehow I get stronger weekly

    Not quite single digit bodyfat, but i did manage to deadlift 750lbs last week. Fasting makes you weak i guess.

    Y u are not in my network is beyond me! YOUR A GOSH DARN BEAST BROOOOOOOOOOO
    750!! I am trying to go from maybe 365 max to 405 in 8 weeks. Deadlifts are my weakness. doing sets of 5 reps with 335 starting tomorrow and every other week Iwill go up 2o lbs
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    I tried having my window at night but I did not sleep well eating my calories over 8 hours then going to bed with 1700 calories in more or more!

    I usually have my 8 hour window from my first bite then put on timer then eat until its over. I usually eat every 2-3 hours within this window too!
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    The more I eat the more I want and the fatter I get period. Food stimulates hunger in me so controlling my calories within a window helps!
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    Have you changed other habits though, like what types of food you're eating, the quantity that you're eating? Eating 6 times a day or once or twice doesn't matter, it's calories in vs calories out and macronutrient breakdown that counts

    BINGO!!! I love this!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,230 Member
    This may sound weird to ask, but why do you guys eat all your cals at night? why can't you eat them all in the morning, and not eat at night? Is there some scientific reason behind fasting until night and not fasting through the night?

    A big part is personal preference. I personally can't sleep when I am hungry. The other part is it makes a fairly big part of the fast happen while asleep when we all fast anyway. Thus 8 or so hours of my 16 hour fast is while I am asleep, so there is no temptation to eat. At its core it really has to do with personal preference though.