Gym or Home?



  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    Here is a link that might help

    My first 80lbs were used up in the kitchen, with very minimal exercise, I have since started to increase it but still pretty much at home.
  • timadotcom
    timadotcom Posts: 653 Member
    I LOVE the gym. I know if I go to the gym i'm there to burn cals and that's it. I do not have a anyone to distract me or anything for that matter. I have tried working out at home, I even bought a treadmill, but I get bored really quickly and I always manage find something else 'to do' when am at home. My gym membership is $30/month, has a pool, hot tub, squash courts, basketball court, spinning classes, daycare, and is always super clean!
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member
    I am on a cheapie family plan thing @ the YMCA. I pay 30$ a month. Has all the basics, machines, weights. Plus has a 2 big pools, basketball, tennis, raquetball courts, bunch of classes like Yoga, Zumba which I do every week, boot camp, spin class, etc. etc. and a indoor track. I've never worked out at home. I'm either at the YMCA or just outside.

    I do the same thing! Love the classes and pay sooo little a month for a combo of everything! I don't care what the other people there think about me! I'm there for me!! (Plus my home is too small to be jumping around and such.)
  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    First, and far more importantly, I agree with others that the biggest issue is what you eat.

    When it comes to exercise, it does boil down to personal preference (I like to say when asked what the best exercise is, that the answer is "whatever you like enough to do regularly!"). Some like the variety of equipment at gyms, some like participating in group classes for either the social or structural aspect, etc. Some like to exercise at home due to the increased flexibility in scheduling, lower cost, what have you.

    I have access to a *wonderful* gym "free" (it is part of my HOA fee), but I only use it for the pool -- and that rarely (unfortunately). I just prefer to workout at home at my convenience. Also, my biggest exercise (in terms of time commitment) is cycling.
  • I lost 80+ lbs before setting foot in a gym. It most definitely can be done!!!
  • 80% of your weight loss comes from your diet. 20% comes from exercise. That being said, I subtract 500 cal/day from my BMR and try to meticulously count my calories. That accounts for one pound of weight loss a week. I also try to exercise away 500 cal/day for an additional pound. I increase my protein calories over carbs for muscle maintenance to compensate.

    I enjoy my workouts. My goal is to not only enter the last 30 years of my life lean but also "mean" so to speak. I do not want to be some 90 year old thin emaciated guy pushing a walker around but someone who picks up the walker and throws it across the parking lot.

    I do not use a gym however. I have a TotalGym and an elliptical machine in my man cave. I had a gym membership for 6 months at one time and went for one visit. It never worked for me but I hit the man cave every day.
  • MJTJ
    MJTJ Posts: 20 Member
    Last Sept I started trying to loose weight. Joined a slimming club and learnt to jog using a couch to 5k app on my iPhone ( did the 9 weeks that needs). Now got to the gym 6 days a week as soon as it opens - sets me up for the day. Since the last week in September I have lost 36.5lbs - only about 130 tor so (I think) to go lol.
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
    Im way too broke to afford paying to work out. So i guess home wins.
  • AS you can tell it comes down to preference. Im new to the site but not with exercising. I have young children and a wife who wants to keep me busy around the house(no offense ladies). In order for me to lose weight I have to get away from the home. When I'm home I always feel I have to be doing something there instead of for myself. I hope whatever you decide its right for YOU. Good Luck!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Home....I run, started with C25K app and am now onto the B210K app. I also have 3 of Jillian Michael's DVDs. Yoga Meltdown, 30Day Shred and 6 week 6 pack abs.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Home for me every time. I work full time and have 3 dogs so I can't go to the gyms near work, and I don't drive so getting to the nearest gym from home would take almost an hour - home wins!! I've used a combination of Wii Fit, Wii games, Tae Bo dvds, and of course walking the pooches until we're all pooped.

    For me, spend the first month's membership on a Tae Bo dvd and then the rest on good healthy food :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • I use Shakeology .I've dropped about 20 pounds using team beachbody workout programs and drinking shakeology for, I do the majority of my "fitness" at home..... by the way, myfitnesspal is awesome....
  • BlackStarlight
    BlackStarlight Posts: 554 Member
    Its a mixture for me to be honest. The biggest thing is the mind set you have to want to make these changes. You have to really want it. But I do both I use my Wii a mixture of Just DAnce, Zumba and Wii Fit and I go to the gym for cardio and swimming and that works for me but I guess in the end its a real personal preference xx
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    I've been here since last June (well, regularly since last June - I signed up a year before that...). As others have said, it's mostly what you eat that will help you lose weight. That being said, I'm short and the only way I can lose weight and not need to eat like a bird is by working out. I'm more of a gym person because I usually work from home, so I find getting out of the house to go work out much more beneficial for me. I do have workout dvd's and hand weights at home for those days when I'm pressed for time and working out at home is more efficient.

    The trick for me has been to switch things up every couple of weeks. Some weeks I'll only go to the gym, other weeks I'll work out at home more, and other weeks I'll go to the classes at my gym or utilize a yoga studio. If you tend to get bored quickly (as I do), you might want to look into introductory offers at gyms or studios in your area. This is also beneficial if you're on a budget. Some gyms have introductory rates for a week or month that allow you to try them out (a friend of mine last summer spent 2 months trying out various gyms for free in New York by using introductory offers).
  • i did everything at home when I lost a lot of weight. once i lost the weight is when i started going to the gym. i still prefer at-home workouts but i try and go to the gym at least once a week but only to see a personal trainer or when it is too cold/wet to run outside.
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I do Leslie Sansone walking dvds at home
  • Home, since it's a life style change and I'm not going to go to the gym for the rest of my life, I pick free things to do. Plus, healthier food cost way more money so spend your money at the store and not the gym.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I've lost almost 50 lbs and have done a bit of both. For the last year, I haven't lived close to a gym so I've been at home since I knew I did not have the time or gas money to drive 30 minutes each way to the nearest gym. I ran at home and did workout videos and lost more weight and am close to my goal weight.

    There are advantages to both. I would like to join a gym again soon to start serious weight training to get my ideal body. But working out at home:

    Is cheap
    Nowhere to drive
    No clothes to change- I wake up, eat breakfast, work out in whatever I want (my underwear more often than not- less laundry to do!), then shower. Saves a lot of time over bringing different outfits and shoes, showering at the gym, etc.
    No people to watch- I mostly do circuit training and it gets a bit silly looking at times.

    In the past I've done at home workouts from SHAPE. Usually all you need is some dumbbells and maybe a resistance band and/or ball. And Jillian Michael's workouts only need the DVD and dumbbells.
  • I go to the gym. I'm a stay at home mother, and I like that one hour a day that is just for me. I use it to destress, decompress and take care of ME. Which, in turn, makes me a better mother, I think!

    I do have some work out stuff at home - medicine ball, weights, yoga ball - and if I can't make it to the gym, I've been known to do a 30 min work out videos. I own a Yoga video, and that's alright - but if I'm skipping the gym, I want something more intense that's going to make me sweat. I love the Enviga Workouts you can find -for free- on you tube. Most of them require only your body.

    But yes, gym is definitely my preference. I lost 14lbs in 60 days not watching what I eat at all, just working out. Then for the past 6 weeks I've been on here, watching what I eat in junction with working out - and I've lost 22lbs total, so far!
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am on a cheapie family plan thing @ the YMCA. I pay 30$ a month. Has all the basics, machines, weights. Plus has a 2 big pools, basketball, tennis, raquetball courts, bunch of classes like Yoga, Zumba which I do every week, boot camp, spin class, etc. etc. and a indoor track. I've never worked out at home. I'm either at the YMCA or just outside.

    I do the same thing! Love the classes and pay sooo little a month for a combo of everything! I don't care what the other people there think about me! I'm there for me!! (Plus my home is too small to be jumping around and such.)

    I go to the Y as well. No discount for me but I love the Y using a sliding pay scale, kids programs, senior citizen programs, etc. I love how my gym membership helps others. A worthwhile investment.