Ex Soda drinkers UNITE ! ! !



  • jenncaroon
    My last pop was on Nov.1, 2011. I don't miss it and I drink alot more water. I also gave up juices which are laden with sugar. I do still drink V8 vegetable juice occasionally and have recently begun drinking green tea from the tea bag.
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    Sooo glad I gave it up. I know I was addicted to mountain dew. I have had it everyday for at least ten years! I stopped drinking all caffeine about five months ago. All that I drink is water and it makes me feel so good.
  • ChrisGoldn
    ChrisGoldn Posts: 473 Member
    2 Years ago, i would and could easily consume a 2 liter if not more of Coca Cola Daily!! I came to realize i needed to make changes one day stepping on the scale and being quite abit over weight. From reading how soda is "empty calories" and not good for you. This was my first choice to make a change in m life. With walking and no soda, i quickly dropped 50 lbs(in about 3 months) Few Months ago i found myself falling into that rut again drinking considerably less then i used to but started as one here and there to 2 a day. Regained about 25 lbs back. Been 6 months again with 0 soda and with exercising i'm back to heading in the right direction with my weight loss. 30 lbs lighter with about 35 lbs more to go.

    I'd say i dont miss soda anymore. but i did have wicked headaches and withdrawals from the cold turkey quitting.
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    The biggest difference I notice I not having to spend about $25 a month drinking it. I actually attribute some of my weight loss to getting rid of all of the artificial sweetener crap in diet Pepsi.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    I gave it up about a month ago. I had headaches for a couple of days which i thought was odd because i still drinking coffee and getting the caffeine from that. I figured it was some other chemical in it i was addicted to. I drank a ton a day though.

    I feel a lot better without it.
  • Anathama
    Anathama Posts: 82 Member
    I used to drink about a 12 pack of diet pepsi a day easy. I quit 6 weeks ago when I started this diet. I also stopped smoking, drinking (mostly) at the same time.

    Now I'm 30 lbs lighter and I'm feeling really good.

    One thing I've noticed is that I feel like I can concentrate better, and my mind is more focused. In the Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr.s' Eades, they write that aspartame is classified as an excitotoxin (sp?) and studies have shown that it can contribute to lack of focus and memory loss.
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    I haven't had anything carbonated in about a year now and feel soooo much better all around! My throat doesn't bother me anymore, the "coke bloat" is gone (yes soda can be very bloating without your realizing it!), and the big one for me was it really cut out a lot of the heartburn I was having! I took a sip of a rum and coke a while back and it tasted like drinking syrup and burned bad! I don't regret cutting it out at all!
  • Thad81
    Thad81 Posts: 138 Member
    I used to drink at least a six pack a day up to a twelve pack a day of soda, if I had them in the house, otherwise I always had a liter of something or a fountain drink. I finally gave it up and it was one of the best things I ever did especially for my health. Now if I have a soda not only does it burn my throat and tastes way to sweet it makes my heart race. I never drink soda anymore.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I stopped drinking soda um... maybe in November? I can't remember.

    I don't really notice a difference though lol. I just know it's healthier and helped me lose some pounds. One time I was working as a waitress and I stopped drinking soda and I lost 14 pounds in just a month and a half. That was the only thing I changed. All that walking around all day really helped. But I started drinking soda again and gained it all back.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 485 Member
    Ive recently stopped drinking soda. Ive had maybe 2 or 3 in the last 3 months. And that was only at restaurants. I dont drink it at home at all anymore. I do miss it, but not as much as I thought I would. Im hoping I wont want it all anymore eventually. I lost some weight, sleep better, and my skin is more clear! I also dont feel bloated anymore.
  • laurensmomma09
    laurensmomma09 Posts: 46 Member
    i havent touch it since dec. 28th.
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    I've given up soda several times. I would sometimes drink 2 2L a day. I don't want to drink it ever again. I don't know if 'addicted' is the right word, but I don't feel that I can only drink one every now and then and have that be it. My last soda was on January 15, so just over a month now. At first I substituted black raspberry tea with caffeine which helped with the headaches and crabbiness. Since stepping up my exercise I have a lot more energy and I don't feel that I need all of the caffeine to make it through the day.
  • beankid
    beankid Posts: 91 Member
    Went on a fast where I could have nothing but water.. The day it was lifted I drank a coke. Haven't had a one since the super bowl. Sweet tea is my guilty pleasure but that's my only sugar for the day but I try not to drink too much of it. Felt that I lost a lot during that period of no soda. =)
  • hexrei
    hexrei Posts: 163
    I drink soda, just not the kind with a bunch of artificial flavors. Just carbonated water is what I like. Zero calories.
  • JaclynnGail
    JaclynnGail Posts: 204 Member
    I've taken to having one carbonated water a day...I love the coconut La Croix ones, but sometimes will have just a regular (sodium free) seltzer water. Keeps me on the wagon...haven't had a coke since last summer.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I used to drink about a 12 pack of diet pepsi a day easy. I quit 6 weeks ago when I started this diet. I also stopped smoking, drinking (mostly) at the same time.

    Now I'm 30 lbs lighter and I'm feeling really good.

    One thing I've noticed is that I feel like I can concentrate better, and my mind is more focused. In the Protein Power Lifeplan by Dr.s' Eades, they write that aspartame is classified as an excitotoxin (sp?) and studies have shown that it can contribute to lack of focus and memory loss.

    I just had to reply to this one, that is truly encredable! the fact you quit all those thing at the same times shows you must be tough, way to go sir way to go